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Everything posted by Jessegirl

  1. Molly enjoying her bed. They're great cos you can remove the cover and wash it easily. Love their designs too. My link
  2. If we were to do a treat pouch that could be clipped to the belt would it be best to have it at the front of the belt or would the side be okay? Also what kind of opening do you find is best for easy access to the treats?
  3. Wow! Thanks for all your great feeback. If you would like to send me any pictures or emails then we would be really pleased to hear from you. Just send them through to [email protected] (yes it's us) We are always trying to improve the product and have had lots of requests for a training belt with a bigger pocket so we are currently doing some prototypes. For those of you using your Walkie Belts it's great to hear you like them so much. Thanks again everyone.
  4. Thanks for your response, It's more of a treat pouch training belt that can be used for agility and dog training rather than for attaching the dog to. Thanks
  5. Hi All, We are and Australian company in the process of designing a new belt especially for dog trainers. We would love to hear your ideas about what features we can add to the belt design to make it the most beneficial to you as a dog trainer. My questions are What features would you like to see on the belt that are not currently available to you in the marketplace? How important is it for the belt to look stylish as well as be practical? What would be a reasonable price point for this product? Anything else you think we should consider when designing the product with dog training in mind? Thanks so much for your time and I look forward to reading your responses.
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