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Everything posted by Norsehaven

  1. Thank You Diaane, for the many chats about the old days and the old dogs, you were one in a million, and I will miss you. You helped everyone regardless of who or what they were. Look forward to meeting up with you again, and carrying on with our chats. R.I.P. Tony my thoughts are with you at this time, A very special lady . Jo
  2. Have had mine for over 30 years, both sizes they made a small one that fits into your pocket, it is good to have at the ring side for a quick brush up, Mind you with GSD they do not take out the dead hair, so use a comb from Englad made by Spratts thats a good one as well Jo
  3. Hi Holly, He gave so much and asked so little in return, take care our thougths are with you Jo
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