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Everything posted by Podengo

  1. Ewww yes. Was at a show which was run in conjunction with a fair type thing, so had lots of seating around the rings for people to watch, but there were also poo bins stationed next to all of these seats! It was a very warm day too bleehhh
  2. Hi-5 the NZ team for me! Have fun and bring us back loads of pictures
  3. Fawn and blue Dobermans (dilutes of red and black) get colour dilution alopecia.
  4. Do blue staffords get colour dilution alopecia or any other skin problems associated with dilution?
  5. Elsie and Elliot Elsie and MurderFace Elsie and the pack at my mum's farm (Libby, Lottie, Elsie, Max)
  6. Love pictures of dogs in the snow! Looks like its somewhere on the beautiful south island of new zealand. Bingo :) In Christchurch
  7. Thanks everyone! @ Kaffy Magee they are good right! Anything you can think of, she will make for you! They aren't too pricey either, quite a bit cheaper than Paco Collars which are the other leather collar place that I love.
  8. This photo should be an advert for hurrta dog coats!
  9. Elsie's new custom made collar from lizard leather.
  10. Hmmm wonder if they would be interested in a rockwheeler or a whineramer instead?
  11. I think I could suit a SWF some days, but something athletic other days. I think I have the best of both worlds with Elsie, little and cute, and SUPER athletic :D
  12. Biggest problem IMO about invisible fences is that they don't stop other animals coming onto your property. On another forum I am on someone's Doberman puppy got mauled by a pitty that came into their garden while the Dobe was out in the garden going to the toilet.
  13. B/f had his foot on some paper I wanted, I said "give" in a sweet voice :laugh:
  14. When I am walking and I swap sides to get past someone or let them past I think to myself what a good blind cross, rear cross of front cross that was......
  15. Thanks for starting the thread, inspired me to go home and edit my photos a bit instead of just throwing them straight online out of the camera haha
  16. I just looove the look of Paco collars. Have a custom leather collar being made by lizard leather at the moment. Collar mania is great too (not leather though...)
  17. Adorable! Let us know how the meeting of mum and gorgeous puppy goes!
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