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Everything posted by sas

  1. I'm actually just asking a question I thought was an interesting one. Just because no lure courser has ever mentioned it doesn't mean anything really...
  2. Its the name of the 'breed', they stay away from the Labradoodle branding, have been doing it a long time with breed recognition as a goal. Their dogs are used a lot in therapy work. I learned about them more at a course I was doing where the instructor owned one - always interesting to learn more even if it does conflict with our pedigree minds :)
  3. Do you have no skin problems because you use the Selsum Blue or you just generally don't get it with your dogs?
  4. May be a strange question...do you think that those highly competative in your sport could potentially be doing exactly the same as they do in Greyhound racing to improve performance? About as likely as flyballers doing the same to improve their dogs desire to get the ball ..... In other words, just not going to happen. Flyballers get a ball, lure coursing dogs chase a lure - it's quite different isn't it? Live baiting would work for lure coursing and not for fly ball?
  5. Thanks, they will remain available until they are picked up, no one has contacted me as yet.
  6. Hi guys, My company has 40 boxes of these Xmas cards we'd like to give to a charity or rescue group for free. Each pack contains 10 cards with no message or branding. Each box has 100 packs. No religion based words or phrases used. Pick up or send a courier from Pitt Street, Sydney within business hours. There is NO loading dock and no one to help load, it is likely you will simply be given an access code to let yourself in and load up. You might like to look into a service such as 2 men & a van or similar. No holding and I cannot assist anyone with transport, need gone within 2 weeks or will be dumped. You can have stickers done for the corners of the pack to brand them like we did to sell at Xmas time. Please share with charity / rescue contacts. [email protected]
  7. You only want organic Turmeric or Turmeric with a guarantee of ground 4-5% curcumin. Curcumin is the active ingredient and is often removed to sell separately this is why you'd probably be wasting your time on any other Turmeric.
  8. May be a strange question...do you think that those highly competative in your sport could potentially be doing exactly the same as they do in Greyhound racing to improve performance?
  9. It's not reasonable me. The dog Neo has been in care for too long. As a rescuer you have a job to prepare these dogs for rehoming. You don't rehome resource guarders, you correct their behaviour and then rehome them. Resource guarding is one of the most common issues we see in rescue and really, it's not rocket science to deal with as I'm sure you would know. If you can't help the dog yourself, you get in a professional until it is fixed or you give it to someone else who can fix it or euth it - you don't keep it in kennels for 8 years. I don't believe for one minute their response because I have personally tried to help a long term dog from there before.
  10. I'm sure she'll be fine :) You can opt to have a regular Vet do the surgery or have a specialist, that will be up to you and your budget. They generally will tell you what to do and not to do, however there's no harm in seeking out the guidance of an Animal Physio and Canine Rehab Therapist to get your ready for surgery and post surgery if your budget allows - in Sydney there are a few to choose from.
  11. Ok, sooooooo how do we as a community prevent hoarding in rescue from occurring. Is there any point trying to talk to pounds where this rescue obtains its dogs?
  12. These conversations help us talk and brainstorm how we as a community can stop these dogs being hoarded. I'm prepared to take action but I need to know what that action needs to be.
  13. As Rescuers, we need to stand together and be a voice for these dogs. Hoarding is not ok. Not being emotionally stable to do rescue and euthanise is not ok. These people hoard dogs who have killed other dogs and are unsuitable for society because they play the no-kill game - this isn't ok, these dogs end up imprisoned for years. The rescues need to stop getting their hands on pound dogs, how can we stop this, is there a way?
  14. This is the same rescue that had a Dane x for many years and I offered to take it and board with our Behaviourist (Great Dane Rescue) for rehab and find a new home - I offered a number of times, they never responded.
  15. Awesome that a name has been provided but please OP, stick to the names you are given from experienced dane owners. We know who is experienced and good with our breed. First stop is Craig Murray then K9 Pro. Don't waste time and money with others. With all due respect, I provided some contact details of experienced vet behaviourists who work with all breeds. Craig Murray and K9 Pro may be good with Danes in their capacity as trainers, but they aren't vet behaviourists should one be needed. Speaking of vets, have you taken the dog to a GP vet, Unicorn Magic? It is worthwhile getting a full physical in case something else may be contributing. Wishing you all the best with your dog. Sounds like a dreadfully tough position to be in. As past President of Great Dane Rescue, I have worked with Craig Murray for over 10 years, he is not simply an obedience trainer and is where we sent all out problem dogs for rehab when he had the property to facilitate this. Craig often works alongside Vet Behaviourists post consult where medication is often prescribed. Regardless...this isn't a Chihuahua, this is a giant breed and is potentially dangerous.
