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Everything posted by blinx

  1. I'd be so but could never stay mad at my dog if he did something like that! Lol.
  2. What a traumatic experience...really hope the dog is now recovering okay. Having a "P" plate stuck on their bonnet sometimes doesn't mean jack to idiotic fresh drivers out there.
  3. ;) *envy* That would be something fun and different for puppy. Wish I could bring my pup to work! Bet he'd love it.
  4. I've heard good and bad stories of going down such a path. Have had one family take home a chihauhau for free, from a tax driver (yeh didn't know them but randomly told them while picking them up for a fare) whose dog had a litter by accident and its been their love and joy for almost 10 years so far. They hardly take it to the vet, but that's not to say they're bad owners since the dog doesn't leave the huge backyard. Then I've know someone else who saw cattle dogs going for $20 and chose the first pup that came to him. Took it to the vet who listed a mutitude of issues like blindness (which came true) and arthiritis. Heartbreaking. Its really a matter of chance, imo.
  5. Thank you! I'll try the pepper and deep heat spray. Chili isn't an option because we might get it on our skin (pebbles and gravel surround the stepping stones and clothes line)...that, and my man has chili with almost every meal and values them too much to be sprayed. :p
  6. This is exactly what my partner and I are currently doing. We've been taking turns waking up (puppy let's us know when he starts ripping newspapers in the crate, lol) and take him out on to the lawn to do his thing. Works great! sheena, if your pup is doing its business everywhere, you have have to re-train it on the right spot that he can only do his business. Before that, I'd start by cleaning all the places he peed/ pooped with non-ammonia based cleaning products as he'll smell the scent where he previously "marked".
  7. Im sure thats why so many "working kelpies" end up in rescue. they dont have the desire to work so they are disgarded....My last rescue kelpie that i fostered was quite content to lay on the lounge with my 2. I was actually hesitant about getting a Kelpie since they have that reputation as working dogs, but my partner was keen for an active dog. Have to say, my Neo has been a bit of each which I'm happy about - active in the mornings, goes through a major afternoon slump and sleeps for hours, then a bit of bounce around before dinner, then gradually slows down into the evening. Definitely suits our lifestyle!
  8. Love Elkhounds! I've met two (Elkhound-German Sheperd X) and they have the most beautiful temperaments, and highly amusing at what they get up to...one of them once managed to climb a shed roof?! :D
  9. Well, at least this gives you some hope that their so called "negative" experience means they'll never return to the same cafe!
  10. To stop my puppy from eating gravel, pebble or bark, I've tried spraying lemon and vinegar. Results? He loves it! Licks it all up and continues playing with whatever I'm trying to ban him from touching. I'm not too keen on using chilli. My partner and I are in the process of teaching pup to leave things alone but until then, any other products someone can recommend?
  11. Wow, your dog is a true Lassie! I heard there is a medal for animal heroes, will need to do a bit of research on that. :p
  12. Not prejudice about any particular breed but moreso based on how the owner treats and trains them as that's how the dog will turn out. However it may be a coincidence but I've had most negative experiences with Shi Tzu dogs. Have lived with a lady who lets her Shi Tzu rule the roost. Needless to say, that dog is pretty uncontrollable with his small-man mentality and have had to live with their lovers quarrels - he turns his back on her then suddenly runs over and bites whenever she comes home late. I've also lost count the times she handfeeds him from her plate and carries him to her bed. Needless to say, I had no qualms moving out quick smart. One of my closest friends also owns a Shi Tzu-Maltese X an have had to walk around the other way each time I visited because of his insanely aggressive barking and snapping at everyone except the family. At least he makes for kind of a guard dog. :p
  13. I'm also interested...anyone can let me know where to get one locally? Any shops in Sydney stock em? Ordered one online but just found out they need an extra couple of days to ship it in from overseas.
  14. I've had friends who are against me bringing my pup to a dog-friendly cafe and just sit there with their waterbowls, telling me to get a petsitter so I can get a social life. Needless to say its pretty rude and equivalent to saying get a babysitter for your newborn each tiem you go for a coffee, but that's just how some people are.
  15. Our vet recommended Aloveen as our pup has really dry, flaky and itchy skin. Seemed to have work for one day only. Can't be his diet (more fish oil, coat-maintainance puppy kibble) so back to the drawing board! Might even resort to leave-in treatments.
  16. blinx

    Damn! 1st Mistake!

    Its funny how we're like excited parents everytime they get it right. Too cute!
  17. Wow, sems this is a bowerbird kind of mentality some dogs feel inclined to do. Well we caught the pup last night...he would wait on a stepping stone, sniff around and then gingerly grab a chosen pebble and take it into the house. Then come back out on the stepping stone and repeat. Lol. Going to try and start some obedience training to "leave it!" Does he eat the snails?! I thought they were poisonous, though I wouldn't be surprised if a canine's acidic digestive system is able to cope. :p
  18. My partner sat at his desk one morning to find around a dozen large pebbles gathered under his desk. As we don't have kids/ other pets and I don't sleepwalk and gather pebbles in my sleep, we believe its our 3 month old puppy. We've only seen him play with them and pick them up gently once or twice with his mouth but not take them anywhere when we're around...amused as we are, I know its dangerous and its a possiblitiy he could swallow one (though they are pretty huge pebbles). Any help with training him to leave them alone? Would we have to catch him in the act? Anyone experienced similar "gathering" behaviours" from their dog? :D
  19. Cheers, looks like we'll be sticking to kibble and his fav raw chicken necks and raw mince!
  20. I've been searching the forum for a topic like this...because I felt exactly the same! Won't mention which school but its in The Hills. I went with Neo for his first puppy school and I was immediately worried. Over half the class was Huskies (one was so aggressive) and Labradors! My poor Kelpie pup got bowled over once or twice during play time and I could see minature dogs less than half the size shivering behind people and just not interacting with other dogs because of how big they were = intimidating. Neo loved the socializing part, towards the end he at least learnt to bounce out of the way each time a Labra-furball came rolling his way, but I think its best we get him to a class with more structure.
  21. I'll be taking my pup with me to a show next month, as general public. I admit I have no experience in this matter but I can only do what is responsible on my part and make sure my pup is vaccinated and that I stay clear of the crates or where people are prepping for the shows. Both of us are quiet observers anyway so hopefully it socializes my boy more then anything.
  22. We did a puppy school and found that dry treats with no smell didn't cut it...before long, my pup had run off stealing other dog's treats. So the trainer handed over some cheap beef mince. Worked a treat!
  23. As a first time dog owner, I'm seeing so many food products for puppies/ dogs, and one I've noticed quite often is milk for puppies. This is usually in little cartons or alo satchels. Is it really necessary for calcium? Or can I just stick to puppy kibble and the ocassional chicken neck and smackos.
  24. Just wondering, is it okay not to use a conditioner? My Kelpie pup is a tad itchy in certain areas (paws, neck) and though we use an oatmeal based shampoo for dogs, have yet to get any conditioners. He just had his second bath, so I'm still seeing if its the right product for him.
  25. Maybe a bit of cheese? I know some dogs love smelly treats. The smellier, the better.
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