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Everything posted by Podengo

  1. Where are you based? I'll grab your email address for our database if you like, and will get in touch when we plan a sanctioned run? We're not sure if we have enough hounds that will chase for a sanctioned run just yet, so we're planning another couple of fun days, one to work on some of the dogs that didn't run at all today and get them going, then another to test how everyone is going and if we have enough support we would like to run a sanctioned event! :) Would be nice to do it some time this year.
  2. Also I think there might be a beauc in NZ.... Facebook
  3. There is a Beauceron in the Marmaduke film, his name is Bosco :)
  4. We publicised through facebook, putting flyers up at local dog parks and sending an email round the breed clubs. We have not formed our own club, as there is a national club the sighthound field coursing club, anything we run will come under them... But today's event was a bit of SFCC with support from my agility club (CCATS) and the south island whippet club. The lure belongs to a guy from the whippet club, I'm not actually sure where he purchased it from... But there are a few in CHCH, someone from the deerhound club owns one too. This was a course with turns, if you check out the video link I posted in my first post you can get a rough idea of it. We might might run a straight drag next time! It was VERY fun, and so cool to get so many breeds along!
  5. So if you're based in the South Island of NZ and have a dog that loves to run, get onto the Sighthound Field Coursing Club facebook page and keep an eye out for our next run! SFCC
  6. Coursing is not really a big sport (basically non-existent) in the South Island, so me and a few other interested people have gotten together to try raise awareness about the sport and get a following for it. Today we had our first fun run coursing event, open to all breeds and to the public. We expected to have maybe 15-20 dogs show up, I think we had about 50! People from agility, breed showing, obedience and loads of pet people too - was a great day and very beneficial for the sport I think! We had a great mix of breeds, a few dobes, ridgebacks, wolfhounds, deerhounds, border collies, an italian greyhound, a saluki, a number of whippets, a lab, a weim, an am staff, an irish terrier, a mini poodle and a whole heap of mixed breed dogs too. Very fun day! Here is a video of my dad's Dobe running with my dog Elsie Lottie & Elsie coursing And some photos :)
  7. I'm planning on doing one that looks very similar to the CASI one this year, but through a UK place. Have heard great things about it from colleagues.
  8. I think all dogs smell a bit, just like all people have a smell, it's not always bad... Granted some are stronger than others, labs are high on that list!
  9. Do many breeds have an online database with health testing, COD and other stuff listed? The Doberman database in America is quite good - again it requires people to be honest, and requires people to input data but it's quite good. For example - Dobequest: Dog profile You need to be a DPCA member to submit data, if you aren't you can ask a DPCA member to submit information for you. There are a few dogs from outside of America listed that I can find :)
  10. Elsie is well on the road to recovery, we've seen the osteo twice and she is heaps better. We'll be starting on lowered hurdles again this week and slowly building her back up, no A-frames or weaves just yet but should be ready in another two weeks for that! Also thought I might share this here... A wetting for gaining a championship title! Getting any agility or jumpers champion or grand champion earns you a wetting/flouring/getting other junk poured on you! I've seen people thrown in creeks too, and rolled around in the mud LOL. Anything like that happen in Aus? :)
  11. Ok so I feel totally justified to buy dog tea now, and I will look that book up for sure! I don't think the tea could hurt her? Just seems like a fun little thing to try out at the very least :)
  12. My family lost a bitch to mammary cancer that spread throughout her body. A doberman from a well known and highly regarded breeder - we got her as a 4 year old after her showing/breeding career.
  13. Totally eyeing this up for 2014 DOL secret santa at any rate LOL
  14. So I was making a cup of (herbal) tea for myself and my partner the other night, and Elsie was following me around as usual and I jokingly commented that wouldn't it be nice if there was such thing as dog tea so that Elsie could have tea with us... My partner laughed and said there probably is such thing. Lo and behold I googled tea for dogs and found a website selling tea for dogs! Had a bit of a giggle at the absurdity of it all, and my partner said it may not actually be such a silly idea, since they are herbal tea mixes, aren't there people that sell herbal mixes for problems with dogs and what not? Hmm good point... So what do you think DOL? I don't know enough/have not seen any research into side effects associated with herb use in dogs to actually know if it's legit/safe etc. Woof & Brew Oh and the tea is not served hot, your pour hot water over it & let it steep then add cold water. That was my first question haha.
  15. I was pissing myself laughing when she lay down like that! Probably not unfortunately :( She grew out of your 400 class, and money is a bit tight I think. Hopefully 2016 with hopefully an experienced Elsie and a new malinois in tow :D :D There are a whole load of NZ dogs going though, 13 or 14 I think? Quite a few from Christchurch too so you'll have to make a special effort to say hi to Elsie's buddies if you go!
  16. Cool shot from our agility fun night, me and Elsie taking off! Between my legs! At Agility nationals last year
  17. Photos from lure coursing With her buddy Dice the staffy/collie With Pipi the poodle Crate covered in spit from her madly barking wanting another go! Draw me like one of your french girls!
  18. I don't know who the voice is that I use for Elsie (yeah I totally talk for her ALL.THE.TIME), but it's a bit dumb sounding... Which is silly because she is very clever! Sometimes she has a snobby British accent "Oh my Elliot, your bottom smells particularly lovely today!"
  19. For anyone from NZ reading here, OTA is having a tracking only trial Feb 8th & 9th in Springfield. Feel free to PM me for more details!
  20. Seen some horses with some deep very calm bites... Would NOT want to be on the other end of that though! Is kicking during the neigh and hold a fault??
  21. My dog Elsie was terrified of swimming up until she was about 14 months old, when we were away during a very hot summer and I found this deep, still pond and there were no other dogs around. I chucked a stick out for her, and she just jumped in to fetch it, got a bit of a shock but ever since then she has loved swimming.... She often won't swim with other dogs around though, and will only swim to fetch things... She will wade in water up to chest depth for fun though and LOVES splashing through running water and biting the water.
  22. I think just about every dog person I know works full-time, how else does one support such an expensive hobby... Short of scoring yourself a rich old husband (and why would he want a girl covered in dog hair when he can have a perfectly groomed one LOL!). People make it work, I would want to hear more about an individuals situation before totally writing them off.
  23. I like that idea and intend to use it for future IPO dog! I use a couple of german commands for Elsie, just because I am running out of English words that are short and don't sound similar to anything else I use!
  24. Yeah nothing on until early Feb, so she will be taking a little agility break for January!
  25. I would adopt from a pound, rescue or shelter, but only a certain type of dog. I have no interest in living with some breeds that are very common in shelters, I wouldn't adopt a dog just for the sake of having one.
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