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Everything posted by Podengo

  1. I use "OK", on occasion I do accidentally release her when I say "ok" when following an instruction from someone, but usually I am good about it!
  2. How awful!! We're very lucky to have our club based at a school, and we train outside of school hours when the school is locked... No general public interrupting our training! The school kids do damage our club house a little, but we put up with that!
  3. Elsie really loves raw carrot too! My partner had a carrot for his lunch box and was carrying it through the kitchen in one hand, kinda swinging it a little bit, Elsie jumped up and stole it out of his hand from behind and ate it LOL.
  4. Had the BEST training night tonight :) Elsie did 12 weave poles in a course, which is amazing considering last week she would only do 5 (had been doing 12, then reverted back, so went back to 6, then she would do entries, skip a pole, then do the rest)! And very lucky as we've entered a trial next weekend that has weaves - hopefully it might hold up in the ring... We have been working on her going around hurdles thing, it's getting better, I know it's a baby dog thing, but she is terrible for it when she gets worked up, so had a big, long snaking course tonight with hurdles all over the place and I gave her lots of room and ran really fast, so she had to look for the hurdles and actually do them, instead of just bark and chase me! It seemed to work, though doubt she'll make it around a whole course next weekend without skipping something! Worked on some flygility (NZ version of flyball that includes agility obstacles like weaves and tunnels and the courses aren't always straight) tonight too, think she is finally 'getting' it Still nervous about next weekend though... We're entered in 3x starters agility (lowest level), 3x Jumpers C (lowest) and rally-novice, a CD test and a special beginners obedience test... Let's see if this will wear my monster out! :D
  5. The only back on track coat that I like doesn't come small enough for Elsie unfortunately
  6. Yeah great white north, not winter hehe. Yup we're in CHCH, NZ. Doesn't get as cold as Canada, but not uncommon for there to be frost on the ground at trials until 10am, and we do get snow occasionally! Elsie is is also a smooth, single coat girl, and is bald on her tummy and practically bald on her chest. I think I'll send her an email re. sizes, Elsie has a bit of a weird body shape, long and lean, but a shallow chest, and she is a small-medium breed, doesn't quite fit any of the measuring boxes :)
  7. Thank you. I am more after a rain coat. Elsie looks great in hers! I agree the chilly dog ones looks great, and Hurrta also do two waterproof ones (which are handily also on free shipping on clean run), the overalls which would probably be good for a coated breed and don't look too warm, and the waterproof fleece. I'm trying to decide between the chilly dog great winter north coat, and another Hurrta coat for Elsie for this winter... The chilly dog one costs the same, but has international shipping charges hmmm....
  8. Do you have these coats? They are the ones I was looking at. Are they water proof? I asked Clean Run but got a rather confusing reply back. I don't want them to be too warm either. I had one last winter, but Elsie grew out of it. Hers was fine in drizzle or light rain, but in a really heavy downpour I would want a raincoat over it. They are pretty warm, Elsie wore hers in the snow and didn't get cold :)
  9. The hurrta dog coats cover quite a lot, and aren't too expensive... Plus you can get them on free shipping from Clean Run! Hurrta WInter Dog Jacket
  10. Don't know that I'll be switching to flickr just yet :laugh:
  11. That app would be fantastic. couldn't find it on iPhone but just downloaded this one instead https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/track-notes/id574205805?mt=8 Doesn't have the maps, but still good for record keeping The iphone version of that is due to be released later on this year :) I might buy it tomorrow and test it out
  12. I leaned in some dog poop once while laying on the ground to get photos :laugh: My camera has been on the receiving end of a slobbery ball a few too many times.
  13. What a stunning wee boy - can't wait to see more of him as he grows!
  14. I have pet insurance for Elsie, with Ellenco (we're in NZ). Hers is $26/month. I would be able to get my parents or partner (or even a friend) to pay for her upfront vet care if it was needed, while waiting for the insurance payment to come through. I simply can't save enough to cover an expensive accident, if she got hit by a car tomorrow and needed a lot of surgery, there is no way I could pay for that, even if I had been saving $20 a month since I got her. Her policy is for $4150, it includes "complementary" which covers homeopathy, acupuncture, physiotherapy, chiropractic and hydrotherapy which I quite like :)
  15. The Wanaka sled dog festival would be awesome to attend :)
  16. Scooter is adorable too! I would love to meet a feral, full of beans pap so much!!
  17. A friend just found this on Google Play - thought I would share here as I'm sure some of you will get as excited as me about it! Dog Tracks - Android Apps on Google Play I have been talking for ages about how awesome it would be to have a tracking app integrated with a map, and apparently this one is just that! Supposedly using the GPS on your phone it draws a line on a map showing where you laid a track and where you put the articles, how long it took you to lay it, etc. Then it draws a 2nd line when your dog is tracking and marks the articles they indicate. Waiting to hear how it works for my friend before buying it, but it looks very cool - particularly if you're out laying tracks for multiple dogs and tracking at all different times.
  18. Yeah LOL the serious sledding people were impressed, said it can take awhile for new dogs to figure that out :laugh: We're in NZ - Christchurch :) ETA: We don't have an NZ dog forum that's any good, so I just hang here and hassle Aussies ;)
  19. Fun! We had another go this morning (3rd time this week!), it has been raining for most of the week, and was pouring down today. I luckily had some goggles to wear, got COVERED in mud! Ate a lot too :laugh: need to learn to keep my mouth shut... Impressed with Elsie, did our first start in a group, and she wanted to sniff another dog at first, then realized what we were supposed to be doing and was OFF, lead the pack and finished ages before anyone else She always does lots of poops in the morning which is super annoying, did two before we ran, then had to do a third while we were running and she didn't stop :laugh:
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