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Everything posted by Podengo

  1. I don't want my dog's name to rhyme with mine, but one of my favourite boy dog names can be shortened to something that would rhyme with me... It makes me so annoyed! I can just imagine looking at the list of dogs entered in a catalog for something and seeing "Billie & Gilly" *shudder*
  2. Thanks - look forward to watching this!
  3. I'm not very good at it either, but Elsie loves it... We call it her "crack toy" haha
  4. I've heard that my mix breed (jack russell x border collie) must be HORRIBLE to live with... Actually no she is very pleasant, tidy, quiet and well behaved thank you very much!
  5. I like Pamela Marxsen (I think that's how you spell it), she does agility videos I also really like kikopup
  6. Yes it is lucky she is very athletic! Our UD jumps are even bigger, the scale wall is huge! She doesn't start working trials until she is 2 though. The kiwis have really enjoyed their time at Aussie trials, if I can afford it I would love to go in 2014 (should start saving now lol)
  7. Apparently some Aussie agiliteers are looking at coming over to NZ in 2014 to compete at NZDAC (our agility nationals), pretty exciting!!
  8. Thanks! I'm pretty nervous, it's been over a year since I actually ran an agility course in full LOL. Yes she is small, not small enough for the mini height class though unfortunately! (mini is 430mm and less) Elsie is in midi, so she will be jumping 570mm.
  9. Elsie is entered in her first trial, April 13 & 14! Wish us luck! She was measured on Monday night too, she is 462mm :)
  10. Thanks - Scotland sounds beautiful :) Aussie does have some nice beaches too though! Gisbourne, in the North Island :) Thanks!! :D
  11. Very cool! *adds to list of dogs to look at for next dog* and I thought I was sold on the little podengos hehehe
  12. The next morning, on the same beach.
  13. A couple of shots from our travels in the North Island of NZ this summer :)
  14. Watching the live feed now, really enjoying the agility... Getting late now though....
  15. I only have 1, my 16 month old border Collie x jack russell. I would really love a second dog in the next year or two, but am struggling to see how it could work with my tiny house and non-doggy flatmates! Next dog will hopefully be a malinois :)
  16. We do tracking, working trials, obedience, agility, rally and most recently lure coursing! Elsie has no problem at all distinguishing what we are doing.
  17. My jack Russell x border Collie will chase and kill mice, rats, birds, cats, bunnies if given the chance, but she is brilliant with our pet bunny and cat, very quickly made friends with our friends cat when we stayed with them for 2 weeks and she is very gentle with small dogs (despite being extremely rough with big dogs).
  18. We had a retired breeding bitch from a breeder and spayed her at 4 years old, she developed urinary incontinence within 6 months, and at 7 years old we noticed a lump on her breasts... She had mammary cancer, was given a few months to live as it had spread all through her, she died 2 months after hee 8th birthday. All the other dogs of this breed we have has were spayed at 6 months, never had incontinence issues.
  19. Ahhhh I REALLY want to see her! Could be worth flying to Aussie for hmmm....
  20. I really liked Susan Salo's puppy jumping DVD, in combination with SGs success with one jump.
  21. 2x2 absolutely doesn't take months, the tagline of the DVD is 12 poles in 12 days! I've spent a couple of months teaching Elsie, but I only train a couple times a week, sessions are very short and its been summer so we keep having weeks off training lol. She is weaving 6 poles currently with very difficult entries and she is working totally independently of me which I love.
  22. Elsie is a very active 16 months 12.5kg border collie x jack russell. We train in multiple sports, and she we walk together a lot as I don't drive. Elsie is raw fed, and gets around 400g of food a day. 1. Do you have to feed tons of food or hardly anything in order to keep your dog at a decent weight? If you have to shovel food into the dog or its constantly hungry (yeah I know that's nearly all dogs all the time) I'd say the fat content of the diet needs tweaking up or down. She is fed a little more than recommended for her weight, as she is very active. She has a good appetite but isn't starving at meal times (if you offer her any people or cat food she will pretend she is starved though!). She does tend to drop weight very quickly if she doesn't eat, or her exercise increases a lot. I have to make sure I compensate for increased exercise level by giving her fatty meats and larger meals. 2. Is your dog at the vets a fair bit for minor skin irritations, ear or other infections or hot spots? If so, I'd say that avoiding some types of food in the diet is worth trying. A lot of dogs are gluten intolerant and changing the diet can help with these issues. We have never had any skin issues. 3. What's going on at the back end? Does your dog produce firm stools? Or are they large mounds of mousse like poo (see this quite a bit) and are they foul smelling? I'd say a diet that sees your dog produce masses of soft smelly stools on a regular basis isn't ideal. Elsie has very small, firm stools. She goes twice a day. 4. Does your dog smell? Teeth, anal glands, general odour? Diet can be frequent cause of these issues and making sure that your dog gets a decent amount of tooth cleaning via its diet and a decent amount of fibre can help with some of these issues. Elsie doesn't really smell, her coat smells quite sweet and pleasant and her breath isn't bad at all. If she eats lamb she gets really bad gas though so we avoid that........ 5. Does your dog LIKE its food? Some dogs are just picky but what you feed should be enjoyed by the dog. If you're constantly having to spice up the main part of your dog's diet with additives, I'd say its time to try something else. Of course! Raw food is delicious says Elsie!
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