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Posts posted by Loraine

  1. Thank you both for the great advice.

    I think right now my son is really concerned at the huge weight loss. My son is about to move into a new rental property Tuesday their time, so Alfie will be moving again.

    I'll pass on the info about the lamb flaps and ox cheek and the higher calorie kibbles.

    As always good advice from DOL'ers :thumbsup:

  2. My son's Wei has just arrived in the UK. He spent about 4 weeks in kennels here before his trip. He has lost a ton of weight - over Skype last night I could see Alfie and his rib bones and hips are sticking out.

    I have advised son to feed little and often, high protein value foods such as white meats, oily fish, egg whites and a good mix of veggies.

    Anyone have any more advice.

    Alfie was only fed kibble when they lived here, not sure what happened at the kennels, but he looks like he stopped eating as soon as they left him (he has been in these kennels before, for shorter periods.)

  3. I have just agreed and been approved to purchase an adult Affenpinscher :thumbsup: from a lovely lady in Victoria. He is a 3 yr old neutered Aus Champion and MULTI CLASS IN GROUP WINNER.

    He will be coming to be at the beginning of next month, flight and such have to be arranged.

    IAs my only son has just returned tot he UK with his kids and dog, I felt the time was right for me to get anoher friend.

    After scouring the DOL breed pages I was in favour of a Griffon, but then saw this Affie boy and love hit me between the eyes.

    This will be the second adult dog I will have got through DOL :thumbsup:

    Can you say I am excited, Yes You Can!!!!

  4. thanks for the tips guys, im not that bothered about the pooing, and yes she eats advance biccies, so her poos are nice and solid, hence it doesnt really matter where they are, its just the wees, cos it stains the pavers, and onviously makes them smell.

    yes maybe i shouldt stress so much, i guess im lucky she is toilet trained and goes outside.

    i was thinking of buying a tray and put the turf in there, and put it under cover, at least then it wont stain the pavers, and i can easily clean it.

    thanks :)

    For the wees try putting a tablespoon of cloudy cider vinegar (the mother is cloudy) in the water bowl, that helps reduce the pong.

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