Canine Coach
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Everything posted by Canine Coach
Do you know which Standard won RUBIG and which Toy won Puppy In Group? THANKS!!!!
Thanks for all your comments and suggestions I appreciate the ideas We have had great progress and I feel, well on our way to SUCCESS The 1st steps were to reward the dog, with food, for just sniffing or making ANY contact with the dumbell The next step was to reward the dog with food, for poking/moving shoving the dumbell on the ground The next step, dog, (when hungry and rested/bored),was put on a flat buckle collar and a long lead, (approx 4 meters) 5-10 minutes 2 -3 times a week, the dumbell was brought out and the owner or myself, played with the dumbell, just out of the dog's reach Yesterday, the formally dumbell adversive dog, started barking and straining to get the dumbell, This happened, when we played and rewarded, my own dog, who is VERY motivated to retrieve anything and everything. My own dog was also on lead and kept in sight and just out of reach of the 1st dog) When the adversive dog seemed to be motivated, the dumbell was thrown into his reach At this stage, he is actively grabbing the dumbell from the ground or from my hands, holding it briefly (up to 5 seconds) releasing it to my hands and receiving food reward From the beginning, I always used the word YES, and rewarded instantly when he made contact with the dumbell I agree. It is MUCH MUCH more difficult to deal with, train PEOPLE/HANDLERS, to train/handle/relate with their dogs than to take a dog and train it myself Serious question...What are some of the reasons, people seek free advice and/or pay for lessons and do not listen, fail to take advice or fail to follow reccomendations?
Rally O. Trials February?
Canine Coach replied to Canine Coach's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
There are 2 double Obedience and 2 double Rally Trials at Easter Festival of Obedience April 7/8 at KCC Park There should also be lots of Conformation shows on at that time I do not have the schedules for the Conformation shows The calendar for 2012 is on Dogs Victoria www.dogsvictoria.org.au Hope that helps! -
Rally O. Trials February?
Canine Coach replied to Canine Coach's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Thanks very much, for your reply! I was not aware of the Castle Hill Trial on Jan. 28th I do not think I will be able to get to Sydney for that one Are there any double trials in february or early March? Thanks again!! -
Rally O. Trials February?
Canine Coach replied to Canine Coach's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Thanks so very much for the information I have am now entered in the Jan. 19th and the January 24th RALLY O. Trials in ACT Are there any more other than the 2 I mentioned? Is there anything in March? I would love to meet anyone on the list if they are going to be at the trials on Jan. 19th or 24th I have 2 Standard Poodles and think that RALLY O. will be lots of fun! -
I have 2 Rally O. related questions: 1-am going to be doing some work (dog related), in ACT and in South Australia, in Feb. and early March Does anyone have entry information, including contact details, about any Rally O. Trials that will be held in either location, in Feb. or March? 2-I would be most grateful if someone would be kind enough, to give me a street address for ACTCA Exhibition Park in Canberra (EPIC) I am travelling from interstate My GPS will not work on just the place/name alone Thank You!
I have a new Obedience student She has a large 2 year old, working breed, that is normally, naturally, high in prey drive The dog hgained a CCD and Novice title, gained with minium scores The owners goal is to get a CDX title on the dog In our 1st lesson The dog appeared aversive to the dumbell The owner said she retrieve training by forcing the dog to hold and give a dumbell In the 2 lessons we have had I have asked the owner to say "yes" and immediately reward with food, 1st a sniff then a nose poke, at the dumbell The dog had only mild high food drive By the 2nd lesson the dog was poking the dumbell but made no attempt to chase pick it up or carry it, even when played with/teased The owner has said they FEED the dog BEFORE training and did not follow my instructions NOt to feed the dog ANYTHING for "free" The dog is now poking the dumbell on the ground but sometimes just stands there staring into space until I kick the dumbell with my foot The dog does not respond to a keep away /play drive behavior and does not seem to have high "object possession drive", at least towards the dumbell I am asking for recommendations for a dumbell retrieve program, for this dog
The Poodles and I want to say thank you again, for clear and confident advice I appreciate your knowledgable and helpful comments I learned alot I only wish I could attend one of your 2 day workshops!
