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Everything posted by Podengo

  1. Exactly that YAY - not patella issues like I was freaking about!!!
  2. One of Elsie's leg muscles seized up before, the muscle in her left thigh went rigid and the leg kind of extended forward a little and I couldn't get her to stretch it back past where her leg normally goes under her. She wasn't in any pain, had a waggy tail while I was freaking out over it. Lasted for about 2 minutes, as soon as I picked up the phone to call the vet it went normal again. It's 7.40am here, she has eaten breakfast but has not been exercised this morning (no fetch or anything), and we didn't go out yesterday since the weather was miserable, but played a bit of tug and did some obedience training. She did go for a big off lead walk on Monday. Have got a vet appointment scheduled for just over an hour away, she seems fine right now sitting on my bed as usual at this time in the morning. Any ideas of what's going on????
  3. Thanks for sharing those showdog :)
  4. Thanks! She is just the best dog ever DOL is helping me be a little less useless with my camera too, so thanks DOL!
  5. Pretty photos but gee, and you think NZ is cold! Was at least 9 degrees when I woke up this morning :p
  6. Double trouble... Raising two puppies at once Raising two puppies at once Leerburg - Raising two puppies at once: why it's a bad idea Problems Associated With Adopting Two Puppies at the Same Time
  7. Out at the park playing ball today and enjoying the sunshine
  8. Haha thanks! A lot of people guess Whippet/BC, but she is a JRT/BC... She looks taller than she is with those looooong legs.
  9. I would like the above ideas, I'm a bit of a newbie when it comes to photography so nothing too difficult would be nice!
  10. My first attempt at a backlit photo (I think it's sort of backlit?)... There's a little bit of a fuzzy glow, but I couldn't get that perfect angle...
  11. I think my Border Collie x Jack Russell could be kept in an apartment quite easily. I have a tiny garden and she only goes outside to toilet, we never use the garden for any type of exercise at all. We just go for lots of off-lead walks and train at clubs most days. We do a lot of training inside as well. I would not keep a large breed here, because my house is tiny and if it sat on the floor there would be no walking space, and if it sat on a couch there wouldn't be enough room for people to sit... But Elsie, despite being an active breed, is a great dog for a little house.
  12. Gorgeous photos! Dora is so sweet and OMG baby cloud
  13. How great is that second picture!! Congrats :)
  14. Awesome! Keep us updated on how it goes :) There really are some great little dogs out there... in NZ little dogs compete against big dogs if there aren't enough dogs competing to "split" a class, and I have seen some very small ones beat Border Collies at the top level of the sport - they certainly are very capable! :D
  15. What a gorgeous fluffy girl :D
  16. Why haven't I gone to training.... Have been going to agility, but not obedience... Have missed like 6 weeks of obedience because of work/weather cancellations/show cancellations and clashes with agility shows... I swear I will go back one day! Nationals are in October and I need to train! Not tomorrow though as we have agility LOL
  17. There is a bichon x here who is an AGGRCH (and jumpers champion now I think) and did very well at the aussie nationals too, so most certainly little dogs can do agility, and do it well!
  18. I think you would be happy with any of the breeds listed, go to a show and meet some adult examples of the breeds :)
  19. My friend has a hyundai i-load turbo van - it's awesome, very quick and zippy and of course has loads of room. Also comfortable to be in for hours of driving to dog shows!
  20. Because well trained dogs don't eat their own vomit or sheep poo :laugh:
  21. OMG Amypie that is adorable! Love her trying to avoid the splashing! :laugh:
  22. 2 out of our 4 Dobes that tried swimming couldn't. One fell off a pier and sank, my dad jumped in and saved her, the other jumped into a pond and sank, was on lead so we dragged her out.
  23. Would "Organically grown crushed Flaxseed" be as good? Looking at this > My link
  24. Elsie is first and foremost a very loved and spoiled pet. One of my biggest goals with her is having a lovely dog that my (formerly) not dog loving partner would fall in love with. Goal achieved! He is madly in love with her We also have many dog sport goals, she is my first serious sporty dog, I have big goals, we'll see how it goes!!! Elsie is also an important part of my job, she comes along to visit aggressive dog cases with me and needs to be cool and calm while doing so - which she is. She is the best dog in the whole world! I think health, fitness and life skills all go hand in hand with the "other achievements" and titles and wins part for me! Sort of embarrassing as I have pretty massive goals for Elsie... But here goes... I want her to be a triple champion (agility, jumpers and working trials), and if we can manage obedience then having an obedience CH title would be nice too! One step at a time though. I would also love for her to achieve well at the National Agility competition when she is ready, well enough to travel over and kick some Aussie ass in 2014 would be nice too ;) It would be nice if my partner (who does USAR) would try his hand at dog handling too, Elsie has got a lot of potential for USAR work and it would be nice to see her doing that too. I'm too lazy to put all the effort into the training myself side of training for USAR at this point in time. Maybe one day! A goal? All of the above, and I want to achieve that in a way that is kind to her and a lot of fun for the both of us.
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