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Everything posted by Loraine

  1. Here is my old Mitci taken around 1970, and she was getting on a bit She is riding on my Mum's shopping basket
  2. These stupid attitudes to breeding make me rope-able I was in my pharmacy getting stuff for my dog, the woman serviing me askes what he was (he was tied up outside the door). She then proceeded to inform me that she had two dogs. Me: what are they? Her: one is a shi tzu/bichon (bitch) the other is a standard poodle/maltese (male). Me: Lovely Her: the shi tzu/bichon is expecting her first litter to the bigger male. Me: Oh what a shame. you'll have to get him neutered to stop that happening again! Her: Why would I do that, I am sure they will be lovely pups. Me: I bet you did no health testing on either dog? Her: what is that? Me: Please stop taking about cross bred dogs that end up in pounds and let me shop in peace! I realy as if I could end up smacking her upside the head. She was so ignorant about breeding and had not even considered what would happen during a difficult delivery for the mum dog
  3. Erny it is actually the Sutton CS that I have in the pantry (unopened), small world The drops in the ar have certainly sorted out that problem. I will bath him tonight or more likely tomorrow and I have decided to use Alpha Keri Wash, and I think as a precaution, as he is still a bit greasy and yeasty through the body, I will make up a spray with CS. Thanks for all of your advice and concern it is much appreicated. BTW Erny, I love that name Mandela
  4. As a single person (with no family to care for the dog) I used to move the contents to the new place. Then I'd take the dog along to help wiht the unpacking . I moved 6 times with my mini poodle.
  5. Thanks Erny your input is always welcome. I have an unopened bottle of CS in the pantry and will start wiping the outer pars of his ears with that (it has to be more gentle than Malaseb, which makes him itch when used as a shampoo. His ears are clearing with the drop stuff, but his body is yeasty, so I have started him on holistic internal stuff to see if we can knock his candida on the head.
  6. Our terriers used to dash off at the mere scent of water and dive right in. Mum dogs would encourage their pups to do the same thing and all pups left home being able to swim
  7. Saw the phamacist today = they would charge me $43.00 for 30 Nizoral tabs, but I need a script from the vet. Vet want to charge like a wounded bull (closer to $100.00). Saw a holistic woman in the shop and she advised some natural stuff for his insides. Works out cheaper, but will need to see if it works.
  8. my friend's Maltishoo had that op for an obstruction. Aside from the Lizzie collar which he hated, he was home that night, had brekky the next day and was fairly normal after that. he was careful how he lay down, su I guess some positions were unconfortable for hm.
  9. Once I get his ears fixed I will pin that dilution rate above his shwoer sink and use it regularly, maybe it will reduce the frequency of itchy ears
  10. Glad you found a good source KL. Bet the dog will be pleased
  11. Seen the vet. She did a blood draw to test his thyroid levels again - as of this morning he levels are low so we up his med to 1.5 tablets twice a day (so he has gone from 2 to 3 a day). The vet suggested Nizoral for his yeasty, smelliness, whihc comes and goes. You name the shampoo and I have it , the vet wants to charge me $75 for Nizoral and I have declined, as it is not a cure, just a short term fix. Whilst he is smelly at the moment, and I can cope with shampooing the devil dog, daily if needs must He is not biting holes in his sides, so I guess we do it my way. Next time I am at the Chemist I shall confer with pharmacist and see what they can do for the cost of Nizoral, and if I actually need a script from the vet. (My pharmacist charges less than half of what the vet chages for Zedder's thyroid meds).
  12. Kelly Louise I have just opened my daily email from Deals Direct and they have a cooler bed that looks comfy and is BIG for $24.95. Here is the link if you are interested http://www.dealsdirect.com.au/p/pet-cooler...16-_-prods-_-50
  13. My dogs have both had ear problems recently. Firstly, the 14 day ab's plus ear drops seem to not have totally cleared the problem a couple of months ago so we were back - same problem again, but a longer dose of ab's this time. One dog cleared beautifully, the other seemed to get worse and I was told that the drops and ab's had cleared the first infection letting a nastier one take hold. Different ab's and different drops and eventually it got better. A week of ab's might not have done the trick and you might also need ab drops. Assume the vet checked for grass seeds ? Does the ear smell ?(setting myself up there, I know its an ear and they hear, not smell... ) Ear does not smell, usually does if it is itchy. I have just called the vet and we are off in a couple of hours so the vet can have a looksee and he can get some drops and possibly more ab's. Thanks 4 Paws for that link.
