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Everything posted by Podengo

  1. Cats are the only pet I don't really like, my partner has one and he is cute, but I would never choose to own him myself.
  2. Now some of you just need to save up and come enter the NZ nationals!! :D We have one every year, in October :) ;
  3. Hmmm interesting, our competitive class here is "midi" which is 430mm-520mm, Elsie is well and truly in the midi group with her interim measurement, but pretty close to the Aussie 400/500 cutoff.
  4. I'm still thinking about it, though I may have left planning too late as I think the rest of the kiwis have made their plans! I think I'll wait for Elsie's permanent measure.... What's the competitive class there? Not sure if Elsie will be in the 400 (which is 460mm and under correct?) or the 500 class yet.
  5. If you guys can get frozen K9 Natural in Aussie, they do a green tripe :) Lamb Green Tripe Edit : And they do a freeze-dried one too! Lamb Green Tripe
  6. I like so many animals, for so many reasons! I like rabbits because they are incredibly cute and really entertaining to watch, and they can be so friendly and snuggly. I like frogs because they are really fascinating to watch and I love setting up their tanks. I like fish because they are nice to look at, and I like setting up their tanks too! I like chickens because they have such unique, quirky personalities and their social dynamics are better than an episode of Home & Away I like cows, just because :) When you get to know them they are really very lovely... Some of my best memories are laying in long grass with a cow laying beside me in the mid summer sun I like sheep because they are fun, and really mischievous! I like rats because they are so clever and affectionate... I want all the animals!
  7. If I win the lottery ;-) but I might come without the dog if I can afford it next year Lovely - might see you there (also trying to save up so I can go!) :)
  8. NZ Dog Agility Champs are next weekend! Very excited :) Pleased that we have one Aussie coming over (running a borrowed kiwi dog) - should be fun!
  9. Doberman... I would edit out 'the 3 Cs' - dilated cardiomyopathy, cervical vertebral instability & cancer!!
  10. Elsie did the exact same thing one evening after I fed her, only she hadn't been running around. She had her dinner, went out to pee, came straight back in with her head and tail down, walking very stiffly and her belly was really tight. I sat on the floor and she just climbed into my lap making pathetic moaning sounds, I immediately suspected bloat but she didn't have any of the normal bloat symptoms. I gave her a few minutes to settle, and she stretched a bit, then was magically fine!! Belly no longer tight or anything and she was back to her normal waggy self! I thought maybe as she is raw fed and had a partially frozen meal, and it was a cold night.. Maybe she got a belly freeze like we get brain freeze?
  11. Elsie loves playing chase more than anything, she is happy to chase or be chased. Her chasing also involves bitey face at warp speed. She'll wrestle too, but it's not her favourite.
  12. What they said, and perhaps get yourself a gas mask?
  13. Should not have read this thread!!! Elsie scoots when she has eaten lots of grass and can't poop it out, thankfully I can always tell by the way she is walking what she is about to do, so send her outside to take care of it on the lawn!
  14. Elsie officially has her first title! Her certificate arrived this morning :) She got her RN, with scores of 91/100, 96/100 and 100/100!
  15. What about Podengos? They are next on my list <3 And I agree about the high maintenance thing! My dog needs to be bathed often as she rolls in poop at every opportunity... But at least it only takes 10 minutes to bath and dry her :D
  16. My list of dogs that I want to own is pretty varied... As a dog sports competitor I always want a dog that I can enjoy training, but I also really like a challenge in training. I have a specific look and personality that I like in dogs, so balancing all those traits gives me... Mal, Dobe, Whippet, Podengo and more terrier/collie mixes. I hope to own at least one of each in my life, probably starting with the smaller ones until I have a farm!
  17. I'm not breed loyal at all :) I like Dobes though, and grew up with the breed. I'll probably get another Dobe one day, but not as my next dog.
  18. Elsie had underarm rashes from a harness as a puppy.
  19. We started day one :) Well before day one even, when I went to look at Elsie at the farm she was born on I took a toy with me to see if she would tug, and she was all over like a mad thing! Did not want to give my soft toy back hehe
  20. I like it, I normally don't enjoy talking to strangers but I love talking about Elsie! When she is on-lead she just loves getting cuddled by strangers, but if she is off-lead at the park she will only sniff their hand then go off on her own business (unless they have a ball... then she would probably go home with them)
  21. Just like sledding, use a decent harness :) It won't encourage them to pull, Elsie walks fine on a loose lead despite having competed in sledding, tracking and weight pull - all of which involve pulling into a harness.
  22. Nice video RS! That announcers voice is so Australian :laugh: We've been struggling with agility lately, not finding it that fun... Club issues, combined with other stuff and Elsie being a complete sh*t in the ring is taking the fun out of it! We've got nationals in a few weeks too, not expecting anything great - will be happy with a clear round or two haha.
  23. I took Elsie to puppy pre-school, and I teach obedience classes myself! It wasn't about me learning stuff, it was just a great opportunity to expose her to something new... Especially as I got her close to Christmas and my agility and obedience clubs had closed for the holidays.
  24. I find Elsie tries harder when I use NRMs, she throws herself into whatever we're doing with more enthusiasm. I think having that direction in training is good. I like it too for shaping, especially in the house, as I can stop her from trying destructive or silly things out (e.g. biting/grabbing things, or cocking her leg on stuff... Dumb trick I taught while drunken shaping :laugh: )
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