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Everything posted by Podengo

  1. Very true Amypie, it's the same here in NZ. My agility friends in the USA attend special classes for experienced handlers, wish we had those classes here!
  2. A number of my domestic obedience class have used them with a lot of success - they are great and easy for inexperienced dog owners to use and most dogs are quite happy to wear them (unlike head collars) which makes them such a great tool!
  3. I was quoted $240 to have my dogs hips, knees and elbows Xrayed at my vet (in CHCH, NZ) ETA: that is for sedation & radiographs on a 10kg pup
  4. Oops sorry, see attached!
  5. Though I would have a turn editing out agility gear (thanks for inspiring me!) after getting some pics at a show in the weekend. Attached are the results, the one with the Border x is a bit messy on the side, but not too bothered! Pasted from facebook so excuse the quality!
  6. Oh man greyhound puppies are cuuuute!
  7. These two together = Elsie. All dressed up and late going out for fancy dinner with bf, Elsie is giving me this funny look from behind the baby gate and then burps up soooooooooo much cat poo all over the beige carpet
  8. Oooooh that's what the difference is! I spent ages looking at the photo trying to play spot the difference, thinking it was the exact same photo posted twice by accident :laugh:
  9. Always removing eye boogers from dog photos with cloning!
  10. We got a 4 year old Doberman (breeder rehome) with a history of killing sheep, even though we lived on a farm with sheep. Never had any problems with her, just kept a close eye on her and didn't give her any opportunities to be alone with stock (a caution extended to all dogs living on the farm).
  11. My dog isn't a show dog and isn't coated, but she still goes naked at home :) I just don't like the sound of tags jingling and her collar is quick thick and heavy, she seems to enjoy having it off. She only wears it when we leave the property, or if we have guests over who might accidentally let her out. I've heard that the herm sprenger fur saver check chains don't cut coat, maybe you can make a limited slip collar with those sort of links or something?
  12. Wish this was in NZ would love to go! Love her videos :)
  13. Just mention it to them! I run the introductory agility class at my club, and help out with the next level up and we do have a set way of teaching gear for people who are totally new to agility... We would like to use 2x2 weave to teach weaving but it's a little beyond most people... BUT if someone knows about the method and wants to use it we are very excited to help them out and give full instruction. We will also mention it to people who may be new, but have very driven dogs. The way us trainers train our own dogs is different to how we train *most* people at the club, because *most* people don't want to put in months of foundation. Our 8-week long foundation course has no gear in it apart from tunnels and hurdles with no bars, so people are pretty anxious to get onto some real gear when they go up, and if you are denying people from the "sexy" side of agility, they lose interest pretty quickly. So yeah, mention to your trainers what you have been doing - they should be understanding!!
  14. I sometimes worry that Elsie is getting too much exercise, she is a 9 month old BC x JRT. Monday AM we go to the park where she plays off-lead for about half an hour Monday PM we walk to agility club (half hour walk, I don't drive) and she plays off-lead for awhile, then we work on obedience stuff, and sometimes some puppy jump bumps, ladder work, wobble boards etc. then get a ride home Tuesday we walk half an hour to my friend's house (about half of that is off-lead walking) so I can walk her puppy, and jog with her older dog (Elsie is crated during this), then we walk home the same route. Wednesday is same as Monday Thursday is same as Tuesday Friday we either go with a friend for a forest walk for a few hours, or go to the park and she plays off-lead for an hour or so Saturday is much the same as Friday Sunday we have obedience class, then go for a forest walk. If she needs to get her nails done, or we need to get food for her we walk to the vets (about half hour) and play in all of the parks along the way and on the way back... Since I walk everywhere I like to take Elsie with me, I hope I'm not doing any damage to her, but I would feel so awful leaving her at home and catching the bus places instead... It's just so nice to amble along on a sunny winter morning to places with her! All up she gets around 1.5hrs on-lead walking a week 1.5hrs training 5hrs off-lead doing what she wants Plus we do a bit of training at home, and she plays tug/fetch most evenings in the house with my partner and flatmates.
  15. It was custom made by Lizard Leather. on Facebook!
  16. Elsie 9 weeks 13 weeks 6 months Now at 9 months
  17. Thanks for the comments! I love the tail too, so cute! Tails really suit giants hehe
  18. Thanks! The Giants are Giant Schnauzers :)
  19. Some pictures of Elsie's adventures with her best friends the giants!
  20. All over the internet I have read that Border Collie x Jack Russells make the worst pet ever, are hyperactive, snappy, insane...(Case in point). My one is the sweetest, best behaved dog out, and from what I have seen the other crosses like that are pretty similar, nuts when working I will admit, but loving couch potatoes at home. So please people stop telling me my dog MUST be psychotic! Oh and no, she's not a "borderjack", she is a mutt, and no I don't find that term offensive... Get over it!
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