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Everything posted by Podengo

  1. Can't find the actual paper, but the info from it... A Study on Prong Collars was done in Germany: 100 dogs were in the study. 50 used choke and 50 used prong. The dogs were studied for their entire lives. As dogs died, autopsies were performed. Of the 50 which had chokes, 48 had injuries to the neck, trachea, or back. 2 of those were determined to be genetic. The other 46 were caused by trauma. Of the 50 which had prongs, 2 had injuries in the neck area, 1 was determined to be genetic. 1 was caused by trauma. (Information about above study taken from an Anne Marie Silverton Seminar). Wonder who the people in the study were? Perhaps the numbers are an effect of general public using check chains, whereas prong collars seem to be limited to people who are involved in dog training.
  2. Well, you were not using the check chain correctly. Well it was on the right way, so too fine a chain? Too hard a correction on my arm? This is why general public should not be allowed to use them LOL.
  3. Dunno, I tried a check chain on my arm and it hurt lots, caught my skin and left bruises all the way around Does anyone have a link to that paper that outlines permanent neck damage caused by check/prong collars? Going by that, prong collars are much safer to use.
  4. *looks for other DD* Me? I've always had this username on this forum :p I was refering to the OP. :laugh: :laugh: ok good LOL. Was desperately trying to think of where I may have "known" you from... Hmmm not Doberman forum.........
  5. When I had pink hair I had a car go past and yell out "PIIIIINNNNKKKK!!!!" - what do you say to that?
  6. *looks for other DD* Me? I've always had this username on this forum :p
  7. The Leerburg ones are mostly DVDs (that's where the Michael Ellis ones are sold) Leerburg DVDs & books
  8. I have them too, will see how well it all works on feisty Magic ;)
  9. Hah Megan, I was *just* about the recommend the exact 3 you suggested!!
  10. I love small talk, I talk to old ladies at the bus stop about the price of stuff in the supermarket all the time. It's nice to get out and have a friendly chat to people. I usually smile and say "hello" to other dog owners too, only say more if they have an uncommon breed and I want to ask about it :p That is pretty funny :laugh:
  11. Am getting..... Hurrta cool coat Easy glider frisbee x2 i-Squeak x3 Go dog dragon Sport harness Foam ball on rope Yaaaaaay toys! :D
  12. Ooo have not updated here in awhile... Me and Elsie are still tracking and loving it, not going as often as we should... Maybe once every 2 weeks at the moment but she is coming on in leaps and bounds yay :) still another whole year off trialing as dogs have to be 2 years old to track here because of the jumps in UD (which tracking is a part of), but really enjoying training. Dd a 1 hour old track a week ago which she thought was easy, now just got to work on adding a lot more length to her tracks... We are still only at around 200-300m... Still using food every 5 or so steps too, to encourage her to keep her head down and foot step track a little more, not looking forward to laying really long tracks with lots of food, my poor back :laugh: Need to vary up where we train too, we do a lot in forests and on short grass as thats what we have the most access to, but I think most trials are on long grass so totally need to do more varied environments! What sort of places do all of you track? How often are you training
  13. There is a gorgeous golden here who I believe is from working lines, took these pics of her at an agility show. She is very athletic and awesome fun to watch! If I ever got a golden I would want one just like her! :)
  14. OMG stunning horses... Sooo beautiful!
  15. I figure if it's okay for hikers and astronaughts then it must be okay for dogs I usually do feed the frozen one though, we just reserve the freeze dried for when we are away showing... I find it's especially good for that as you don't need to worry about trying to keep your raw frozen on long drives, or worry about having enough space in the hotel freezer or your chilly bin (or whatever you weirdo Aussies call it :p ) especially if there are multiple raw feeders in one hotel room!! Elsie really loves eating it, and she can be a little hit and miss with kibble eating (could take it or leave it) and I hate taking my dog out to a full day of showing on an empty tummy... At least with the reconstituted K9 I always know she will have a good feed before and after the show! One day when I have a bigger freezer I will probably just feed K9... Right now she is the only one that uses our tiny freezer with her bones and K9 (we're vegetarians and have no need for one LOL)
  16. Actually I just saw I can get it from here: https://www.allbarks.com.au/shop/dog-food/k9-natural/dog-food-k9-natural Looks interesting. For my Lab x it says for $122 I can get 107 feeds so that is just $1.14 per day. Can you tell me more about it? Is it easy enough to prepare? Do the dogs like it? It's in frozen pelleted form, or a freeze dried form. I feed the frozen at home, and have freeze dried on hand for showing. The frozen you can feed as is, or let it defrost and feed it... My dog likes it either way. The freeze dried, you add a bit of luke-warm water and let it sit, I break up the pellets a bit so it absorbs faster and feed like that. My dog loves it, I have not heard of any dogs turning their nose up at it. Lots of agility people here feed it and swear by it. I find it quite handy as it's sold in supermarkets here too. One of my friends works in a pet store here, and had a tour of the K9 Natural factory yesterday and said it was awesome, very clean, the owners were very knowledgeable and love their job :) They have a website with more info - K9 Natural
  17. Enablers enablers enablers..... At least I can get some secret santa things.....
  18. Show off :laugh: But seriously those are awesome Yeah show off! (sooo jealous)
  19. Me too - I love the DPCA's one Dobequest, it's very cool to have a read through - not many dogs from this side of the world listed, but you can go back through their pedigrees and look at cause of death and health testing on their grandparents and all of the siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles... Very fascinating!
  20. Does the ANKC have anything similar to the new NZKC accredited breeders scheme?
  21. Hell yes out with the dog. She tries to get in on our goodbye kisses in the morning, don't even wanna know about 'other stuff'!
  22. Just me and OH at night, Elsie has the whole king size bed to herself during the day if I am not at home though, and she comes in for a snuggle in the morning too. When OH is away I have tried to have her sleep in the bed, but she ends up getting in and out of the covers all night and it keeps me awake, so she stays in her crate.
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