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Everything posted by Jsclay

  1. Thanks for all the advice. It's really overwhelming when there is so much information and I really want to make a good decision, as it is such a big one! My friend had a bichion and he was a lovely dog, definitely a possibility. They look very sweet
  2. Miniature schnauzers fall into this catergory. They as a rule love children, do not shed and are sociable with other dogs. Hi, I hadn't even thought of a schnauzer, I also didn't know they didn't shed. I'll have a look into them. Thanks
  3. Hi I would give them daily exercise for approximately half an hour. I would want a dog that by nature is some what obedient, however in saying this I have always taught my dogs sit stay and come quite effectively. My husband had a beagle in his teens and I remember how he was a beautiful dog however would be off like a rocket given the chance. I would prefer a dog with a temperament like his beagle as it was very sweet however is more trustworthy off lead ect. Thanks for all your help Oh also grooming is not a problem, probably 3-4 times a week and professionally every 4 months.
  4. Hi I would give them daily exercise for approximately half an hour. I would want a dog that by nature is some what obedient, however in saying this I have always taught my dogs sit stay and come quite effectively. My husband had a beagle in his teens and I remember how he was a beautiful dog however would be off like a rocket given the chance. I would prefer a dog with a temperament like his beagle as it was very sweet however is more trustworthy off lead ect. Thanks for all your help
  5. Hello, I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction. I am currently looking at add a new puppy to our small family. I would prefer a small dog as that is what I have always known (although open to suggestions) and also a dog that does not shed too much or not at all. I have a one and a half year old daughter who is very good with my mothers chihuahua and maltese so I believe although she would always have to be supervised, she will be fine with a dog. Our new puppy would not spend much time along as I am a stay at home mum. However if I needed to go out for a day the puppy would be dropped at my mothers house. This also means that the puppy would have to be dog friendly as she has the two dogs previously mentioned. I hope some of you have advice for me as I really would like to make a good decision. Oh also our new puppy would have short daily walks as well as a yard to play in. Thanks
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