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Everything posted by Podengo

  1. I can't imagine being an Azawakh owner, I'm sure every second person you meet would be accusing you of starving your dog... I think they (and all sighthounds) are gorgeous though
  2. Yeah where is that collar from? It's gorgeous and looks so soft!
  3. Are the pants any good? I purchased a cheap pair of waterproof pants off there on free shipping, and they were not that great, I would like something decent for the upcoming soggy tracking and agilityseason :D
  4. That is a long wait! What are you getting? :)
  5. Yeah me too, I've met a few Vanrusselhof ones over here in NZ, they are amazing dogs, and really lovely too! Have decided I will start puppy search next year, plan to get a puppy after Elsie turns 3, so late 2014.... So close, but soooo far!
  6. Yay for everyone getting new babies! I am helping a breeder friend with her litter of puppies, and it's making me SO clucky! Elsie is 18 months old now, so I think I'm allowed to start looking for a puppy in just a few more months, get myself on a wait list at least... Picking a breed is hard though, I have narrowed it down to 4 - Malinois, Doberman, Whippet, Portuguese Podengo Pequeno!
  7. We had soooo much fun! Both dogs ran the full 3.2km, Hunter following a couple of dogs, and Elsie went all by herself! So proud of them both :)
  8. Sledding time again tonight :D Got a head lamp sorted, hopefully I won't go off into any bushes haha
  9. Want this one! Thinking I should take this to the whippet thread... lol
  10. I've spent the past few days youtube stalking some working whippets, found some pretty amazing agility whippets! Having a difficult time finding many whippet obedience videos though, got any good leads? :) Love the enthusiasm your guys are working with!!
  11. Whippet or Italian Greyhound (they are a toy breed, but quite tall)?
  12. I was surprised to hear how much grooming goes on for a Dobe in the ring in the USA. The dobe forum I'm on had a grooming thread, they do the usual bath, nails teeth stuff.... Then clip the whiskers off the muzzle, clip down the backs of their legs to smooth them out, clip any whorls of hair on the neck, shoulders etc., trim the hair along the flappy bit of skin between the tummy and rear leg (name escapes me right now) and trim the hars along the edges of cropped ears.
  13. We gave it a go with my girl Elsie and she loved it, she is only 12kg. On the whippet thread there is a video up with whippet sledding :)
  14. I had my first go at dryland sledding today, which is about all we manage in Christchurch :) I was using a bicycle, which is what they recommended for a first timer, especially if you are running one dog (even more if it's a lightweight dog). Some of the other people had big wheel scooters, and these trike things that I would describe as chariots! We went on forestry tracks through a pine forest.
  15. Whippet sledding! Oh man, I think I need a whippet. Saw 4 out walking today too, I think it's a sign...
  16. We tried dryland sledding today - it was fun! I took my girl Elsie, and a friend ran my friend's giant Hunter to get him started, they really enjoyed it! Elsie was eager for more!
  17. I love black & white whippets! There is a STUNNING one here that does agility, she looks a lot like Elsie :)
  18. I agree! More photos! I really love whippets! Have dreams of a tracking, working trials, agility whippet star one day in my future :laugh:
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