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Everything posted by Podengo

  1. Elsie usually stays with my mum & dad, but now that my mum has passed away I'm not too sure what we'll do. My dad can still look after her, but he works long days... Though I can't bear the thought of leaving her in a kennel
  2. We have crazy ears and a smooth coat! Was it Elsie? :D
  3. I got Elsie. Cute, intelligent and trainable right ;) :laugh:
  4. My partner is doing the survey, he also got a poodle mix (but a different one to mine)
  5. I remember submitting a photo for this! Wonder if anyone got Elsie? :D I got an oodle of some sort.
  6. I support longer prison sentences for the owners of dogs that kill people, but I don't know how much of a difference it would make. I don't know how to make things better, but I don't think larger fines will help... Doesn't stop people doing a lot of dumb things, and people just keep dodging fines anyway.
  7. Elsie's dew claws hurt me about as bad as the rest of her nails, but I do clip the sharp tips off all of them. What really hurts is when she misses her tug and gets my hand instead, maybe I need to remove those pesky teeth!
  8. Where I worked we (staff) locked up at 6pm, and dogs were in their kennels from then until 7am. The kennel owners would pop in about 9pm to check on the dogs, but just a quick walk through, and they do get stirred up then.
  9. I compete, and I am not a member of an obedience club. I train at parks, and at my agility club.
  10. Interesting dew claw article by Christina Zink
  11. Elsie still has hers, I think she must use them quite a lot in agility as whenever we do agility she always has mud caught under her dew claws, using them like rugby boots or something! She uses them for handling her RMBs too :)
  12. I think that's the exact hole we have in our 2x2 training... Mid course! Yup we're back to 4, working the arc down and back. I need to throw the toy faster though, Elsie really gets the reward line concept and as soon as she is out of the last pole she bolts full speed in a straight line down the field, further that I can throw LOL.
  13. *head desk* weave entries are doing my head in! Don't know what I did, but I broke Elsie's weave entries! And we have try outs for Nationals very soon (not this coming weekend but the one after) so hopefully I can fix the problem by then! If not by then, well at least by mid October as I don't want the hundreds of $$$ spent travelling to nationals to be a complete waste! So hope I can fix them soon!!
  14. I hate to bring up Pedigree dogs exposed, but if you watch that (which can you do on youtube) about 7.5 minutes in there is what I expect people are talking about, with the wobbly hocks on GSDs.... Just so we're all on the same page.... BTW, am finding this all very interesting - thanks all that are contributing!
  15. Both the shooter and the puppy owners are in the wrong, pretty simple innit?
  16. Same as Elsie, who is 13kg. She LOVES it and is really quick, but it's just too hard on her, especially as our scooter tracks have a lot of sand on them.
  17. I did have to google what exactly hog trials entailed... Never heard of them being held round here.
  18. Yay fellow person that does way too many dog sports haha! We do agility/obedience/rally/flygility/tracking/working trials/bikejouring/weightpull/lure coursing and tried scootering once, but it was too hard for Elsie and bikejouring is way faster
  19. haha one of my friends in the states fostered a coated dobe - she looked like a werewolf! Another lover of medium size dogs here, I've always had large (GSDs and Dobes) dogs and was hesitant about getting Elsie at first, but I love her size! 43cm and 13kg. I can pick her up and carry her with ease, she is still big enough to handle big working trials jumps and is a great size for sitting on laps and travelling. Not a fluffy dog person either, regardless of shed or not shed, the fluffy look doesn't do anything for me. Gimme a gorgeous, shiny smooth coat dog any day :D
  20. Well Elsie is pretty perfect already! But if you made me.... It would look like an Azawakh or Saluki, have the temperament of a Doberman and the drive of a Malinois. Maybe a smaller dog too, like 43cm at shoulder :p
  21. I've done quite a lot of study, but I feel like none of it is useful for actually getting a job :laugh:
  22. I've just finished my degree (a few weeks ago) and job hunting sucks I'm thinking of going back to finish studying vet nursing. I had been working as a behaviourist for a company here, and that is what I want to keep doing... I think... But establishing yourself to get clients is hard, everyone is so cut throat... I just want to keep up my work helping people with their aggressive dogs, and you know, not die of starvation LOL.
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