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Everything posted by Tralee

  1. :laugh: should have commented in the spirit of the O P ...... I did. We all luv ya pers' "It looks like a bear" I have Polar Bears errhh! Maremma
  2. Should have gone to specsavers. :D :laugh:
  3. Police never entered my property. But they would have to be very foolish to sally the fence with four 50kg Maremma on the other side, particularly as the dogs would expend a lot of energy telling them to push off. Maybe Bruiser should have been more visible. But you could always ask: Is a dog on the property, if nobody hears it bark? :D
  4. Sadly, titre testing is not adequate for my local boarding kennels where I put my dogs from time to time. We have to have a C5 but our vet has moved to tri annual vaccinations. I think its extremely beneficial especially for bitch's.
  5. Its a bit late trying to close the gate after the bull/dog has bolted. Council should have checked the fences as soon as the dog was registered. One day Councils will do the job they're paid for. You're assuming the dog is registered. "Does not have a history with domestic animal services" could mean exactly that. It's not known to DAS because it isn't registered, rather than it isn't known to DAS because it has never attacked anyone before. Seriously, you're kidding. Right??
  6. Very dangerous attitude when people think: 'Always someone else's dog, Not my dog'.
  7. Its a bit late trying to close the gate after the bull/dog has bolted. Council should have checked the fences as soon as the dog was registered. One day Councils will do the job they're paid for.
  8. Dog should be declared dangerous, then it is the owners option whether they want to subject their dog to a life under severe restrictions and the accompanying expense required to comply with the order. Dogs can turn on a sixpence, I've seen it several times at Dog Shows with dogs that normally are confidently given great trust. Its always a very inflammatory issue
  9. The dog can take car of itself, although it might need a dental hygienist.
  10. I won a weekend retreat from a car wash once.
  11. Dogs are allowed in outdoor eating areas if there is a public thouroughfare. There's a fabulous pub in Melbourne that open the courtyard to people and dogs one day a week and make it a special occasion. I would imagine they would have lost their license had it been illegal as it's well publicised and very well attended. That leads me to believe it must be discretionary? It's good fun in summer too. Haha. There are several sidewalk cafes here and dogs are often accompanied by their owners. I know its law because I used to worry about parking my Maremma in a sidewalk cafe in Redcliffe Q. but later found out its legally permitted.
  12. Its good to hear that you and your dog are in positive straights. Keep the info. coming.
  13. Sorry for the short answer but you simply have to make the effort. It doesn't require much. It can be as simple as taking her with you to friends. Formal obedience is highly recommended, practically mandatory. Just a quiet word; you may pay in the long term for not adequately socialising your dog. Regards.
  14. Ignorance is no excuse If you don't know you don't know. if people want you to follow the law then they should probably make it more accessible to you. Not everyone is going to spend their days trawling through legislations and acts to see if what they are doing is lawful or not. I'll make it easy for you, as ignorance really is no excuse. http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_act/caa1998174/ Yeah as I said. I don't have time to sit and read through then memorize the companion animals act. If they want us to obey obscure laws they need to provide signage as I won't be carrying the act around in my pocket. It should be signed. Often used as a legal loophole.
  15. Geez, don't be such a chameleon. There are many more ways to curtail human behaviour other than law and by-laws. Further, it is not possible to have a law for every human behaviour. The Northern Hemishere is much more enlightened because they have more people, more dogs, more experience and more common sense, apparently. Dogs can even be booked on aeroplanes. In many ways, Australia is an anachronistic back water. On the other hand, in many things, we lead the World. Dog business is not one of them.
  16. I worked in a soap factory in Britain.
  17. Someone has to teach the Lawyers. The list of the greatest thinkers who ever lived is predominately made up of teachers. Well since you are a high school teacher and not a law lecturer I think my point still stands It might if your lawyer friends have a Masters in Law.
  18. Someone has to teach the Lawyers. The list of the greatest thinkers who ever lived is predominately made up of teachers.
  19. The Law is like my Job. It interferes with my lifestyle. :laugh: Let's not list all the anachronistic laws that have been repealed because they were proven to be damaging. Divorce, child custody, abortion, homosexuality, need I go on? And they want to call us ignorant. The lack of humility beggars belief really.
  20. I've found out more about the Law since I've had dogs than I ever cared to know.
  21. Gold Giving a lawyer a lesson in law was really quite funny! It can be. We gave the Ranger and the City Council Lawyers a lesson they won't forget. Lawyers are not God and some are not Saints. They also get things wrong, they're not exempt from human failings.
  22. Lets not venture into the ridiculous. I've been in the position where all my dogs were threatened by a rogue Ranger. It is time consuming, expensive and zaps your energy. We won, BTW, but not without keeping our heads and going beyond our obligations and embracing the greater concerns of social justice and the interests of the wider community. Police should be 'au fait' with dogs on premises. The loss of any dog is a tragedy, but I grieve for a complete stranger that was taken so wantonly. I put a young bitch down, unnecessarily as it turns out, on the say so of a Ranger. I'll never do it again, and I'll never forget it. The nonchalant support and the attitude of panache in the rush to support a person with serious responsibility who has IMO overreached their authority rankles my spirit. School children, K - 6, have been inducted on the approach and treatment of dogs, how much more then an adult person and even more a full grown-up, trained and educated to protect our lives, our limbs and our property. To those who are given more, we expect more. I'd expect a burgular to shoot the dog, not a policeman. I'm not buying the bleeding heart, wet blanket advocacy for some nonce who thinks he can go flouncing about in unifrom, brandishing a gun and expecting to be given carte blanche for the indiscriminate use of a weapon which ends in a fatality. Not in my value system, and not in my experience. I've been falsely arrested and charged. Its amazing how quickly the attitude changes when you haul their backsides into court, and pay council to point out their failings. If the local judge allows themselves to have the wool pulled over their eyes the appeal judge is too learned to be fooled by Keystone Cops. Dog ownership, and the "responsible ownership" touted here, requires more than feeding, housing, exercising and caring for their health needs. It demands advocacy against those who encroach on their right to share this planet, and sometimes huge expense, heartache, and exposure through the legal system. They cannot speak for themselves, and many people, like Bruiser's owner, cannot speak for them either. I am obligated to meet social justice issues head on. I don't shirk from this responsibility. Now you know! :)
  23. So you think you can go from the specific back to the general and make the case more explicit. I have a Barrister, I keep her because she takes my instructions and I take her counsel. She doesn't go around in circles and if she did I would find some else.
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