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Everything posted by Podengo

  1. I got these ones last week for tracking, they are awesome. Outdoor Research Women's Gripper Glove
  2. I feed frozen too - tried defrosting in the microwave once and almost threw up from the smell :laugh:
  3. Interesting, same here! Have had 4 dobe bitches growing up and loved them all, never really liked the boys that much though - they seem like a totally different breed sometimes!
  4. I agree the standards are the most difficult to work with, I spend quite a bit of time with all 3 sizes, giants are difficult too, but I think they do want to please a bit more than standards which are such obnoxious a-holes LOL (love them really...)
  5. Pointer + Setter: Poinsetter, a traditional Christmas pet. Kerry Blue Terrier + Skye Terrier: Blue Skye: a dog for visionaries. Great Pyrenees + Dachshund: Pyradachs, a puzzling breed. Pekingnese + Lhasa Apso: Peekasso, an abstract dog. Irish Water Spaniel + English Springer Spaniel: Irish Springer, a dog fresh and clean as a whistle. Labrador Retriever + Curly Coated Retriever: Lab Coat Retriever, the choice of research scientists. Newfoundland + Basset Hound: Newfound Asset Hound, a dog for financial advisors. Terrier + Bulldog: Terribull, a dog prone to awful mistakes. Bloodhound + Labrador: Blabador, a dog that barks incessantly. Malamute + Pointer: Moot Point, owned by....oh, well, it doesn't matter anyway. Collie + Malamute: Commute, a dog that travels to work. Deerhound + Terrier: Derriere, a dog that's true to the end. Cocker Spaniel + Rottweiller: Cockrot, the perfect puppy for that philandering ex-husband. Bull Terrier + Shitzu: Bullshitz, a gregarious but unreliable breed. Found on > D-fa Dog Coats
  6. Not sure if anyone has seen this? Online Agility Classes There is a running contacts one, someone I know is doing it - will be able to see how it turns out, then might sign up myself :D
  7. Yeah too much for me, almost NZ$800 for basic course, hoping one of my agility friends will do it and I can steal ideas from them! Have started the basics of 2o2o with Elsie, would prefer running contacts though, but still undecided...
  8. Yeah schnauzers are NOT easy dogs at all.
  9. Elsie is 6 months old, just started competing in rally & obedience (for fun- we're not really very competitive!) I tried to keep a training journal, but I was rubbish at that. I usually feed Elsie regularly, smaller meals before car rides though as she can get car sick. I try to train everyday... Our week day schedule looks somewhat like this... AM - walk 15 mins, lay track, off-lead for 10-30 mins (practice recalls, waits, stays), do track, if we have time do a couple of fresh tracks, walk home. Sometimes do this in the afternoon and have a regular walk with just off-lead play in the morning. During day - trick training/shaping and heel work at home, a few sessions, usually around 15 mins training all up. If we did tracking in AM we'll go for a regular walk. I study so this depends on my daily schedule. PM - Mon & Weds we go to agility club and work on heeling, stays & agility stuff (puppy jump grids, ladderwork, wobbleboards). Weekends - if we have shows on we will go there and practice heel work, if there are no shows I try to get out somewhere to track, or go out for a big off-lead walk.... Sunday is often lazy day (if there are no shows) and we all sleep in until lunchtime. Starting Sunday morning obedience classes soon though! :D
