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Everything posted by grizabella

  1. grizabella


    I am so, so sorry. It's not fair that he had so short a life, I can only imagine how devastated and shocked you must be. I am so sorry for you and your family.
  2. I don't see how mentioning the breed is an issue. The problem that was pointed out was that the owner bit off way more than they could chew in taking on two dogs of a powerful breed that the owner didn't do the right thing by. I don't believe the OP was saying that there was anything wrong with the breed, just something wrong with the breed in the hands of someone who is unwilling to raise their dogs correctly.
  3. Wishing you all the best, I hope things will work out with GAP. I have a great friend who fosters, she's had some absolutely gorgeous dogs- including a lovely 'foster failure', who is one of the most laid back dogs I've had the pleasure of meeting.
  4. Yes, the cheque is made out to the club (unless I've been doing it wrong!). Separate forms with one cheque is correct. :)
  5. I believe Bella had a nightmare once, she was whining in her sleep and woke up very distressed. For several weeks afterwards she refused to go in her bed, and would start shaking if I tried to put her on it. I think she had a nightmare which gave her a real fright. It took her a while to not be distressed about going in her own bed.
  6. It's heartbreaking to think how common these sorts of stories must be. When will people learn to take responsibility?
  7. With Salukis, I think temperament depends on the lines you get them from. My girl is great with new people, very friendly and well-mannered, and her sister who I met a couple of times was equally outgoing. My Bella is rather more energetic than her Borzoi friend, as I think would be the case with most Salukis.
  8. Crossing my fingers for dear Ziggy, how awful for you.
  9. I'd love to give the course in Virginia a run with Bella if there's going to be a DOL meetup there. It's a shame that there's nowhere here to do 'proper' lure coursing, it's something that I'd love to do seriously if it were ever possible.
  10. How thrilling, you must be over the moon!!! Congratulations!
  11. Shedding isn't a big factor for me personally when selecting breeds, but as I live with someone who isn't too keen on dog hair around the place it played a part in my choice. While Salukis shed, it's really not too bad, which suits me as they are quite low maintenance grooming-wise. It's a shock to the system when we have dogs of other, more sheddy breeds come over to play- it makes me appreciate how low-shedding Bella really is!
  12. BlackJaq, I do worry about that happening if Bella were ever to end up at the RSPCA, I doubt she'd pass temperament tests as well, as she can be skittish when meeting new people. I'd like to think that RSPCA officers would be given some education with regards to the structure of different breeds. To me your Weim looks stunning, not skinny, just healthy!
  13. Recent-ish pictures of Bella, showing her weight. I think she's about right. Bella by panGH, on Flickr Bella by panGH, on Flickr Arya and Bella by panGH, on Flickr
  14. Thank you for sharing the photos SSM, it's very helpful. I've always thought Bella is quite skinny, as she's always been thinner than any Saluki I've come across (I don't see many here in Adelaide!). From what I've been told, she's just about right though. She's definitely filled out as she's grown up. I think her condition is similar to your foster girl in the second picture. I get a fair few 'don't you feed it?' comments when I take Bella out! I guess people just aren't used to what sighthounds look like.
  15. That's good to hear. :) I don't think I'll be able to make it this weekend, but I'll definitely keep an ear out for when races are on in the future, I reckon Bella would have an absolute ball, anything that involves running is right up her alley. I have a friend with an ex-racing greyhound, might be able to convince them to give it a shot as well. Would I need my own bike? Love all these action shots, it looks so much fun!
  16. I'm very curious about maybe giving this a go. Would a 20-ish kg Saluki be big enough to give it a try?
  17. I love Bella's tail, it is a happy tail. :) A Curled Tail by panGH, on Flickr Bella by panGH, on Flickr LOVE those corgi tales- totally cute!
  18. I don't like really common names, which sounds a bit weird coming from someone whose dog is named Bella, but she came with the name and I never got around to changing it. I like names that are a bit different, I'd like my next Saluki to be called 'Emrys' if its a male. I prefer 'people names' mostly, but there are exceptions.
  19. Love the Easter pictures! Weibritty, Clay is growing so fast, what a good puppy to put up with those ears. :) 12/52 Bella by panGH, on Flickr
  20. I'm rather curious about ball park figures as well, I'm definitely interested in the possibility of moving to the UK at some point. I assume it would at least be a good few thousand? Hope all goes smoothly with your move and you find a great company to fly your boy with. :)
  21. Loving everyone's photos! 11/52 Bella by panGH, on Flickr
  22. Eep! Falling behind! 9/52 Bella by panGH, on Flickr 10/52 Bella by panGH, on Flickr
  23. I've had a lot of improvement with Bella recently. She still reacts to other dogs on walks but has gotten a lot better at bringing her attention back to me when I tell her to 'leave it', and is usually calm after that. I've found that once she's over the initial barking and growling, she's usually either curious about approaching the other dog, or just downright excited, play bowing. She is absolutely fine if she's given the opportunity to meet the dog nicely, but this doesn't happen very often as I don't want her poor social skills to bother other dogs.
  24. I am so very, very sorry to hear that you have lost dear Charlie. Thinking of you all it this terribly sad time. xx
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