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Everything posted by Loraine

  1. How lucky is he to have been found by you just the right home for him.
  2. What a lovely boy. I bet you will be enjoying him for a long time
  3. Maybe you need to go a size down to an Egg Cup Wireless Wire Haired Fox Terrier OOOOHHHHHH yes please, can I have 2 one for each pocket
  4. You need to update Loraine.. everything's wireless these days. my dog wiw wondering why I am cackling like an old witch How about one of these Wireless Wirehaired Fox Terriers? I'll have one of those as long at it fits into my handbag with my (by that time) empty wallett
  5. Do you do handbag sized Wire Haired Fox Terriers that need no grooming and have great recall? If so I want one please.
  6. I do not feel that there is anything wrong in the responsible re-homing of a dog. Sometimes it become necessary, and you have a good home just waiting for your Odie. Seems a great thing all round.
  7. On mine I have Zedley Pettigrew Ferndale Tel No: 1234 5678 If he had an illness (as my Coco did RIP boy) I would put that on too. BTW that is one gorgeous boy you have there. Was he bred in WA?
  8. Zedley Iand I went ti visit with the yellow lab, BJ yesterday. They had a great visit and I had a good chat with BJ's owners. After a while I realised that the dogs had stopped racing around the garden and started to look for them. BJ was flat on his back on 'his' sofa and Zedley was snoozing on one of the comfy chairs At home Zedley never gets on the futniture (except for the bed, and only whilst I am reading), he is not a 'lap' dog either. I figured that he was just doing what BJ does in BJ's house. I did tell him to get down, but I found it rather strange . Any thoughts DOLers????
  9. I was gobsmacked at last night's programme. I thought vets knew better about the deed/breed thing, and the 'lock jaw' myth. Very disappointing.
  10. This is terrible for you and poor Yogi. I am adding our healing vibes and hoping that he does not develop an infection.
  11. AAAHHHH! I've been missing for a while and just posted in OT for info on the book forgot about doing a search. Looking forward to seeing the wonderful thingy when it is ready to come to momma ;)
  12. My heart dog is in his urn and will be going with me. Any living dog will be cared for or carefully rehomed by my son.
  13. maybe his problem all along has been that he thinks he is a horse, not a dog
  14. I've only seen DB push the DDogs, telling the nation how wonderful they are.
  15. How fantastic for you and Charlie
  16. Thank goodness the problem has been found and is being treated. What a time you have had. A few would be BYB's should read your post, it might show them that breeding is not an easy, money making thing. Looking forward to pics of your girl.
  17. Today we are bathing and preening, ready for the 2 week visit from my dog's best mate BJ. His humans are off to the Gold Coast for a holiday so Zedley has the pleasure of the company of his best friend BJ, the yellow Labrador. These two are the best of mates ( wish they would clean up the yellow hairs before BJ goes back home ). Bj came last year for 5 weeks whilst his humans went off to Europe. They leave me his m/chip papers, we use the same vet and they leave me a blank cheque for 'just in case', and their mobile number. They also provide all of his BARF ready packed and frozen. Great arrangement for socialisation and mateship
  18. Zedley is reasonably healthy (I think), he is allergic to oats, ahs no bone/joint problems, but gets yeasty from time to time (usually if oasts have sneaked in to his foods).
  19. Julie I am so sorry. RIP wee Vader.
  20. they are very rare because many are PTS as they can be both deaf and blind, and sun is awful for them - many cancers and sunburns..
  21. Good Lord that is just so terrible to look at and must have been doubly terrible to be in it. Jed you have all of DOL behind you.
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