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Everything posted by Podengo

  1. I would be charging a little bit less than night boarding since you don't have to feed day boarders (unless they're puppies, in which, do you charge for the feeding?). Still gotta clean their kennels, pick up their poop, exercise them, fill their water bowls etc. :)
  2. I think it's doable if you're committed. I live in a house with a (small) fenced garden, and my dog barely goes outside at home, only to go to the toilet! If the door is open she still chooses to stay inside on the couch or on my bed. We walk a lot though, go to the beach or forest during the day, or go tracking during the day... and have training classes most evenings. I'm lucky enough to have a job that lets me do those things. Depending on how far away your yard is, having a puppy could be difficult, being able to just open the door and let the puppy outside to toilet is a nice luxury! If you're having to put shoes on, grab a lead, grab a poo bag, grab a torch... Every half hour in the evening, even in the rain, that could get old quick!
  3. Are paid handlers allowed in ANKC? If so, why isn't it a big thing like in America? Do you get breeds where pro handlers are very common in Aussie? Like Dobes in AKC In NZKC 19.5 Professional Handlers 19.5.1 Save with the express permission of the Executive Council (which will be given in the most exceptional circumstances only) no person shall pay, or otherwise remunerate any other person for handling any dog in the judging ring at a Championship Show or Championship Obedience Test.
  4. Looks like she took her own life :'( What a tragic loss of such an inspirational woman
  5. I wouldn't let my dog off lead in an unfenced area right by a road, but she is regularly in unfenced areas like parks, forests and up in the hills... I can't imagine not seeing her running free, happy and off lead every week while we're out hiking :)
  6. Me too Blackdogs!! I want a short haired Sheltie sooooo bad!!
  7. Reading this thread made me eat cheese!
  8. There are four in NZ, two are siblings I believe, and of the other two one is entire and one is spayed. All owned by the same person :)
  9. I've met a couple through agility, they've been in my classes, my experiences with the breed have not been that great but I've heard there are nice ones around.
  10. My tracking harness is very low in the front so the dog can get her head down comfortably to scent and pull. It attaches from the back so the dog is able to pull into the harness
  11. We have started treibball, done coursing and bikejoring. That's about it for weird! The water rescue sounds amazing fun.
  12. We have Pyr sheps in NZ :) 4 of them! I want Portuguese podengo pequeno in NZ, which you do have in AUS! Mudi would be nice too. And pumi.
  13. I'm really glad my family is totally supportive of my hobby - my sister has a very expensive, time consuming hobby so no matter how much I spend on my dog it still pales in comparison! When Elsie stays with my dad and sister they let her sleep under the blankets and spoil her rotten and don't mind that she has to wear this coat when its cold, and gets fed this and that and isn't allowed to do such and such... They follow the rules and send me txt updates everyday when I am away :) Most of my friends are pretty supportive too, they may not be interested in what I do, but they always ask how Elsie is going and what we've been doing lately, though I'm sure some have stopped following me on facebook because of all the dog related updates!!
  14. Our first Doberman lived to 12, she was blind, deaf and incontinent at that point and was put to sleep. She was fed mostly dogroll I believe. She was spayed at about 4 years old. Our GSD was 13 when he was put to sleep, he didn't look very old but his hindquarters gave up on him in the end. He was entire and mostly fed dogroll. We lost two doberman at the age of eight - neither of them looked old Cricket was spayed at the age of 4, we lost her to mammary cancer. She was incontinent within 6 months of being spayed. Poppy was spayed at 6 months, she had liver failure. No other health problems at that stage. Both were fed cheap kibble, dogroll and homecooked food. My grandparents recently lost their JRT at 22! He was a little younger than me :)
  15. I know an 80+ year old lady that runs agility with her big heading dog, and her retirement dog is a wild little mini schnauzer, he is about a year old now.
  16. Everything! She is perfect :) :) But to pick one thing, I love her enthusiasm for everything that we do! She is enthusiastic about waking up, going in the car, going for a walk, training obedience, training agility, cuddling on the couch, going for a swim... Elsie just loves life and lives it to the fullest with a tail wagging at warp speed, grinning and a bounce in her step
  17. Back on track do really nice beds Dog mattress
  18. I really like the boomer ball for dogs that are hard on toys, just don't use it indoors around breakable things! They make them from little dog size up to horse and bear size haha. Make sure you get one that is too big for your dog's mouth to fit around! Not a chew toy, but a fun toy to wear them out which isn't easy to destroy.
  19. Elsie always poops within the first 5 minutes of our walk, so I always plan to walk through the park after that so I can use the bin there then continue on to wherever we're going.
  20. If the CDA in dachies is like CDA in dobes there probably won't be any associated health issues, just balding!
  21. Sometimes if it's really hot and I'm out tracking, I will steal Elsie's cool coat from her for awhile and put it on my head... Need to find a human one to buy!
  22. I love sitting in front of the fire with a wine and a big bowl of treats playing 101 things with a *insert random object here* - it's sooo fun and always has me giggling and Elsie trying out all her silly tricks, and learning some new ones.
  23. Do it or Elsie CDX UDX AD JD RA Agility Win a novice class Win into senior at champ show level (1/3 wins gained) Get a clear round in intermediate Get in top 5 placings in intermediate Win out of Jumpers B (1/3 wins gained) and earn JDX title Earn AD title Earn ADX title (3/4 passes gained) Obedience Win out of special beginners (0/2 wins gained) Win a novice class Earn CDX silver title Rally Earn RA title (3/3 passes gained) Tracking & working trials Graduate into level 2 tracking(2/2 passes gained) Earn 2x UDX passes (2/2 gained) Earn a TT2 pass Trial at WD level, a WD or WDX pass would be a bonus! For me New puppy maybe?? :D
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