I don't have a dog, but I do work in a shop. Twice now, we've had customers with a puppy. One was a 'regular' and he had a tiny mini foxie pup about his person. My boss saw my reaction and said to me "You have 5 minutes" I then proceeded to cuddle and coo to the little darling for...well closer to 10 minutes really. The owner actually brought him back the next day. I think for my benefit My shop is adjacent to an exit in the Hyperdome, and there's a pet store in here, so no one cared. Also we don't sell food. The other time it was an itty bitty pug baby. It was so freaking cute. Apparently it's owners were on the way back from NSW, where they had collected the pup from it's breeder.
I LOVE when people bring animals in. I love animals. I know pet shops are bad and all that, but I go in there almost every work day to visit the live-in parrot and the tiny turtles.
I'd be happy if dogs were allowed everywhere people are. From what I've seen, the dogs are often cleaner, smell better, have less fleas.... Also friendlier.