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Everything posted by lilmisssascha83

  1. ohh thanks for the tips about the resumes. sadly down in canberra its pretty much impossible to rent with pets. ive got a dog and cat and there is like zero accomodation. am told straight away no pets. makes it hard so am living with mum who drives me a little bonkers. cant wait till i can afford my own place. dsmn rental market
  2. yeah today i took sash out earlier, this afternoon we went to a river for a swim and then this evening i took her out for a bathroom break but it was grass and we def didnt stay out long. i worry bout her paws but its like she doesnt feel temperature sometimes. but if i am too hot she wont be going out. prob lucky that our walks are early morning or evening if its hot and even then i dont overdo it
  3. omg how horrible i hope she pulls through
  4. gosh I also got Red Dog for xmas and watched it and Gah. I laughed and cried like a baby. Red Dog totally looks like one of the kelpie's in Sasha's class Ned.
  5. omg that sounds devine. i might email you when im on the cono. my dog sasha and i might just love it. how far away is it from canberra?
  6. Yay I'm so excited and I can't wait to see the pics. I've given a donation to the paws website you mentioned. Hopefully it can help a little bit. Thank you for all your hard work. Its great that she was so happy to be in the garden. Hope to see pics shortly :-)
  7. yay so excited and glad you will be there to help her settle in. no worries will pop a donation when im on the computer later today. i really hope she thrives in a new environment
  8. OMG this just melts my heart. Having a little cry. Thank you so much for all that you have done. I just hope she can experience a great life off the rope full time. I hope that this is her forever home or if not at least she is off that horrible rope. Please let me know where I can send a donation. It is unfortunately all I can do at the moment as I can't foster myself but this story just touched my heart. Please keep us updated with how she gets on with the family. When does she go to the foster home? Or did I read it and not register it as I'm just too excited for this girl right now. I hope this new year will bring her a new beginning that she totally deserves. You are all amazing with the time and dedication you have spent trying to help out this girl. It can't be easy but thank goodness their are some people out there who have restored some of my faith in human kind. I can see that your Jack is definately going to be one of these people.
  9. gosh fingers crossed for this girl. i hope its the right family. do you need any funds if she is adopted? im happy to make a donation as i really want to see this girl with a family who will love her
  10. gosh fingers crossed for this girl. i hope its the right family. do you need any funds if she is adopted? im happy to make a donation as i really want to see this girl with a family who will love her
  11. omg im so happy that he found his forever home. yay what a great end to the year and an even better start to the new year. he has come a long way from queanbeyan
  12. omg ive got tears in my eyes. your lil jack is such a special boy. there needs to be more people like him. i really hope this girl finds a place soon. im keeping my eyes open for anyone here who may be interested. she has so much going for her and she deserves a great home
  13. sadly i believe you are liable regardless if the child enters your property. i remember when i studied law and was told if someone breaks into your place steals your stuff then trips over a hose or something you are liable and they could sue you despite the fact of why they are on your property. stupid i know. i cant believe the parents just letting the kids wander thoufh
  14. ok i have been working on this and my girl has been going well. im wondering how do i teach loose leash walking using this and taking treats gently? she is usually fine however when shes in a new place or so excited it seems like she doesnt have self control.
  15. yeah its the best place ever and tomakin is 24hr leash free plus you can walk the whole way around because when you get to the end and walk round then theres the river. my girl loves it and so do i. i plan one day to have a house there. glen and michelle are lovely too. i accidently met them. they also have a bigger place at tomakin not far from wags called mutleys on deakin. maybe that pl has accomo. its def a home away from home as both places have everything
  16. http://wagsawaypetholidays.com.au/ This is where I stay. Have been there 4 times now and love it. Its about a 5 min walk probably less to the beach and the owners are lovely but I see they are booked out till April. YIKES. I better make my booking for next year already. Or I have to stop advertising them LOL
  17. I don't do flyball but I have seen it at my school. Sasha and I go to CDC. I don't think there is much of a difference. I know that the trainers seem to work at all the clubs in Canberra so I dont' think you can go wrong with either clubs.
  18. Omg i love it lol. i would probably do the same as having four dogs in xmas gear would peak my interest. gorguz pic
  19. This is what happens after a night of very little sleep and no coffee, then trying to multi task by putting up decorations and conducting sit/stay training at the same time....... Lmao omg i love it lol
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