  16. Are you sure that's an Animal Physio? They are Human Physio's with an additional degree in Animals. Certified in: Equine Massage Equus Muscle Management Animal Husbandry Levels 1 & 2 Artificial Insemination (A.I.) Reiki Master Equine CST Levels 1,2 & 3 and dissection Emmett Technique Level 3 Member of IICT I don't actually know what all these mean of course! She studied and worked in America for a long time and has worked with racing horses and racing dogs for a long time. She's also involved in horse and greyhound rescue. Very interesting to watch her work. The dogs can get away if they want to but don't and she keeps at the bad spots until she feels some kind of release and often the dogs will do a big sigh or yawn to confirm it. They are definately calmer and more limber. She was recommended to us by a doggy hydrotherapy business who didn't feel our old dog was a candidate for their services. They are not an Animal Physio. The only canine course they have done is Emmets and they have only done 3 levels, they are not at Practioner level. Sounds like the qualification they have is equine massage. So that's why they are not expensive like an Animal Physio as they do not have the skill or the education level of one.
  17. I'm sorry for what you all went through. A rescuer of over a decade I would simply not have allowed such a dog to be rehomed and when it killed another dog it would have been euthanised that day as that dog technically still would have been mine as it would have been on a trial. Yes, there are firsts for all dogs and different environments can trigger new behaviours, however, I would like to know what was in the Behaviourist or Foster Carer report about this dog - had it been tested out on the street in terms of reactivity, how had it gone with small dogs before? What training had it received. I will say, we shouldn't assume a dog hasn't had a good upbringing or lack of socialisation or training, some dogs are simply a product of their genetics and this isn't about BSL. So, in the future how can you ensure a happy ending - well, it's impossible but you can take some extra steps. Ask the Rescue if a Behaviourist will do an assessment, if not, offer to pay for one, test the dog in all the situations you need it to be ok with i.e. street walking, seeing other dogs, meeting other dogs, how it is around men, woman, children etc. Only ever take a dog if there is at least a 2 week trial period. Take great caution in adopting a dog who is not living with a foster carer who will know the dog very well. Sadly not all rescues are good, some are run by over emotional bleeding hearts who must save everything no matter what and often over commit themselves at the detriment of the dog...the same folk who abuse other rescue folk for euthanising dogs not suitable for society.
  18. Great Dane Rescues can be somewhat hesitant to take such a dog for a variety of reasons - what I used to do in these instances was send out a Behaviourist to assess the dog but really, I wouldn't give the owners a choice, it would simply be the dog is coming back today and if you don't take it, it will be tied to your door (harsh I know) but you were given an unsuitable dog.
  19. As the past President of Great Dane Rescue, my recommendation is for you to return the dog - we would never allow such a dog to be rehomed, it would be rehabbed or deemed not suitable for rehoming via professional assessment - after all, this isn't a small dog, it's a giant breed so when it decides to use aggression or its weight there will be much more damage. We see so many weak nerved Danes these days that end in fear aggression. They struggle so much with change. My prediction is she will bond fast to you and strongly and that's not a good thing because you'll be dealing with seperation anxiety next. I would also be questioning the dogs early socialisation and how often it has been out in its previous home - this is not a breed to leave in the backyard, they need ongoing socialisation to the environment. My person opinion is that they are not an outside dog or sleep outside in the laundry dog, they are a sensitive companion dog. If you do not want to return the dog then I would recommend you get in a Behaviourist within the next few days to assess the dog and put a program together for you to work with - this dog is going to be a lot of work and your whole family need to be honest about whether you're prepared to put in the work - if you're not, there's no shame, you didn't knowingly adopt this temperament.
  20. Good luck with the x-rays, at least then you'll know where you stand. That is a very expensive massage, perhaps that was that only treatment that was suited to the dog at that point - without addressing it with the Physio, it's hard to really know why they didn't do any other treatments.
  21. Are you sure that's an Animal Physio? They are Human Physio's with an additional degree in Animals.
  22. My 15 kilo dog gets 80 grams a day... He's also a poo eater so is muzzled on walks.
  23. I don't think it's a good idea and sounds like it will end in accidental injury and with a long backed dog like a Dachie that could mean paralysis. To be fair to each of the dogs, they really should have a appropriately sized play mates to get the most out of the relationship. Energy/temperament of course is important too.
  24. This is simply the reality of most dogs. People need to work in order to feed and house a dog. Dogs aren't active 10 hours a day to start with. Look into enrichment activities, choose a breed wisely that isn't overly sensitive or overly active, walk it twice a day, train it, condition it - there are lot's of things you can do to make it work. Sure, we'd all love to work from home and be with our dogs all through the day but that simply is not the reality for probably 90% of people.
  25. Ah I see, you don't like Dave-O/respect his review of food? I agree with him on this kibble. You don't need to try it to see what it's like - ingredients tell you what's in the bag.
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