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Everything posted by Podengo

  1. Some pictures from a family outing to the Netherlands society picnic, and my visit to the family farm! Below is my nephew, don't you just love how he holds his tongue! So cute! Every race photo of him was like that hehehe Dobershark doing what Dobershark does best - stalking and biting!
  2. I should video Elsie's training process, just need to get a tripod for my camera!
  3. A selection of my agility photos! :) And this one because she is the most beautiful dog in the world!!!
  4. Next dog = Malinois or working-line Dobe, not for at least another 18 months
  5. Thanks! She is the bestest, most beautiful dog ever! She is a mutt, BC x JRT!
  6. Elsie's favourite toy........ ALL OF THEM!
  7. I NEED!! LOL teaching my baby runnings properly lol Ella has a nice natural running and amber is slowly getting there but would love a decent DVD How old are your guys? I have tried once or twice to start but it wasn't successful (I was a bit useless) :/
  8. Oh and beating up Pipi... ... and Hunter! Lies! :laugh:
  9. Ewww TLC your dog is gross! (though Elsie would totally roll in human poo if she had the chance LOL). Elsie loves.... Beating up Maestro! Beating up Holly! Beating up Hugo! Beating up Gemma! Ball! Ball & snow! Other ball! So yeah, dogs & toys :p
  10. Want!!! I am aiming on teaching running contacts to Elsie, maybe I will buy the DVD this summer...
  11. As noted, a photo thread for awesome orange dogs... Those loveable orange mutts, generic red dogs, pariahs and almost pariahs... What happens when you keep mixing and mixing breeds! First addition to the thread, Libby my little sister's pig dog, apparently a ridgeback x lab x staffy x boxer!
  12. Oh man, she is SO much like my sister's dog Libby! Going to go make a photo thread for awesome orange dogs I think hehe
  13. I don't think you can get it in Australia any more. Something to do with imported pet food Gamma irradiation. Aphelion is in NZ. We don't have many stockist over here. One of the few decent quality foods we don't miss out on I guess! We have a few others like TOTW. Bit sad how expensive they are compared to Canada and the US. I see people there complaining on forums about the prices of those foods, but it really doesn't compare to what we have to pay. Yeah it's not cheap! Where in NZ do you live? :)
  14. I think you can't get it in Aussie? (I'm in NZ) Orijen Kibble
  15. I feed Orijen, or Pro Plan Performance.
  16. Object discrimination and fetching, e.g. fetch a ball, fetch the phone, fetch my socks :p
  17. Yup William Murderface Murderface Murderface! He is a mean bunny too, and has a moustache like the character when he lifts his head up!
  18. Some from today (excuse the quality, posting off facebook). Baby giant Magic Elsie showing that she can be regal! Done with photos now please My bunny Murderface (yep he runs free in the garden with Elsie!)
  19. Our "pack" out running in the forest Elsie Hunter having a quick rest in the shade Maestro being very handsome It's hard work being a wild forest creature...
  20. They always manage to scare me, by letting out a big bark just as I go past :laugh: I would prefer if some of the dogs we have to pass were confined to a back yard though, scared they are going to break through the fence sometimes.... We usually cross the road. Our front yard is unfenced, so Elsie is only out there with us if we're gardening/drinking on the porch or something, and she is not allowed to bark or go past the lawn in front of the porch so she is never near the street, and our backyard has 6ft fences so she cannot see the street (not that she is ever left outside unattended anyway)
  21. I see loads of dogs in domestic obedience classes that I would love to see in a sporting home, but they are energetic, well-loved pets and that's all they will ever be :) there is no shortage of potential sport dogs in the world! Their owners love them, exercise them, make sure they have good manners... They don't know what they are missing out on! I, too am in the "wants a malinois" boat - maybe next dog! I think Elsie my BC/JRT is good practice, and I'm sure she would do better in a more experienced home, but we're in this together and loving every minute of it!
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