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Everything posted by lilmisssascha83

  1. These are great pics. I just love their eyes. Such beautiful pups
  2. Heh. My two are spoiled, despite Elbie having a permanently anguished expression :laugh: Some new photos ... Hoover with the famous, "award winning" dog toy brought back by OH from Toronto. Neither dog likes it Sway was temporarily out of stock of antlers (which our two LOVE) so I bought some antlers from a different etailer. The dogs hate this antler: Dogs using kitchen table as a crate Can I just say I LOVE your pups. OMG they are just soo darn adorable. Do they go to doggie school?
  3. squeee puppies. I just want to hug them all. oh and Great name "Sasha". Could be though I'm bias cause my rescue girl is called Sasha too heheee
  4. Sorry for your loss. I"m glad your furkid was there for you. They just know don't they.
  5. woe sasha is 22kilos and guesstimate 4 years of lab goodness lol
  6. i agree with this. its the owners who havent done the right thing
  7. yes weston park is fenced for the pups. they also have an area for the big and little dogs. last time i was there the fencing was ok for my lab but she doesnt jump fences or crawls under them but you would want to keep and eye on the pup just in case he finds a place.
  8. thanks for your comments everyone. ill be taking this info to my vet to figure out whats best for my sasha
  9. I will see if I can make it. Sasha has just been diagnosed with arthritis and I have to keep her quiet. Unfortunately when she's with other dogs she wants to go running with them which she isn't allowed to do atm. But I'll see how I go. At this stage though it's unlikely that I'll be able to make this meet with her :-(
  10. Yeah this is the one my vet has recommended for her. Just wanted to see if anyone had feedback on it for me.
  11. Well my beautiful Sasha has just been diagnosed with arthritis and I am looking at ways to make her more comfortable. Her guessimate age was 4, but she's a rescue so not too sure. She is a lab. She will be getting weekly injections from 10 days from now, she's currently on anti-inflamtories and will need to have Sasha's blend added to her food. Is there anyone who has had experience with this before?
  12. OMG this has been the best news all day. I've had a bit of upsetting news about my girl today so this news about Ellie has brightened my day a bit :-). I'm so glad she is home forever
  13. Yeah I think so. I remember when I lost my rough collie. My silky terrier went around the house crying and wouldn't eat. He was getting old too and I think it just stressed him so much. He wouldn't eat at my place at all. And this is a dog who was an over eater if I didn't stop or monitor him. I had to take him to my mum's place for him to eat. He was soo much happier there so he ended up living with her. He was so much happier there. I tried to take him back to my place for a visit but he just became so sad that I couldn't handle seeing him like that. The night before, he slept right next to my girl. Its like he knew but also he didn't. He has now passed but I'll never forget how much he mourned for her.
  14. awww im so proud of you. i am the same. im renting and so i cant foster but man im hopeless id prob end up keeping them all. so instead im trying to help in other ways
  15. I'll check with a group I know and see if they need anything.
  16. lmao omg go ellie lol. i got an email from denise today updating me on ellies progress. it was so lovely to receive the email with a progress repirt. im so glad shes doing so well
  17. or a lab hehee. im sure the lifeguard would love one like my rescue lab who loves the beach hehee and yay gussy im so glad he found his forever home
  18. OH YAY, I'm soo happy to hear that he has possible found his forever home. Its soo nice to hear when things go right for these dogs. He is a special boy and you will always remember me but you took him on and showed him what it was like to be loved and part of a family. He has come such a long way and hey if he does go to the local family you may still see him. At the end of the day I know you will do what's best for him.
  19. I'm glad you took him to a vet otherwise I would have recommended mine LOL. Yeah it's been awful today. I'm freezing and was wearing 3 layers to work today. I feel like it's winter. The wind has been awful though. Hope he is doing ok now. It could be the wind. I swear when it's really windy my girl can't hear me. But then again, I think it's cause she's having a great time running around that she pretends not to hear me LOL.
  20. must not read at work. gah all teary now. thank u for looking after him. reminded me of my kitty who survived and is so precious to me
  21. Yay I"m glad she is thriving and that she isn't being rushed into a home. I'd just hate for her to go to one and then have to be rehomed again. Sounds like working on the walking part is a good thing too. Wish mine wasn't such a puller at times. LOL Also happy to hear she is sleeping indoors and did well with the storm. Such a good girl :-)
  22. oh i know a group ive just started volunteering there but i dont think they would mind more help. should i pm u?
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