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Everything posted by Podengo

  1. I loved Susan Garrett's crate games DVD for crate training with my girl.
  2. Big dark coloured dog that barks, really that is enough to put most people off.
  3. Boohoo poor Elsie has hurt her semitendinosus muscle - it's really tight and sore! Doing massage, rest and pain killers for a bit, and seeing the osteo next month. Should be back to her regular self in a few weeks, lucky it's not a bad injury!
  4. There are many serious health issues in the breed The DPCA (Doberman pinscher club of America) website is a brilliant resource.
  5. I've not really seen anyone do it here either, I really want to learn though! I'm young and fast, so may as well do it now, before I get too old and have to focus on handling at a distance hahaha.
  6. I want to handle like Silvia Trkman, I LOVE the flow and the energy! I try but I am really not very good! Must practice lots before my next dog to make sure I have it sorted!!
  7. In the NZKC gazette there is a box with breeds exported every month, it's quite interesting! We export a lot of Dobes, Bulldogs and French Bulldogs to Aussie.
  8. Elsie is not afraid of storms, so I didn't answer :)
  9. Elsie is good at keeping me busy and entertained!
  10. That looks sooo nice! I want a pool!
  11. Elsie goes in the shower too :) She has only been on the receiving end of a cold hose off once, when she covered herself in (human) baby poo and I had to borrow a hose from a builder to get the worst of it off before I would take her home.
  12. Will get some better photos today at the Santa parade!
  13. There are a number of dogs that Elsie just thinks the world of. All mini schnauzers, even if they grump at her, she turns into a submissive wriggly mess at the sight of a mini! There are a few big boy dogs that she loves, and she really likes my friend's Brittany. Sometimes she will see a dog in the distance and think it's her friend and she gets all silly and wriggly until it comes over and she's like "oh... I don't know you!" and ignores them haha
  14. There are a number of dogs that Elsie just thinks the world of. All mini schnauzers, even if they grump at her, she turns into a submissive wriggly mess at the sight of a mini! There are a few big boy dogs that she loves, and she really likes my friend's Brittany. Sometimes she will see a dog in the distance and think it's her friend and she gets all silly and wriggly until it comes over and she's like "oh... I don't know you!" and ignores them haha
  15. Oh that sounds really nice - I'm keen to see a photo! We're renovating in March so if I find any better ideas by then I can always change what I have :D
  16. I ended up going with this idea! Simple and can fit quite a few ribbons :) I only put her 1st-3rd place ribbons up, not sure what to do with the other ones!
  17. Dobe size is average to me, a terrier might not be small because of their energy level, while a bullmastiff might not be that big if it's lazy! Elsie is not big (12.5kg and 470mm at shoulder) but because she is active and bouncy she doesn't feel that little!
  18. We looked after a friend's ragdoll that would get into water quite happily, we did have to give her a bath once when she managed to knock a tin of tomato sauce onto herself (mostly onto areas she couldn't groom properly) and she STUNK. She didn't seem to bothered, was a very chilled out cat anyway, and like I said would often try to hop into water when you were warming up the shower or using the sink!
  19. Always had Dobes growing up, and they've always passed away before their time was up and they still had so much living to do! Damn health problems :'(
  20. Check out Denise Fenzi's facebook, she is an awesome obedience trainer and has juts adopted a small dog and is documenting all of their training together :)
  21. I will start! :D Do it or Elsie CDX UDX JD RN Agility Win a novice class Get a clear round in intermediate Win out of Jumpers B (0/3 wins gained) and earn JDX title Earn AD title (0/2 passes gained) Obedience Win out of special beginners (0/2 wins gained) Win a novice class Earn CDX silver title Rally Earn RA title (0/3 passes gained) Tracking & working trials Graduate into level 2 tracking (1/2 passes gained) Earn 2x UDX passes (1/2 gained) Teach soiled area search Improve sendaway & redirect Trial at WD level, a WD or WDX pass would be a bonus! For me New puppy maybe?? :D
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