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Posts posted by Loraine

  1. I have absolutely no advice, but I feel your pain. My 7 yr old Wire Foxy started midnight whinging, digging, biting the metal gates about a year or so ago. He is now on 5mg Promex every night and sleeps through. No idea what the cause of his strange behaviour was. Tried behaviourist to no good.

    Good luck with finding out whatever is causing your young 'un to have these moments.

  2. Isnt Ingrid dead yet? She claimed she was a waste of space so I thought someone would sort of take the opportunity to knock the old bitch off her perch and turn her skin into a lampshade or whatever the hell the bat wanted done with her remains

    “I plan to send my liver somewhere in France, to protest foie gras (liver pate) ... I plan to have handbags made from my skin ... and an umbrella stand made from my seat.”

    — PETA President Ingrid Newkirk speaking to onMilwaukee.com, Feb 2005


    With comments from Ingrid like that it makes me wonder how people can believe anything about PETA. Must be the brainless dead following them. :)

  3. Could not answer on the poll, but I was a breeder 30+ years ago. I thoroughly enjoyed it (had a great mentor to get me going). I am not way past the thrill of breeding and showing, but still have the same breed of dog as a pet.

  4. Well after years of procrastinating my sister is finally getting a dog. I guess they finally buckled to pressure from their youngest (10 year old girl same age as my youngest) She is animal crazy and loves coming to my place because of all the animals here. Also both girls (the elder is 15) loves my mums dog and spent alot of time there so have had a dog in their life but none of the work associated with them.

    I am so pleased they are getting a Schnauzer (Standard/mid sized) as I think they have done their homework and this is a breed that will suit them all. Non smelling, non shedding, can be outdoors and indoors. I would have given the girls a Cavalier Puppy but Cavaliers are just not a breed that is suitable for them for a number of reasons.

    AND the whole family spent a fair bit of time with the breeder at last years Melbourne Royal which is terrific and lead them to the decision.

    So anyway, the litter was born on the 17th of January, they are going up to visit when the puppies are 6 weeks old and they are getting a male.

    They have purchased a puppy pen for him already as I strongly suggested they should get one to make things safer for everyone. Amongst other things of course! :)

    So now I am a Schnauzer "Aunty". I know my sister will be looking to me for doggy advice so I'll have to be really careful. My first piece of advice to her was "Be guided by your breeder, they are more than happy to answer your questions"!

    Brilliant, congrats on becoming a Schnuazer auntie :D

  5. Zedley gets Pearly-Boy (he has lovely teeth :D ), Zipper, Zippy and Kirk = don't ask, I have no idea why I call him Kirk from time to time :thumbsup:

    He is AKA Shirley :laugh: My 3 yr old g/daughter got her dressing-gown belt, tied it around Zedley's neck and tied it to the table leg. Then she announced "Nana, look I have a new dog" (they have a Wei), so I asked her what she was going to call her new dog "Shirley" came the reply (she can say Zedley). She then walked into the wardrobe and siad that it was their new home. My son and I nearly choked with suppressed laughter :laugh:

  6. Is he having his sleeping pills ??

    Jed he is on Promax for a week, then the plan it to move him onto Endep, minimal dose Curlygirl, is the Promax is decreased. I've tried the DAP and that does not good at all :eek: We had another great night last night and are both perky and back to normal :wave:

  7. Lorraine,

    I've just read your thread for the first time. I've also just finished a book which amongst other things discussed how it came to be discovered that animals can detect cancer, and other illnesses in humans.

    I'm probably way off the mark, but just an idea, and please don't worry unnecessarily.

    Have you had your own health checked? I don't mean to say you are going mad. I mean your physical health.

    Go and have a good physical at your GP. I don't know what you tell them.

    All the best. I'm sure it's nothing, but it was just a thought that jumped into my head when I read your thread.

    Thanks Mumof3. Been for a thorough check up as it also occured to me.

    GR we had a good night last night, we wil see how we go tonight. He'd better be careful, I've been for a hospital clinic appt today and nearly passed out in the foyer, ended up in ER and a wheelchair. No feeling super, so I hope he has a calm night.

