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Everything posted by Podengo

  1. Acana sport & agility. Only thing that can keep weight on her without feeding heaps of it and making her poop lots :p She also gets raw chicken and beef, and sardines.
  2. The list looks pretty good to me :) One thing I got for Elsie before I took her home was a tag engraved with my address and phone number, I hadn't named her yet so no name on it, but I wanted her to have some form of ID from the moment I took her home.
  3. It makes me laugh so much when she is doing it, she is SO silly and adorable... It would be annoying, were it not insanely cute! She does it to my bf too when he is on his laptop. If you put the laptop down and try have a cuddle with her she will run off and bring her ball though :laugh:
  4. I have just the video for this thread!! She is so polite about it, until the end where she gets her paws involved LOL
  5. I have seen quite a few people here run with toys, or only do half courses, they always ask the judge if its ok first. Never seen a judge say no, sometimes they make them run last.
  6. Here is a video showing the process from start to finish, but I really, really recommend you get hold of the DVD... Anyone I know with problems teaching 2x2 taught it from the old method outlined in the book, or from youtube videos :)
  7. Both dogs that I have trained recently were trained with the 2x2 method, and the next two will be as well :) Oh and my dog agility club uses 2x2 to teach all new dogs to weave now, it's great, even new handlers with dogs that have done no training before can figure it out pretty quickly!
  8. Elsie picks the article up and delivers it to my hand.
  9. Elsie will run and play in the snow for ages without acting cold, but her paws and ears get chilly very quick and when she gets home after playing it can take her a long time to warm up again. She wears a coat when we go out in bad weather, and I always make sure she is nice and dry before putting her to bed or anything. She won't act cold when she is out and active, but once she sits still she gets cold very quickly... So I try to prevent her getting too cold when we're out! Oh and she is practically bald underneath, so there isn't much hair keeping her warm :)
  10. Try running 7 :p Before we cut back, our entries for 2012 were well over $1000 :laugh:
  11. In our current house we don't really have a proper dog room, Elsie's crate is in the laundry which is part of an open plan laundry, kitchen and lounge. If everyone goes out we put an ex-pen up so she is confined to the laundry. The burglar alarm doesn't have a sensor in there, and the floor is tiled so she can't set the alarm off and it doesn't matter if she was to have an accident. She is only left alone for an hour or two a week at the most. My parents have a spare bedroom with a sliding door opening onto a little porch and a large deer fenced area, the dogs have access to that when no one is home.
  12. Do you have a special room for your dogs and their things? Looking for some cool ideas if you want to share, photos appreciated of course :) Doesn't have to be fancy! If you like fancy though, there are some neat dog room ideas on this website > Dog Rooms Design Ideas
  13. I know someone that happened to as well, with their Doberman. He didn't die though, but was very, very scared, and his owner had to get a saw to cut through the decking to get him out. My dog is another that only wears a collar when we're walking, I take it off when we're training too (for agility and working trials), as you can't trial in a collar. I will put her collar on if we have guests or builders around during the day, just in case she gets out somehow.
  14. I prefer the left/flip finish as Elsie really enjoys it and does it with a big bounce, but it's only used in rally here not obedience boooo! Have to do a right (go around the back) finish for obedience. We're still plugging away with training, really need to start building up duration in the heel work if we want to enter a working trial in November... It seems such a long way off, but I know it will come around soon! Send aways are coming along nicely, and scent and dumbbell work still hasn't fallen apart, so won't mess with it too much! Stays are happening slowly, I don't like stay training, I feel bad for making Elsie spend that much of her park time just sitting there being bored waiting for me to reappear LOL
  15. weaved twelve poles tonight, with difficult entries and speeeeed! YAY! It's all coming together! :D
  16. What random things! Elsie buries her bones in her crate, makes sure no one is watching then pushes the blankets on top with her nose. Comes out looking very chuffed.
  17. My mum keeps trying to swap her Doberman for Elsie :p
  18. Is the collar a check chain, or just a chain collar? Check chain Chain collar
  19. Can you get Natural Balance food in Aussie? L.I.D. Limited Ingredient Diets® Potato & Duck Dry Dog Formula L.I.D. Limited Ingredient Diets® Legume & Duck Meal Dry Dog Formula L.I.D. Limited Ingredient Diets® Sweet Potato & Bison Dry Dog Formula L.I.D. Limited Ingredient Diets® Potato & Rabbit Dry Dog Formula L.I.D. Limited Ingredient Diets® Sweet Potato & Venison Dry Dog Formula
  20. Such an amazing dog! Decided I need to teach Elsie to jump off me like that... She can jump UP, surely OFF can't be too hard haha
  21. I tend to do about 3km with Elsie to my friends house, then she'll have a rest there while we talk dogs and have afternoon tea, then another 3km back home... She enjoys her little adventure over there!
  22. Wow so crazy! How many mm are your tollers? We're actually in the midst of a height review at the moment, it does look like our maxi height will be dropped, so midi will go down a little too... But not as low as some overseas countries. I think micro and mini will stay the same. Our see saws are quite a bit bigger than yours too...
  23. I don't really have a routine, we teach lots of body awareness tricks, I always make sure I warm her up well with circle work, starting on low jumps and doing tricks. Every day she walks off-lead for a couple of hours and plays fetch, and once or twice a week I bike somewhere and she will come with me. We also go to the forest where she runs off lead crazy fast through the forest
  24. Well, FWIW, it will be on 24-27th October 2014, and it is going to be in Gore, Southland (bottom of South Island) :) You can check out general info for this years one on http://nzdac.org.nz/ Hoping to see a few Aussies, it's so difficult for our countries to compete over in Europe etc. so we really need to make the most of each other!
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