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Everything posted by Podengo

  1. December is upon us, competition and training is winding down... Time to get on with summer training and look ahead to next year! If you're unfamiliar with the concept, check out 2013's thread > 2013 Training Goals! Quote & update throughout the year as you work through your goals!
  2. Can't wait to 'meet' her canine coach, and excited to see how you go with her. I am also in the wanting a malinois one day camp :)
  3. I think it might have been, it had a red nose? Bunny is fine - he is a tough cookie luckily!! Just missing some hair and had a couple of puncture wounds.
  4. Where's my news article for when a cat came into my yard and attacked my rabbit?
  5. I actually have a handy little graph to explain showing here, made at my partner's request as he has difficulty following what we're doing! I forgot to add rally onto there though (My link) In obedience you can enter whatever you like, but most people will start at the lowest class they're eligible for and not move up until they have won at each level from what I have seen (could be wrong though lol). There is a title "test C qualified" (TCQ) which I *think* you get for having 2 wins at Novice, Test A & Test B level. I'm a little fuzzy on all the obedience stuff, as I don't do it much (we have won at special beginners level, and that's it LOL).
  6. You get a UD if you pass everything, but get between 75%-89% of the points.
  7. Passed a utility dog trial with 90% of the points available, and passed every exercise. Utility trial consists of: - 30 minute old track, 600-800m long with one article. - Heelwork - Seek back, which is where you walk with dog in heel in a paddock with long grass and drop something, then continue walking, make a turn, walk some more then get dog to track back where you walked and find the article and return it to you. - Scale wall - Long jump - Retrieve over clear jump - Send away (30-50m to no visible marker) - 10 min out of sight down stay
  8. Big brag from me! Had our last competition for the year this weekend, which also happened to be our first ever working trial competition and Elsie qualified Utility Dog Excellent! I can't believe it! Do it or Elsie CDX UDX JR RN
  9. Thank you! I agree, a brilliant first year of competing! Someone has gotta start the 2014 thread now.... Good luck on your last few weekends!
  10. Fluffy faces just don't do it for me at all... Wanna see cute? Smooth coat Portuguese Podengo Pequeno puppy *melts*
  11. I've noticed lots of people in the US calling them QLD heelers, I had never heard it before!
  12. Dack-sun? Dash-hund? Dack-shund? Dock-sun? I've heard lots!
  13. Hoping that I will have a puppy this time next year... Waiting waiting waiting... Enjoying all the pictures in the mean time :)
  14. I would recommend a giant schnauzer, a well bred giant could really fit the bill. I have a very good friend that breeds giants that would be happy to offer specific advice, can put you in touch with her if you like? They're a pretty healthy breed too, some of the breeds mentioned can have quite short life spans and/or severe health issues, not good in a working service dog!
  15. Elsie's 2013 goals - Train reliable weaves - Train reliable running contacts Changed this to stopped contacts! - Start agility! - Win out of starters agility 2/2 wins gained DONE! - Win out of jumpers C 2/2 wins gained DONE! - Start working trials! - Start tracking trials! - Qualify for level 2 tracking, 1/2 legs gained. - RN title, 3/3 legs gained. - CDX title DONE!
  16. Elsie has a Lizard Leather collar, it's gorgeous and the quality is great. I also LOVE LOVE LOVE Paco collars.
  17. Elsie wears a limited slip lead/collar to agility, so when she runs she is wearing nothing. All dogs in my introductory agility class must be on either a flat collar (preferably) or on a well fitting harness (no big flappy handles or hanging bits for example).
  18. Since this thread hasn't been updated in awhile.... :D Pretty happy with it overall. Lost a few marks for wides/lags in the heelwork and one of her sits was crazy slow, though I didn't give an extra command at least. Lost a whole mark in the drop on recall for moving my head LOL I didn't even think about that!! Overall very pleased with my girl!
  19. Elsie got JD (jumpers dog) and CDX this weekend!!!
  20. If your dog has resource guarding problems like this I would suggest seeking the advice of a behaviourist.
  21. My dog can sit & wait for a release cue, but I don't do it much... Don't see a point really for her.
  22. Every day. We don't have a garden at all, just a concrete poop area, so all exercise is off the property, and I find it easier to walk her off lead than on so we go to big parks every day.
  23. My sister cooks pumpkin in the microwave and swears it is amazing and super quick.
  24. Thanks for the tip about ribbon mate - never heard of it before!
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