  14. What a positive experience for you all. I have a home made long line, but I am sure that if I let Zedley off completely he will bolt for the hills
  15. Zedley was off at the vet last week and had a week of antibiotics for a very sore, red ear. I gave him the pills and put Epi=Otic in his ears twice a day, dropping back to once a day. I notice today that he is favouring his right ear (head slightly dropped to one side) and it is red again. I had plucked his ears, and I do clean regularly. I am stumped!!!! I recall reading on DOL about a dilution of Malaseb for itchy ears but I am danged if I can find anything about it. Does anyone have the dilution rate or even an alternative to help this poor boy? TIA BTW he is a Wire Haired Fox Terrier.
  16. Contact (by email or through the web site) Deals Direct and tell them of your problems. They have been very good with me and let me return stuff that was not right.
  17. Eggs are not harmful to dogs. Many dogs eat hens eggs, including the shells. I think your dog is lucky to get quail eggs
  18. I would go with a GA if the dog is deemed fir enough by the vet. It is better than having 2 resuce dogs (a bitch and a male) undesexed and sold to the one person Because of these things I too am no longer involved in rescue.
  19. That is just fantasit Kelly Louise. Must make your heart sing to see one of your girls in print
  20. He needs immediate correction and perhaps removing from the kitchen whilst you are preparing his dinner, until he has learned to sit and wait. As for dining rooms, I ban small pupies from the area until they have mastered the sit and stay commands.
  21. In my early teens I used to go to the stables of the local hunt (I'm a Yorkshie woman and going grey ), I used to help with the hounds and the Wire Haired Fox Terriers. I really took to the foxies. When I was 17ish the wife of the Huntmaster gave me a WHFT bitch, Nena. The woman (also a friend of my Mum's), became my mentor. She advised me initially on how to train and care for a pup. As time went on she advised with reading the Pedigree papers and choosing a good stud for my bitch. She advised on the whelping and the need to sometimes assist the mother dog by feeding the pups with a syringe. She then went to to advise on selling the pups on and home/people checking. She was a fantasic person. I kept one of Nena's (she only had three litters in her lifetime) bitches (Mitzi) had a litter from Mitzi and then left the dogs with Mum as I married and lived around the world. In our house we always had dogs, cats, birds, mice, rabbits, tadpoles - only thing Mum would not let me have was a white rat :D I did not have a pet of any kind for 8 years, but once I arrived back in the UK I got a cat, and then I rescued a dog from the local pound. He was a poodle x bichon. When I came bak to Aus I looked out for a mini poodle who was looking for a home and finally bought a 2 yr old whose parents were going overseas to live. I had him until he was 15.5. My latest dog the WHFT Zedley, came to me via DOL. As I knew and understand the breed I was approached and asked if I could give this lad a home. He is ex show/stud and was 2 when he flew from NSW to WA and my welcoming home. I think he is very happy as a house dog, he is now 7 and has become my shadow :D
  22. I think that a dog behind a fence barking or even going ballistic should be considered as guarding the property, and talling the passersby to move one. I have never been intimidated by a dog barking behind a fence, although sometimes it can freak a dog I am walking. I think that kind of legislation would open the door to all kinds of neighbourhood complaints and disputes.
  23. Has your vet done blood tests and skin scrapings for mite? I have an itchy Terrier who also gets bad ears. After much allergy testing (at great cost) his blood was tested. His thyroid came back marginal and on checking his heart rate it was determined that he had a thyroid problem! He is now on Thyroxine twice a day and doing great. I did discover that he is allergic to oats and beef, so I make sure not to give him either.
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