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  1. Dogs who will work for anybody, anytime are few and far between. in my experience of working spaniels in the hunting field, I can tell you that some dogs work better for men than for women and vice versa. One of my first boys was a lady’s dog and although he would work well for men, he was never as good as when I Was in charge. other dogs, although trained and looked after by me have gravitated to men all their lives even taking their retrieves back to a male in the group.
  2. Good morning AE you do not say what dog activities you are interested in perusing, but if you look on the DogsVic web site (or in the magazine - usually towards the last page) you will find a list of Affiliated Clubs - everything from breed specific groups to specific activity groups like Obedience Clubs, Tracking Clubs, Agility Groups,: Dances with Dogs etc. there are contact details for each group so you can find out things like where and when they meet, what activities they have planned etc directs from the group and choose according to what suits you best. You could of course also ask the breeder of your puppy for recommendations. Or PM me if you need more help.
  3. I have been breeding dogs in Victoria for 49 years and have to say that the number and type of regulations concerning breeding dogs get more onerous and ridiculous every year. On occasion I have argued with the Govt. about the practicalities of various requirements but their heads are in the clouds and they have little practical experience so I eventually gave up!
  4. That is my opinion too. no law in Vic either that I know of.
  5. When pups cry it is usually because they are cold. Where is her box? Can you move it to a warmer/less draughty place or give them a heat pad?
  6. My Springers and Cockers will eat anything except celery and long green beans. Apples and oranges they really love (they are very proficient at peeling the oranges) and all green salads. One of my boys would even steal bananas! I do not think they ever even stop to sniff the meat or fish.
  7. JRG

    Cocker Spaniel

    Try Bodhran in WA. i have pups from two of their dogs at the moment - very impressive. Have you looked at the transport cost recently? I sent a Springer pup to Christchurch recently - the cost was over $4000
  8. I used Zylkene on the advice of a veterinary Behavourist and the dog in question has done exceptionally well over time. He has gone from quivering jelly to well adjusted house pet. Zylkene is made from milk products and I did not see any side effects. Of course, this was not the only therapy he had. one of my friends tried Zylkene on a bitch that cried when left and it did not appear to do much for her. all you can do is try different things.
  9. Hi Rascal if you look at the State Govt web sites, there are very specific things about what and how much the breeder is liable for. I think it is 100% refund up to three years old if the defect can be traced back to the breeder. I will try to find the details for you and send you the link or you can PM me if you would rather do that.
  10. JRG

    Cocker Spaniel

    When you say ‘partially trained” - trained for what? Eg trained to hunt in the field? House trained? Trained to walk on the lead or sit quietly at the peg? Cockers are not the easiest dogs to train unless you get one from a working line and want it to do a job that it likes!
  11. Yes, I keep an emergency supply. Note that it needs really well mixing up before you feed- it seems to sepAte out while in the cupboard and becomes rather thick at the bottom of the packet.
  12. I agree with Rebanne, go for something pronounceable - short is also good because as well as avoiding the prefixes of every other breeder, you need to remember that the maximum field available when registering pups is 32 spaces, so if you have a long prefix you restrict the spaces available to you for pup names.
  13. I take it that are meeting the breeder at their property? If so, have a good look round at the actual place the pup is living in, look at their adult digs (not just the puppies) and when I say look, I mean LOOK. Ask yourself “are these dogs what I want in my life”?. because your baby will only be a baby for a few months and you will be living with the adult for years! i breed dogs myself and am amazed at the number of people who are so magnetised by the pups that they do not give the adults a second glance and please read the paperwork, don’t just sign with one eye on your new baby. Have a wonderful visit and enjoy your new baby. All pics gratefully received - a new Pom , how exciting.
  14. Depends why you are doing it. If you expect your pup to come back to you fully trained, you are destined to be disappointed for the reasons stated above. But if you just think that a few weeks of discipline will do puppy good, then go for it! A long time ago, I sent a spaniel to live with a Game Keeper for a few months, (I was working in Scotland at the time); the experience did her the world of good and she subsequently became an excellent gun dog in spite of me!
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