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  1. My name is Dale Swift I am the Managing Director of APFE Pty Ltd whom are the company that that both formulated, makes and sells both BlackHawk Holistic and Holistic Lamb & Rice products in Melbourne. I have been reading some of the posts and felt compelled to straighten out a few misconceptions certain people seem to be consistently pushing. ALL my formulas both domestic and International are different in some way, they may have certain ingredients listed that are common but the true science to creating good food is the way these ingredients are balanced, anyone that try's to compare one food to another based on its visual appearance or for that matter its packaging is purely only doing that, a visual comparison not a nutritional comparison. In truth it is irrelevant what a food looks like its how it performs and whether that level of performance gives you both value financially and nutritionally for your pet. I have worked closely with Sherel from BlackHawk and included certain modifications she wanted to my formulas to create the BlackHawk formula what you now buy today, I do feel from what I have read today that we are on the right track and given most people what they want. Sherel and I are continuing to work on new ingredient compositions as well as new and exciting ingredient inclusions to further enhance the current product line. I do hope this short note has answered some lingering questions that seem to be on this forum.
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