Hi there,
I'm looking at buying an english pointer pup. I have done alot of study on this breed and I feel I am choosing the right dog.
I have previously owned a dobermen, but due to tragic circumstances my dog had to be put down. After many long years with my female dobermen we developed a very strong bond and I was very attached to her. Having this dog from when I was 13 up until I was 20, it has been difficult but i'm finally deciding to buy another pet. I have decided to buy a pointer as they are bred more along the hunting background and also make great family pets. Through my teenage years I taught my last dog to hunt and we spent most of our time in the field as well as a loyal family dog. Now I'm older I hunt ducks and other game birds as well as deer. I also have 2 kids 5 and 7 and would like my dog to be a companion for them as much as myself.
The question is, at first I wanted a female as my last dog was female (desexed), but now thinking things through, I can't decide. Is there any advantages having one or the other. I'm leaning towards a male now because I feel If i was to have a female, it would be a waste of a good dog to get desexed for future ideas may change and may decide to breed a litter, If I don't get desexed then I risk falling pregnant with other dogs.
So are there any helpful info that might steer me one way or the other?
Thanks Cam