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Everything posted by sas

  1. My pooches get 2 eggs a week, egg whites as well, I may not use the whites now after reading this thread. Haven't noticed any adverse reactions. I didn't even think to feed them the shell.
  2. Yowch in pain, it worked for us and Leila when she always used to paw us and for Ned with his play biting. They don't want to hurt you so if you show him he's hurt you he'll learn.
  3. Ok, so if you have a dog that's not great a recall but there's a catching area, would that be ok? And how far do they run, I'd love to put Leila and Ned in run together, but Leila wouldn't be able to keep up with Ned over a longer distance.
  4. Great News, just keep an eye on them, my pooch appeared to have recovered from her cough and was still eating fine and being a silly goose and ended up getting a 2nd bout which turned into bronchitis, she was anti-botics for close to a month but at the time I wasn't aware of other medications except for the anti-botics and just did what the vet said.
  5. hehehe he's in foster care with me I think he's a great dog but if he's similar to the dog who attacked I can understand the mother not feeling comfortable.
  6. You could pop it in a container and stick it in the fridge the night before to defrost I know....too many things to do and too many things to remember.....Dogs? I have Dogs?
  7. What about this cutie? Available for adoption now
  8. I'm fostering a cattle x shepherd, not agressive at all, not neccessarly the breed eh My other dog is a Great Dane, highly recomend them
  9. Leila is 'pants' trained. In the comfort of my own home I just wonder around in my undies, so when I put my jeans on that means we're going out and she gets super excited hehehe
  10. Side note: Try not to defrost your BARF in the microwave, it alters the nutrional value BARF maintains all its best properties when defrosted naturally
  11. On a 3 minute stay, is it ok if you dog goes to sleep or do they have to be alert? When I do long stays with Leila, she gets bored and goes to sleep!
  12. I found a website with photos, gives you a better idea :rolleyes: http://www.rbe.com.au/suetown/misc/lure30may04/index.htm
  13. I wanna take Ned the foster pooch, I think he'd love this, this boy is fast, I used to be a sprinter not too many years ago and I can't keep up with this boy when he's going flat out.
  14. I can't comment on the wee problem but as for the carpet issue, this is what we have always done and no stains have occured after... If you get to a wee on the carpet fairly soon after it has happened get cold water and poor enough on the carpet...saturate it and then have 2 or 3 towels ready, immeditaley place them over the water and start jumping up and down until the area is dry to touch. (don't allow the water to sit there and soak through to the carpet underlay) get on it straight away otherwise you'll end up with 'water stains'. As another poster mentioned, use white vingegar (do not use any other type of vinegar) to mask the smell, but not too much otherwise you'll be smelling it for weeks. Never use household cleaners on wee, mixed together they will 'burn' the fibres of the carpets and you'll never get that patch looking the same as the rest of the carpet. There are also specialised pet stain removers you can purchase, I'm sure most forum users will have other wee stain removal tips as well.
  15. I'm a dumb ass, is this what grey hounds do? So you pop them in the pen/cage, the door flys open and see if the dog runs after the plastic bag or not?
  16. Leila and I are CHAMPIONS in our field... We can sleep all day if the need arises, on the sofa, on the floor, on the dog bed in the human bed, in the dirt, under the tree....anyhwhere really.
  17. If you want, I'll tell you exactly what I was told by Dog Tech to over come the dominance and I'm pretty sure it will be the same kind of advice given to other people who have used them. I'll list them here and tell me what you get told on Saturday. Initial Problem: Dog who wouldn't listen, just ignored us. Solution from Dog Tech - Says she has dominance issues because: 1) She carries toys around when guests are around to say "Hey, look at all my pocessions, I'm the king of this castle" 2) When you're sitting down she'll relax and put her head inbetween your legs for a head rub - apprantley this is dominating behaviour. 3) She's always at guests for pats and sticks her head in other peoples faces with their sitting down for attention. 4) She is allowed to sit on the sofa to look at the window - apprantly this is allowing her to feel at the same level as her human counterparts. 5) She'll follow you when you get up to move - they thought this was the beginning of seperation aniexty. :p OK, so this is what we were told to do for a period of 2 weeks: 1) No more up on the sofa or the bed, she had her own futon bed in the bedroom 2) No more sleeping in the bedroom 3) No more pats when she walked past or whatever, only occassional pats 4) No walks for 2 weeks 5) No raw meat (we didn't adhere to this one) 5) Whilst inside dog must be tied up to something solid so that they can not get up and move around whenever they wanted 6) Dog gets fed after Human, dog must see humans eating, dog must also see it's own food whilst humans eat 7) Put dog outside 30 minutes prior to leaving house (we didn't adhere to this one) 8) Don't let dog inside until after 30 minutes after arriving home (we didn't adhere to this one) 9) Only give 1 toy per day and the toy must be one you choose 10 Dog to sleep outside if possible (they must be taking drugs, we didn't adhere to this one....did I mention Leila had her own futon!) 11) Daily training sessions in the backyard, teaching sit, drop & stay, drop apprantly is a submissive position so they said the dog must drop in order to respect you. 12) Teaching dog "on your bed" of they moved whilst they were tied up 13) When patting dog, only pat on top of head and only between the ears and only 1 pats. 14) Humans enter door ways first then dog, same as exiting doorways. mmm, there was other stuff, but I forget, the above were the majors. Who knows, your dog may really benefit from the above, especially if its nipping at you for attention, but it also may not be the right training methods for you. When I initialy said they were 'emotionaly harsh" training methods, I was referring to myself that I found it emotionaly hard especialy tying up dog whilst she was inside so she couldn't move around.
  18. Ello everyone, Thanks heaps for all your suggestions! But....GUESS WHAT!!!!! A nice lady came to see Calum (foster pooch) this evening and loves him...fingers crossed it all works out.
  19. Hands up whose tried the sandpit theory....
  20. He's not digging in the same spot and surely it can't be boredom can it if it happens within a 30 minute period? We have a whole toy store here hehehe Now...I can't tell him off can I if I don't catch him red handed?
  21. After trying to search for 'DIGGING' and nothing coming up, I would appreciate any advice on preventing pooch from providing me with free lanscaping services...I've not been able to catch him in the act as yet. Digging in taking place in garden beds and not on the lawn itself and can happen when he is left alone for even a minimum of 30 minutes, toys and another dog present to prevent boredom. Apart from placing a fence around my garden does anyone have any suggestions? Side note: pooch is a foster dog in his first week with us.
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