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Everything posted by Loraine

  1. Interesting........ I have an itchy boy and I also have Avon Skin so Soft in the bathroom - guess who will be a guinea pig thia arvo I have not heard of using Keri Oil, but I will try anything. Thanks for the info.
  2. So sorry :D Run free at the Bridge Kapper - much loved one!
  3. You been and gone and found Utopia - this is the way we all want to live with our dogs
  4. My vet told me to stop all worming tablets and he also stopped the annual shots. His feeling was that too many unecessary drugs just bombard the dog's system. If you have to cut the tablets, then it is wise to be careful when using Lysodren in case you have a cut on your hand (I never wore plastic gloves to administer) and be very careful if you have children around the place. I would think that by Tuesday you will see a drop off in the food and drink and then you need to get him in for a test. Once the next test is done, and if he is 'loaded' then you will drop down to giving the meds less frequently. My Coco (a mini poodle about 9 kgs) was usually on a quarter tablet every other day.
  5. Maybe as it is NYE and fireworks can scare the dogs you can let them bring him, but confine him to one place (bathroom, crate) I would also be telling them until he is housetrained you would rather they not bring him as it is not fair on your own dogs. I take my boy everywhere with me, but I ask first. He was NOT invited to the family christmas, so I just went for lunch and came straight home as he is now so spoiled that he kicks up when I leave him alone.
  6. oh no I thought he was on the mend - sending healing thoughts and prayers his way
  7. Now that is something to get excited about, bet you can't hardly wait
  8. Popped in to check out Grover Hopefully he is over the worst and will be home soon. Glad to see he is fighting off the toxins.
  9. Great news for Ruby - hoping that the news is benign Let's hope she can manage to be a good girl for a few days
  10. Keeping Grover and his loved and loving ones in our thoughts - sending positive vibes out.
  11. run free Callie. My thoughts are with your RMC, it is such a heartbreaking time.
  12. Hoping she is on her way home to you, and feeling better very soon.
  13. Certainly not the news any of us want to hear. I am so sorry that you have to make decisions like this, but you will know when the time is right.
  14. I think each case is very different, and we must have a vet or specialest we trust and who has a lot of experience with treating the disease. My family vet diagnosed it but had no idea on the treatment protocols, so I found one that had a great experience with treating the disease.
  15. J Kelly Louise is right - Lysodren is a chemotherapy drug. I actually prefer it to Trilostane as it is less likely to cause overloading. My lovely boy was 12.5 when he was diagnosed and he got to 15.5 and then his kidneys failed. There is life ahead with Cushing's and most dogs ae not diagnosed until they are in their latter years. Given that your vet has said 8 days and then testing it does sound like Lysodren is the drug of their choice. Many vets are not yet confident using Trilostane and I would go with what you vet is most comfortble using - and you will need the prednisolone on hand. I had my boy on Lysodren for the majority of the time. Please keep in touch through this board and I am sure that many of us can support and advise you.
  16. I would think your Occy is likely to be put on Trilostane. I am glad that your vet has indicated that it is very important right at the beginning to keep testing to get the levels right. I am sure that Kelly Louise will come by and tell you about how often she has had to change Chloe's dosage. I had my boy (RIP) on Lysodren first (Trilostane had not been released) and then moved him on to Trilostane once I could get it. This disease is a roller coaster, but very manageable. It is good that your vet wants to wait until after the holidays for you to start treatment. Ask your vet about you having some prednisolone to keep on hand in case of an overdose (easily happens and pres helps you). Try and enjoy christmas before the game of Cush-watch begins.
  17. I cannot believe that you left just 5 years ago. I miss you still, and I alwys will. You were the most special boy - brave and loving. I still see you fave vet and he always asks about you. Have fun at the Bridge until I get there. :rolleyes:
  18. Now you are sounding more upbeat Hey she probably has a good number of years in her yet - you just keep on watching and doing what you are doing. :D
  19. So the roller damned coaster continues!! Have you ever wondered what we would do when it stops Sorry that you got a 'but', but overall Chloe's results sound good. Maybe her pale gums were just a one off. Sometimes I notice that Zedley's gums are pale, and I know that he is as fit as a fiddle, so have no clue as to what causes it. Maybe Chloe has had a bite or sting that was nothing to worry about - I am hoping that there is nothing on her spleen or other internal organs. Fingers crossed for a peaceful end to this year and a Christmas unamarred by the C disease and its side effects. Give that brave girl a bit hug from me and the Z-man.
  20. Kelly Louise I was hoping to see some results - gosh this disease really keeps us on tenterhooks. I still have not learned to be patient
  21. Kelly Louise I was hoping we could all get thru Christmas without drama - how wrong can I be I am crossing everything for Chloe, and hoping it is something mild and nothing to do with either C or A. Keep your chin up KL you've come a very long way, over a massively bumpy road. I'm saying a prayer for Chloe and forcing Zedley to do the same
  22. OK I have dried my tears. Diesel, you fought a hard battle with your loving Mum every step of the way with you. Rest in Peace little man, knowing that you are much loved and very much missed. Those of us here followed your story with bated breath, but I guess that rotten tumour was just too wicked for today's vets and medicines. Say HI to my Coco (he will be waiting for me together with a whole heap of other Cushpups who are waiting for their humans to join them). DW the pain is awful right now, but it does subside, although you will never forget that very special boy.
  23. My heart boy (RIP) had Cushing's disease and a heart murmer that caused him to cough. Until the blood results come back nothing can be done about the Cushings. From memory my boy was on Fortekor for his heart, when he would cough I would just gently massage his throat. On here we have a few Cushpups - Kelly Louise has Chloe who is on Trilostane. My boy was on Lysodren and then Trilostane. It really depends on whether the Cushing's is being caused by a pituitary tumour or an adrenal tumor. My heart goes out to your client, as the initial info is scary. Tell her to make sure she learns as much about the disease as she can. My long time family vet diagnosed my boy, but had no clue how to continue his treatment, so I ended up phoning around with a bunch of questions I had learned the answers to, until I found a vet who knew exactly what to do. Good luck to your client and don't hesitate to ask more Q's if you need to. BTW, it is sensible to try and make sure that the dog is not eating too much fatty food (not good for the kidneys if is is Cushing's).
  24. Long term doses of prednisolone will cause the muslces to waste, and will make the head shape different. Those of us with Cushing's dog see this. If you dog is required to be long term (i.e. months) on pred I would be asking the vet what other options may be available, or maybe seeing a specialist vet.
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