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Everything posted by Mel_P

  1. Well i am not plenty of people Sheridan.
  2. Yes Sheridan - do you think i am that dumb?
  3. I have made complaints to the Council and DPI.
  4. That is great Helen, but are you privy to what occurs "behind the scenes" so to speak?
  5. Westiemum, I have read your post, but what I am trying to tell you is that there is still a lot of killing that is going on. Figures are not being released and the figures that were released are from accurate. It is a case of not releasing figures because they are simply not much better! I for one do not agree to the killing of so many cats and kittens because the organisation does not have adequate measures in place to contain cat flu. It may be early days but this is a clear breach of the DPI Code. Insted of getting amateurs in there to run this shelter, perhaps it would have been best to get people in who actually know what they are doing! Dogs and cats have been put down prior to their eight days being up, surely this is not something that DOL would applaud. Would DOL applaud the temperament testing being carried our by unqualified people?
  6. Sheriden is right - no kill means rehomable animals are not killed. Not every animal is rehomable, would you rather they warehouse them for the rest of their lives in cages? Thank you. That was my understanding. Yes you are right, unfortunately, GAWS is still killing rehomable animals. There was no need to kill all those cats in December, they simply didnt have sufficient cross infection measures in place. They kill dogs and cats to make space. So everything Mike Bailey has preached he is going against.
  7. GAWS is NOT a no kill shelter and never will be a no kill shelter. Simply ask the Council that and they will tell you so. However Mr Bailey will simpy not come out and say anything. He certainly won't say that they killed 30 to 40 cats/kittens on 23 December 2011 due to cat flu. Things have not changed there at all, it may have new people in, but nothing has changed, they are simply better at covering things up.
  8. Mr Bailey is going on one months of stats, he won't provide information about any other months.
  9. How does Lucy get along with other dogs and cats?
  10. Oh no, my thoughts and prayers are with you
  11. All four have kennel cough - which I can understand however one of the toy poodles was so hot to the touch, after getting her home we got her to the vet first thing this morning - she had a temperature of over 40! All four dogs lost at least 1 kg each and my two white boys (maltese shihtzus had yellow feet and stank! We phoned this morning - the kennels do not have drainage so they must have been walking in their own urine for seven days to have that smell!
  12. I just picked up my babies from Hanrob at Melbourne and can safely say they will never be going there again!
  13. Thank you Jerojath, i will have to make some enquiries!
  14. Does anyone know of a good groomer in the Geelong area? Thanks in advance
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