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  1. There is a lot to be said for removing the dog from the situation when it behaves in a way you don't like. "Penning" it or somehow isolating it for at least 5 minutes as soon as it displays the unwanted behaviour. A stern 'no' and then no contact for a while every time should bring the desired result (depending on the dog and its tenacity - good luck with a JRT), they will eventually get the idea. Some trainers might say make sure the dog can see you with the other animal while it's being 'punished', but I think that is counterproductive. Thanks for the advice, but it would take quite a lot to scare me off. Though I may be opinionated I find it surprising how people let their dogs walk all over them and their other animals. The human should always have the last say.
  2. Done. Point taken. Benevolent dictator is a good description. It has to be consistent and fair. It should also start as early as possible, even when acquiring an adult rescue. Dogs NEED this to be happy; so do the humans. They really need to know you are top-dog.
  3. And you allow this? This is my first post here and don't want to ruffle any feathers, but this is a very good question.
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