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Everything posted by grizabella

  1. I'm super late posting, but here are some shots from Enzi's first birthday party last month. It was a lot of fun! Enzi's cake by Amy Atherton, on Flickr Untitled by Amy Atherton, on Flickr Enzi by Amy Atherton, on Flickr Enzi by Amy Atherton, on Flickr Zombi and Enzi by Amy Atherton, on Flickr Enzi by Amy Atherton, on Flickr Enzi and Zuri by Amy Atherton, on Flickr Enzi by Amy Atherton, on Flickr
  2. Newlife Grooming at O'Halloran Hill is great, and they do a lot of westies. :)
  3. I'm with you on kooikers! Absolutely gorgeous little dogs, but I think I might have to wait until I move to Europe someday.
  4. They're pretty addictive, them leggy, long-nosed hounds!
  5. Bella and I recently moved near to the seaside, and we've been enjoying the close proximity of the beautiful Port Willunga beach. :) Bella's been having a whale of a time, and I'm now looking for a similar beach that offers year-round off-leash access so she has somewhere to play in the sea through the summer. Bella by Amy Atherton, on Flickr Bella by Amy Atherton, on Flickr Bella by Amy Atherton, on Flickr Bella by Amy Atherton, on Flickr Bella by Amy Atherton, on Flickr Bella by Amy Atherton, on Flickr Bella by Amy Atherton, on Flickr Bella by Amy Atherton, on Flickr Bella by Amy Atherton, on Flickr Bella by Amy Atherton, on Flickr
  6. I'd LOVE to have more salukis in my life, and that's almost certainly what my next dog will be. Also at the top of my want list are a race-bred Afghan, a leonberger, a borzoi, a collie rough, a Great Dane,and more unrealistically, a hovawart, a porcelaine, a stabyhoun and a kooikerhondje. I can dream, can't I?
  7. My saluki has been mistaken for an Afghan, which is fair enough I guess. I did have one person ask me very seriously is she was a cross between a greyhound and a shih tzu! Err... no.
  8. Adventurous Enzi is not averse to climbing to the highest point in the chimp house! Enzi by Amy Atherton, on Flickr And makes sure he gets a look in when treats are given out. ;) Zombi and Enzi by Amy Atherton, on Flickr Zombi and Enzi by Amy Atherton, on Flickr
  9. For a borzoi by chance? I've got a few Russian names jotted down for just in case I'm ever blessed with a 'zoi in my life! I particularly like Nika, Anya, Katya, Faina, Sofiya, Itka, Lolya, and Kiska for girls.
  10. So many gorgeous dogs, I have no idea who to gush over first! When did darling Didi grow up? She looks so beautiful!!!
  11. That might be a big ask. Some salukis do compete successful in dog sports in agility though! Bella has a fair recall, but still can go conveniently deaf on occasion.
  12. It seems to be a while since we've had a 'show off your pooches' thread, so I'm starting one now. Add a few photos of your dog/s, maybe a little backstory or a snippet about their personality. I have just the one special canine in my life; saluki girl Bella, who is now five years old. She's a sweet girl if but definitely has some good old saluki attitude! Her hobbies include playing ball, pulling out all the toilet paper, shutting herself in empty rooms in the house (I've had a few near panics as I thought she'd gone missing!), chasing...anyone that moves, and playing the butt-biting game with houndy friends. I hope that in the next couple of years the time will be right for me to bring a second dog into the family, but I feel fortunate indeed to have Bella. Bella by Amy Atherton, on Flickr Bella by Amy Atherton, on Flickr Bella by Amy Atherton, on Flickr
  13. Ooh, you're so lucky! I'd have squealed like an idiot. :p I drove past someone with an Afghan today; if there had been somewhere to pull over I'd have stopped to tell them how much I admired their dog. :D Our local dog park is frequented by a pair of Puli- still young and growing their dreads. I was astounded when I asked what they were, never seen them without the cords and certainly not in public!
  14. Enzi at nine months :) Enzi by Amy Atherton, on Flickr Zombi and Enzi by Amy Atherton, on Flickr Enzi by Amy Atherton, on Flickr Enzi by Amy Atherton, on Flickr Zombi and Enzi by Amy Atherton, on Flickr Zombi and Enzi by Amy Atherton, on Flickr
  15. I appreciate breeder websites that include their feelings on what it is to live with their breed and what sort of home the breed is suited for- without glossing over the potential challenges. Of course, a buyer would do research elsewhere, but I find these first hand accounts to be a lot more useful than breed encyclopedias; at it gives a good show of the breeder's genuine concern for the dogs. I like to see photos of dogs being dogs; show photos are nice, but that's not what the average pet buyer is looking for and does little to show the personalities of the dogs. I don't want so much to hear about big show wins, but do hear about the dogs as individual personalities and as members of the household. I absolutely loved following Starkehre's puppy thread, which was a beautiful show of the dedication and care that good breeders put into their puppies.
  16. That is nothing short of disgusting. I support the end of the greyhound industry, but attacking dog sports that have no wastage and no inherent cruelty is preposterous. What's next, a ban on flyball or agility? I hope common sense will prevail here. It saddens me that no moves can be made for animal welfare without animal rights extremists grabbing it and taking it too far. I'm sick to the back teeth of it.
  17. These are my thoughts. My heart aches for the dogs who will lose their lives over this decision, but the ongoing cycle of breeding and killing simply cannot be allowed to continue.
  18. More Enzi! :) Enzi by Amy Atherton, on Flickr While Gombe tried to groom him, Enzi playfully whacked him over the head! Enzi and Gombe by Amy Atherton, on Flickr Enzi by Amy Atherton, on Flickr Enzi by Amy Atherton, on Flickr
  19. I could ask my friend (who now has two greys and has fostered through GAP for years) if she'd be open to meet with you and your dogs. She'd be able to answer any questions about them as well.
  20. A friend of mine has two little white fluffies with a greyhound and they love each other. Naturally, it would have to be right greyhound, and it would depend on how Andy gets on with bigger dogs. Some greys I know are as chilled out as it is possible to be, but then some individuals have a lot more bounce and might be more full on for a smaller dog. I'd definitely consider the possibility though! Do you know anyone with a grey who you could do a canine meet and greet with?
  21. Perhaps if you are on Facebook, look for breed specific groups- you never know, someone with a passion for the breed might be thrilled to have him stay. Have you tried companies like 'Don't Fret Pet'? I really hope you can find a suitable solution, it's a very unfortunate situation to be in. Even if your breeder cannot take him, she might have some good advice.
  22. Zombi and Enzi by Amy Atherton, on Flickr Zombi and Enzi by Amy Atherton, on Flickr Enzi has been interacting more and more with his big sister, Zuri. Zuri and Enzi by Amy Atherton, on Flickr Zuri and Enzi by Amy Atherton, on Flickr Zuri and Enzi by Amy Atherton, on Flickr Zuri and Enzi by Amy Atherton, on Flickr Zuri and Enzi by Amy Atherton, on Flickr Zuri and Enzi by Amy Atherton, on Flickr
  23. He's quite serious at times nowadays- he really wants that top spot! He has support (Galatea likes him!), but he's yet to convince dominant female Zombi.
  24. He is pretty cute, isn't he? :D I think he looks more like Sandali's side of the family than Zuri did as a baby. He has the family good looks! I love his long side-burns... wonder how long it will take for Zombi to groom them off.
  25. Bella gets her coats from Jawharah- specifically made for the saluki shape. They also do lovely sweaters that aren't on the website. Everything I've had from them is a perfect fit and very high quality, reasonably priced too. http://www.jawharah.wz.cz/wintercoat.html
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