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  1. In my opinion it is fine as long as they aren't distracting to other competitors. I often take my kids to training and to trials. They normally just sit and draw or play quiet games. They are 6 and 4 and know how important it is for them to be quiet and sit still.
  2. Hi everyone, Long time lurker - first time poster...... My Jack Russell passed the ET in Mackay, North Queensland last Sunday. We were doing anywhere between 6 and 10km's most days and in the 2 weeks leading up to the ET we did 8-10km's every second day. The last 3 days before the ET we only went for a walk as I was stressing that something might happen at the last minute (like a pad injury or lameness). I didn't sleep much the night before due to worry but after it was over I realised my boy was more than fit enough for it. Good luck to everyone.
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