  8. Loraine, Sleep Right is Doxilamine Succinate if I remember correctly, which is a muscle relaxant ..... how much did you give? I only ever recommend a 1/4 of a tablet for humans to start with even though the packet says to take one or two tablets! They are VERY strong tablets!

    GR I gave him a 25mg tablet. In the middle of the night I am frustrated, desperate and drugged myself. Showed them ot his vet and she was not concerned. I really don't like drugging dogs, but it was way better than choking him into silence. He tries to headbut his way through the windows which are 40 years old and thin. He could kill himself, before I got a chance to do it for him.

  9. I wouldn't discount the resident spirit either!! I have had a psychic behaviourist out, as I thought 'spirit'?

    Sleeping pills. Vet has given me a weeks worth of Promax, he slept all alst night, but we will see. After this she is putting him on low dose Endep at nights.

    Wasn't Zedley an adult dog when you got him? Yes, he was 2 years old. I have had no probs for nearly 5 years, this has kicked up in the last 12 months or so.

    Am wondering if there is something in his past .......... Pyschic person said this could be, but not sure whatever it is to make it start up now.

    And also thinking of night blindness - but he would be like that pre-bedtime. Don't think that is the problem, as he has gone walkabout in the dark to his mate's house through a park and up a side street, not during these night time episodes.

    Other things are illness, a tumour of some sort ........... I was considering this, and was going to ask his vet next week if we can do a brain scan.

    Dunno. Neither do I ;)

    There is something wrong with him. Neurological? Digestive? Something, no dog does that because he wants to. Why would you do that? Something hurting? Something in your brain telling you to do it. Jed it could be neurological I think, doubt it is is digestive. He has been physically checked by the vet (prostate, joints etc.,) Something in his brain telling him to do it - maybe as he seems to get so focused of escaping the roome, the house and the garden, only at bedtime

    I would give him something soothing prebedtime - if he was mine, it would be warm milk and manooka honey. I would also do a kind of Alexander technique thing to his head - two fingers, make circles on the top of his skull working down to his eyebrows and his cheeks. I am sure you could find out how to do it properly .... I used to do it to the horses, it really calmed them, and I used to do it to the rescue dogs who had anxiety issues. Costs nothing, probably wont work!! Give it a go. I love your voice of experience Jed. I can try warm milk and honey tonight. I am quite good at giving dogs massages, and he loves that. I'll try before bedtime.

    Animal communicator? He as been seen by Laura Bird - Laura is healer of animals and people and teacher about the world that exists between; the world we are all connected and all “One Spirit”.She is a qualified Bowen Therapist, treating Horses & Small Animals as a mobile service

    Isn't that Amanda DeWarren (???)one - there is one which answers (or did answer) enquiries in a womens magazine? That's Life?? I have noted this website, but I think she does similar stuff to Laura Bird

    I am not sure that I altogether believe - but the people she does readings for seem to, unless they are all plants??

    Thank you all for your very kind suggestions, they are very much appreciated. I gave him a pill called Sleep Right (an over the counter human thing). He slept the first night, but not after that :D so I am just hoping that last night was not a one off fluke.

  10. Have you tried leaving a light on for him? eg in the conservatory with the main light on?

    I just wonder if something like night blindness may be affecting his confidence or stressing him out perhaps?

    Edit - does he insist on being in the same room as you? Would it help if the light was left on in your bedroom? Even a dimmer light perhaps?

    Left lights on. I cannot sleep with any light in the bedroom. It doesn't matter what room he is left in, even with a light - he just wants out of the rooms, out of the house and off the tiny bit of land we live on (the garden :laugh: ). It he can ever escape he runs off and I live near a 4 lane highway whihc he crossed on boxing day night :eek: , having found he could get through the new gate. (new gates on order and he is not allowed in the front garden until they come).

    He cries in and out of the bedroom, he howls out the back and in the conservatory, but he does not want to come back into the house with me. ;)

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