  10. Dogwise has the best range of books IMO. CleanRun often has books on free shipping, not always agility related.
  11. Salukis are on almost everyone's list.. they are sooo pretty <3
  12. Most favourite has gotta be the Doberman - beautiful to look at... sleek, shiny, lean, athletic, muscular, beautiful heads, eyes that see into your soul... awesome personality... velcro cuddley lovebugs, intelligent, fun to train, interesting mix of soft/hard... easy care coat! Least favourite... pekingnese... awful to look at, too much grooming, makes silly noises, don't move very well... I don't look at it and go wow, I look at it and go man that makes me feel depressed. My terrier x border collie is pretty bloody perfect though, best of both parents :D I like high drive, sleek, athletic, enjoys work, versatile, needs lots of exercise sort of dogs... something lazy wouldn't suit me
  13. Dream breeds... I want sighthounds when I have a giant fully fenced farm Saluki Azawakh Ibizan Hound Pharaoh Hound Borzoi
  14. I think I drop my left shoulder a bit when I am going to turn left and Elsie picks up on that... Do it when I look behind me to talk to someone and wonder why my dog pivoted behind me :laugh:
  15. Oooh those unclipped poodles are gorgeous, if I ever wanted a fluffy dog I would so get that!
  16. I like Susan Salo's "Puppy jumping" and "Foundation jumping" DVDs, and Susan Garrett's "success with one jump" DVD for jumping foundation exercises. There are some great youtube videos on rear end awareness "Crate games" DVD by Susan Garrett is good Might add more tomorrow.. bedtime now...
  17. I'm getting sore ribs from laughing at some of the posts. No bears around, if you own an Akita....& Bernice the Mountain Dog. Recently, someone told me their neighbour owns a very unusual dog breed. Me: 'Oh, what's the name of the breed?' Someone: 'Something like a biscuit.' Me: 'Biscuit???????' Much later. Someone: 'It was like a wheatmeal biscuit', that dog.' Me (thinks deeply): " Wheaten Terrier'? Someone: 'Yes! That's it!' Someone in my OB class came one week saying they had been to a dog show to see their breeder and saw the dog with the weirdest and longest name.... T'was the PBGV (too long to even type lol)
  18. Omg i didnt even know they came in 4 colours!!, im only familiar with two, what are the other two? The other two (I'm thinking you've seen the browns?) are blue and isabella which is a fawn colour. The blues have terrible skin problems as a general rule, so not very popular. aaaaa the fawn ones would be awesome!! (maybe) Both fawns and blues can get colour dilution alopecia (CDA) which makes them go bald. There is a genetic test for colour now so most responsible breeders choose not to produce the dilutes... Puppy buyers *think* having a "rare" blue/fawn is awesome... Until it goes bald!
  19. I asked someone in my obedience class what mix their puppy was, it was supposedly about 6 different small breeds, she had some silly "breed" name for it but couldn't remember it, so we called him a mix breed :D I got told off for starving my rottweiler once (it was a Dobe, and not at all starved) Elsie is a mix breed, we get some interesting guesses... Rat terrier (don't think we have them here in NZ?) and Tenterfield terrier... Or heading dog puppy :)
  20. OMG poop in the tunnel! Never seen that one (Elsie you better not get any ideas!!!!). Elsie isn't really competing just yet (had our first trial in the weekend), but I always offer her breakfast before we go out to shows, but she isn't big on eating that early in the morning, she gets up out of her crate and crawls under the blanket on the couch until I drag her lazy bum out into the cold! Once she starts in agility I will make sure she eats something, I just don't think doing a big day of sports on an empty tummy is a good idea, I know I am weak and starving by 11am at a show day if I don't eat breakfast. I will probably feed some pre-made raw as she will eat that quick, and maybe supplement with something? (need to do some research on this sort of stuff first though...)
  21. Always had 2-3 growing up, now just have one and the cat and the rabbit... Even though that 1 is still a naughty puppy I am excited for number 2.... So many years away though :)
  22. We're on our second tailed Dobe and still have not had any issues, she lives on a farm and rough and tumbles like any rural dog... Her tail is always held up and out of the way, not at all a table clearer like the ridgeback X' tail! It's certainly not thin like a greyhound tail either, I've seen greys at work before that have broken the tips of their tails, but I just can't imagine how a Dobe you do that unless you slammed it's whole tail in a car door or something??
  23. The schnauzer I run in agility peed on my leg when I was being mean and taking him away from watching agility because he was barking... Never done it before or since but man was I shocked!
  24. What's a wee saw? We don't have tables any more in NZ agility... I did quite like them, electronic timing sounds like a great idea.
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