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Everything posted by Missymoo

  1. My puppy will need to be seen weekly for a bit to get her back into order, I used to see Lyn in Bullen? Desperate for someone good...anyone? Has anyone got anything to say about this fellow, PMs welcome:)
  2. Just wanted to say a HUGE THANKYOU to BBJ who helped me handle my cairns! You rock! I was pretty happy with my results, just dissappointed my puppy bitches back is out and had to be cracked back so she was too sore to move well Bugger. I had a fantastic day catching up and chatting to people I love the royal, its so social!! lol!
  3. sigh, whateves..I cant be bothered.
  4. I too was after just a simple cotton one..I am going to make one myself very soon, nothing fancy, so its wont be too hard..(I can only sew straight lines!! lol) Id suggest just measuring up your crate, buying some material and give it a go!
  5. Awww fantastic YG!! I was wondering how little B was going! Im so pleased for her!! Gorgeous picci too, how CUTE does she look!!! AWWWWWW!
  6. Hi bigD..this is actually called 'linebreeding' and done properly is an accepted method of breeding. Also moving too far away from the standard defeats the purpose of breeding altogether dosnt it? Slavish devotion to the standard is what breeders should be doing imo... I also tend to agree calling another dog ugly is not called for I agree contact breed clubs and there are a couple of Flatcoat breeders here on DOL. Good Luck. :D
  7. I think its a bit hard to compare the USA market/breeders with Australian ones..there are surely different varibles to take into account, ie your $US800 is equal to $AU? I agree with above though, keep it withing what others are being sold for. Good Luck with the litter!!
  8. Can I ask if the temp is so sensitive ould it be wise to introduce this breed into Australia with the BSL stuff?? And you would have to be very very cautious in who you sell to as well....?
  9. Im after the full numbers of the shows for each show please? (all three shows) i cannot remember for the life of me where the heck mine are!!
  10. I dont have it, but had it about 3 weeks before I was ready to go up to the Brisbane Royal...BUT a few exhibitors have recently aquired it and now cannot go to the Melbourne Royal If you know of anyone WITH KC and they are taking the dogs that are not coughing, please please dont let them do it!! they are all exposed!! I have a feeling that quite a few will come down with KC after the Royal has been and gone casue of course there are plenty who this rule does not apply sadly Im so sorry for those who had on FB they are unable to go now
  11. Its a Sin be Sinful Wot a Sin Short Sinner saint or Sinner Shame to Sin Eat My Sin What Shorts
  12. Hi and Welcome I presume your chosen breed is a Westie? We need some pics of course when the new baby arrives
  13. OOh exciting Lyndsay! What stud did you use?! (you can PM answer if youd like )
  14. Getting in now to start as I just had my first mating today and went well, she was bang on and for a maiden bitch did everthing perfectly Due 6/11/2010 - Irish Terriers (Lyndsay)CONFRIMED Due 13/11/2010 -Cairn Terriers (Missymoo)CONFIMED Due 18/11/2010 - Whippets (Whippets) Due 27/11/2010 - Staffords (SBT101)CONFIRMED Due 28/11/2010 - Finnish Lapphunds CONFIRMED Due 29/11/2010 - JRT (Jackofhearts) Bit of a quiet month! lol
  15. I dont undestand why YOU have to pay for the hipscoreing?? Thats rediculous!
  16. well done all winners! Congrats on the Fully Victorian Group 2 line up! lol!! BIS2 Borzoi, BIS3 Puli, BIS4 Pom
  17. ######*****@#*#*#*#*@*@*@*@*#*$*$*&Y I hate computers...ok I am stoopid! Thanks anyway... :/
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