We have been seting up Novice and Advanced courses ar Friends of Obedience (FOO) for the past 4 weeks It took us a couple of weeks to get it running smoothly as we are all learning as we go Last week, I and one other volunteer, put 27 people, through an 16 Exercise, Advanced course I am absolutely, totally, ethrilled to have the opportunity, of working with such a diverse group of talented, trainers and handlers, from beginners to very experienced & accomplished dogs and handlers, in this new fun sport! What a privilage ! As far as learning myself, I was on my own, till recently, and had never even SEEN Rally It is amazing, what one can accomplish, when one does not know what one can not do. LOL! Rally is a such fun game to play with your dog! I love, that one can continually encourage and praise I have now taught my dogs, 90% of the exercises, for Novice, Advanced and Excellent, using games and food and verbal and physical praise. The backing exercise, was the most challenging, We are not perfect yet, but we are getting there The people who come to me for Obedience lessons will now benefit, from me being my own, "guinea pig"
Can anyone tell me if there is an RALLY O, AUSTRALIAN, DVD available for sale and if so, where to purchase it I can not download videos or youtube clips on my current computer so I interested in buying a DVD that I can watch at home I have official Rally signs, from USA, Australia and Canada From my perceptual point of view, the signs are identical from all 3 countries The reference numbers for the signs are different As a professional dog trainer and competitor in numerous dog sports, I am enthusiastic and eager to learn more and to get involved in rally myself as well as to offer lessons I still need to claify some things 1-which signs people find most difficult to train and why 2-what are the methods people are finding most effective for training for the difficult signs 3-where does one begin to perform the exercise. Some signs seem to dicate starting a few paces BEFORE the sign, What is the point of view on where to start
Euroa and Cobram names please Thanks!
Does anyone know the names of the Poodles that won Group and Runner Up in Grp. 7 ?
Does anyone have Agility results for Novice and Excellent Agility at Melbourne Royal?
During the 2 days of Obedience Trials, at The Melbourne Royal, in 2011, there was a wide selection of breeds, entered . All had to work, amongst some very tough competition, and extremely difficult conditions . We were outside, with huge numbers of distractions, from the public, , the nearby petting zoos, food stands, noisy amusement rides and in addition, appalling weather, on Sunday Friday, the DOGS were on. It was cold cloudy, noise from kiddie rides and kids enjoying, tantalizing smelling hot dogs, just outside the ring Saturday Oct. 1st when the bitches were on, it rained, quite heavily, most of the day. The rain, was accompanied by occasional hail and ice cold gusty winds Camels geese and ducks were penned up, about 30 meters, from the trial ring MELBOURNE ROYAL OBEDIENCE Results for qualifiers, are as follows: Friday Dogs Sept. 30th 2011 1st Place NOVICE DOG CLASS (C.D.) CH Starus Lust and Lies CCD, POODLE STANDARD, owner Jo Turnley (Sire: Ch. Am.CH Picardy MyMarechal X Dam: CH. Chatian Who's Laughin Now) 1st Place Open Dog Class Dual Ch (o) Rantino ADevl N Disguise Sire Owner German Shepherd Owner Leanne Jones 1st Place Utility (UD) Rantino Adevl In Disguise 1st Place UDX Class Dual CH (O) Khayoz Soul Heir UDX ET Border Collie owner Gordon Parsons Saturday Oct. 1st 2011-10-02 1st Place NOVICE BITCH CLASS (C.D.) CH. Cosalta G'Day Roxy CCD AD JDX ET POODLE STANDARD, Owner Linda Johnson Sire: NZ CH. Graphic Enchantment at Silvista Dam: Somanic Seabreeze 1st OPEN BITCH CLASS (CDX) Dual CH(O.CH.) GiDay Violet Crumble POODLE STANDARD, ADX JDX ET Owner Linda Johnson (Sire: Ch. Am.CH Picardy MyMarechal Dam: Triple CH (O.CH) (T.CH.) G'Day Tasmanian Devil ADX JD ET) UTILITY BITCH CLASS (UD) 1st Place Dual CH(O.CH.) GiDay Violet Crumble ADX JDX ET POODLE STANDARD, Owner Linda Johnson (Sire: Ch. Am.CH Picardy MyMarechal Dam: Triple CH (O.CH) (T.CH.) G'Day Tasmanian Devil ADX JD ET) BEST IN TRIAL/WINNER OF WINNERS Dual CH(O.CH.) GiDay Violet Crumble ADX JDX ET Owner Linda Johnson
Anyone Have A Sydney Royal Catalogue
Canine Coach replied to Dogsfevr's topic in General Dog Discussion
I would be so grateful if someone can give me full class results for each class for STANDARD Poodles for the Sydney Royal and also for the Poodle National and the NSW Poodle Club Champ Show I am not sure if all of the above are available yet? THANKS!!!!