Hi, wondering if anyone has any information on the this op..my chihuahua has a grade 4 patella luxation of both hind legs..I have been researching and a melbourne vet (2008) recommends:
"I strongly recommend that the surgery include repositioning of the tibial crest because that is the primary problem (poor alignment of the tibial crest which drags the patella out of the groove). Revision of the trochlea (groove) is not usually recommended by me because of the extent of damage that it does to the joint cartilage).
I strongly recommend that the surgery include repositioning of the tibial crest because that is the primary problem (poor alignment of the tibial crest which drags the patella out of the groove). Revision of the trochlea (groove) is not usually recommended by me because of the extent of damage that it does to the joint cartilage).
Most veterinary surgeons groove/pin..has anyone had this done successfully ..I would appreciate any suggestions/information. Thanks! have a great day