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Everything posted by lilypily

  1. I'm in the process of filling out my 25 page questionaire, so I should have an appt. either late this week or next week. He is fed Supercoat dry and My Dog canned. He really needs something that will take the edge of his anxiety and fear,
  2. Yep, that's what i'm doing. I have contacted a Vet Behaviouralist and i'm waiting for her to ring me back to have a chat, then I have forms to fill out and make an appt.
  3. Hi, I'v been thinking about trying Clomicalm for my dog. Just after peoples experiences with the drug, any negative side effects? Did it work for your dog? Would you recommend it? Thanks.
  4. My dogs have 3 meals a day, breakie, lunch and tea, they also get a Tiny Teddie bickkie at bedtime. I just divide what they would have a day into 3 small meals.
  5. No, I vacc every 3 years. Although while I was working at the pound and vet clinic, I vacc'ed annually, to high a risk from me being around parvo infected dogs. My old boy is 10yrs, I won't have him done again. A vet I used to work with said annual vacc's are not necessary, it is a good reason to get people in the door once a year, so they can give the dog a check up, as a lot of people don't go to the vet untill something is really wrong, having a yearly check up with the vacc allows the vets to pick anything up and treat it before it becomes a major health concern. Besides, vets rely on the vacc income.
  6. Thanks ellz and Jed They do eat from plastic bowls, so i'll change them and see if there is any change. Thanks again.
  7. Thanks, It's not a "winter" thing, their noses have been 'pink' for over a year now, just the front of the nose, the top is still black. It doesn't bother me at all, just hate to think if it's caused by a nutritional deficiency.
  8. Bleach EVERYTHING!!!!!!!! As for his bedding, i'd throw it out. As for your carpet and car upholstery, I don't know what you could use that wouldn't take the colour out. Sorry
  9. Has anyone else had this happen? 3 out of my 4 last dogs have had black noses, but the pigment must fade and they turn pink. I'v been advised to give them human iron tablets and that will turn their noses back to black??????????????? They have always been on premium, well balanced diets, so I havn't thought inadequate nutrition to be a problem. Just after others thoughts and experiences before I think of putting them on an iron supplememnt. Ta
  10. Well I must have 3 very strange dogs. None of them will eat raw meat of anykind. They give it a quick sniff and look at me as if to say Ewwwww. I tried things like chicken wings and mince when they were pups, so it's not a case of being used to commercial 'store bought' food.
  11. It certainly could be HD, while it's more common in larger breeds, the little tackers can still suffer from it. My Chi x Pom has it, and has since an early age. You can try Sashas Blend, that has worked really well for my boy.
  12. No, i'm a vet nurse. Beautiful pics!!!!!!!!
  13. Try the cream, but personally I wouldn't put a dog under a GA just to flush their tear ducts. I'd just wait and if he ever needs a GA for another reason, then get the tear ducts done then. It is more of a cosmetic problem, it doesn't cause your dog pain or discomfort. It's just a matter of you giving his eye area a daily wipe. A syringe of saline is squirted into the tear ducts and it comes out through the nose. This proceedure is not painful or invasive. A GA is used because most dogs would not sit still for it 2 of my dogs have mucky eyes, but it's not an issue, as I said if they ever need to go under for any other reason I will get them flushed then Also it's not a permanent fix. The tear ducts will again over time block up. The AMACIN cream is good for eye infections. It's good to try this as if there is an infection it will clear it up
  14. I give 1ml per 7kg of flaxseed oil once a day mixed in with their food. Lovely soft and shiny coats.
  15. That's silly advise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is no way people without nursing experience should attempt treatment at home. The I.V needs to be intravenous!!!!!!!! not sub-cut. No fluids should be orally administered. Proper vet treatment is a MUST for parvo cases, lack of money is not an excuse. That's like saying if I get sick, and don't want to pay the doctors bill, that i'll treat myself at home, give myself injections etc: Just silly.
  16. There is no reason why you can't socialise your pup before full vacination, you just have to do it a bit differently. I took my pup out with me wherever I went. But I did not put her on the ground, she got to meet a variety of different people, see and hear traffic etc etc: She went tp pup pre-school to. Sorry, but after seeing to many horrible parvo cases, I think it is pure negligence for an owner to allow a unfully vacc pup be on public grounds. Parvo virus can live for 12 months. That's why when I worked at the shelter, I dipped my shoes in disinfectant before leaving, I took the shoes off before I got in my car, I stored them in a plastic bag in my boot, there was no way I was going to walk the parvo virus into my house and yard, even though my dogs are all vacc.
  17. I think they are a waste of money. Just use sheets of newspaper.
  18. I'd go to your vet now, it will be cheaper and less pain for your dog, than if you wait for another abcess to appear. It's a bit hard with the grass seeds being in his throat, I mean you can check your dog's body over on a daily basis, but you can't really stick your fingers down his throat
  19. My 3 get a bath every 4-6 weeks, regardless if they smell or look dirty, Because they live inside the house, I just like them to be "clean"
  20. Yes vets love to have a day off, but it's their job and it is 24/7, I'v spent time with vets "on call" and believe me their phone does not stop ringing. Don't fear ringing your vet if it is the weekend or night time, what would be worse, you disturbing the vet or your dog dying because you didn't seek help??? I sometimes get called in the middle of the night to go into the clinic, I never mind, as it's for a good reason, sleep can wait, a sick animal can't. Basically a vet doesn't really have a day off, the mobile is always swithched on. (if it is a large clinic then the vets can roster actual day's off) So if anyone is concerned for any reason, make a quick call!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Today's Sunday, so hmmm.......... Wait till tomorrow or go today?????? I would ring your vet and have a chat, see what he recommends.
  22. You can't get any better than a beef shank!!!!!!!
  23. My boy had Prednil for spinal pain Don't get me wrong, i'm sure it is good in some cases and for some dogs BUT I will NEVER use it again on any of my dogs. Horrible stuff!!!!! My boy peed everywhere (literally every 10min) he sat beside the fridge all day (so hungry) his fur fell out, he got fat and it didn't ease his pain at all. I just don't like cortisone..
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