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Everything posted by Podengo

  1. The "where's my mum so I can BITE her!!" face :laugh: You should post some agility photos of Trixie
  2. Yeah it is SO high! She manages fine though, and I think she has a beautiful jumping style :D
  3. Elsie stays on the concrete, but squats her bits over the garden... No wet feet here! She doesn't actually mind that much though, very happy to get soaked on a walk!
  4. Thinking about how naughty she was going to be at agility during the weekend :laugh:
  5. Just hanging out by the river!
  6. Fun... Yes :laugh: Will upload the video of her clear round tomorrow, a bit sad that the recording of her crazy round didn't work out! Some photos in the mean time, courtesy of the awesome Emily from Auckland Area Agility Photos.
  7. Oh and this is a good laugh! > The Types of People that Do Agility
  8. Booooo no CDX! So disappointed, I really thought we had it! Heelwork... Pass Drop on Recall... Pass Dumbbell... Pass Recall to heel... Pass Temperament test... Pass Scent discrimination... Pass Stand stay... Pass Sit stay.... Pass Down stay... FAIL! Of all darn exercises!! I was confident and totally thought we had it in the bag, Elsie has never broken a down-stay and doesn't stress. We get back to the ring after 5 minutes, and she is exactly where I left her, but standing up. Apparently she got up 1 minute in, shook, and then did a perfect stand stay for the last 4 minutes. The judge was so disappointed too, said she is a lovely, wonderful dog, and did a perfect out of sight stand stay LOL. Oh well... Next time...
  9. Well Elsie sure knows how to keep me humble! Had a few agility runs this weekend, a few missed hurdles and needed a few attempts to get through weaves but otherwise happy... Jumpers courses though... OMG. On her final agility run she did every hurdle, and I was pushing her quite hard, so I decided her hurdle missing was cured and we could enjoy running hard in jumpers :laugh: On the start line she is in a wait, and whining very loudly at me, I release her... The barking and screaming starts... She probably jumped 4 out of 15 hurdles, and did both tunnels! Ran around EVERYTHING and barked the whole time! Next run I decided to take it slower and let her pick the pace, same thing again... bark bark bark bark run around everything... Final run we managed a clear round??
  10. Elsie went through a stage of humping one of her toys, and funnily enough her friend Hugo the Golden Retriever had humped the exact same type of toy as a puppy... So that toy is nicknamed "humpy"!
  11. Now if only shelties came in a smooth coat.. Seriously...
  12. Elsie was doing that the other day, for probably about half an hour. Just really loud swallowing, no drool, no gas, poop was solid... As quickly as it came, it was gone again
  13. Using a ball is how I taught my dog some distance behaviours, as I could reward remotely. Stuff like drop at a distance was super easy with a thrown ball as a reward.
  14. Elsie has been to a couple, I like having her sleep in the tent with me... And she enjoys when mummy crawls into the tent at 5am and goes "HEY let's go looking for bunnies!!".
  15. That just breaks my heart, what an awful way to die... Makes me cry thinking about that happening to my grandfather :'(
  16. My little sister races bikes, she has no time for other hobbies at all :p My only non-dog hobby is raving, but I only go to raves in Aussie so only once or twice a year, so it doesn't make me miss much. The dog hobbies all clash though!
  17. Elsie is the bestest, cleverest, cutest, dog in the whole wide world... I am so kennel blind :p I don't mind the cat, rabbit and chickens... I feed them and clean up after them, but they aren't the bestest, cleverest and cutest!
  18. A very interesting, and quite depressing documentary on the state of cardio problems in Dobermans. I found the part about the German breed club particularly sad. I'm on a large Doberman forum also, and it's just sooo awful watching so many members lose their dogs at such young ages, many less than 5 years old https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=mL4wuv26068
  19. And my friend got some photos of yesterday's race, sorry about the quality, the lighting was AWFUL. I like this one, as you can see her mouth open screaming the terrier death scream at the start At the finish line! Happy dog!
  20. And we won again today!! All up have won 15kg of raw dog food, a block of chocolate and a dog roll! First race was 5 people I think, and second was 8. Today's race was much harder, there were 5 of us bunched up at the first corner, one guy got away and was off, Elsie managed to escape the pack and we sat about 10 metres back from the lead dog for most of the race. Just before the final corner I told her to speed up and she got up to the back of his bike, then it was neck and neck down the home straight, Elsie tore ahead though and we won :D Her new nickname is "pocket rocket"! She is the smallest dog there by miles haha
  21. We won our first bikejor race!! By about 1 minute :) Won ourselves a nice box of dog food too
  22. Oh yeah I also use "yes" as "you got it right, now you get a reward and the behaviour is finished" and "off you go" for when we're done.
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