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Everything posted by jojo666

  1. Thankyou to all the helpful people out there, you know who you are.. I feel i don't need to justify myself to all the negative people in this thread.. I am pretty sure you smart people were beginners too and asked stupid questions.. i have researched my breed but nothing told me that the male would be this much of a pain in the butt, he's never acted this way in the past 3 years. I asked a question, and i received great advice.. Thanks for the links, sorry i didn't realize the subject had been posted, I am new to DOL.. Thanks again lovely people!
  2. I am just asking a question, that's what these forums are about aren't they? to get/give advice??
  3. Does first day of blood mean first day? i read 21 days somewhere for mastiffs? is is different for each breed? big or small?
  4. I have found he is more relaxed when in the same room as me, but then she is locked up out the back and scratches/ barks at the back door and sets him off again.. and i am unsettled leaving her out the back in case of rouge dogs that i hear jump fences to get to girls on heat.. I know that her sexy knickers wouldn't work as a chastity belt, just thought a bit of added protection.. What is this implant you can get for him? I had heard giving the girl contraceptive drugs could lead to cancer later on.. I was considering getting ACE for him but went the homeopathic way, to no avail, and being a long weekend, not sure if vet is open (will try to call at 9am) and do they usually just give out sedatives for horny male dogs? Another question.. How often does hear occur?
  5. Thanks everyone, Desexing is not an option as she is only 10 months, I think I'll just have to wait it out.. This is my fifth day of going crazy, so it can't be much longer.. hopefully.. It has been 5 days from hell so far.. Sending him away for a week would be dream. I tried to palm him off to my aunt in the country.. Let him frolic in the fields, burn off a bit of energy.. She didn't want a bar of the big crazy dog.. And a kennel would bring him back a ruined man.. (he's a big sook who can't be away from him Ma and Pa).. He has gone off he's food.. It's as if he wants to eat but he can't get her out of his head.. I think he doesn't even know what's going on.. He's on this love drug.. I've never seen him like this before, he's usually a placid, easy going dog, so I am hoping he settles with age, it would be his first time with this intensive smell going on.. I actually bought a knickers for her, hoping it would work as a chastity belt like contraption, she does look quite cute in her sexy knickers, maybe that's too much of a turn on for him.. LOL Thanks again..
  6. Hi There, First time writer, long time reader... I was wondering if anyone could suggest what to do with a crazy male dog, while our girl is on heat, I have tried separating them, but he just barks constantly, non stop and crying.. (I feel so sorry for the neighbors) He is totally hysterical the time he is awake, very excited, panting like he's been for a long walk.. It's driving me crazy.. Is it just a faze? if so, How long does this last? Do different breeds act differently? Please Help..
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