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Everything posted by Missymoo

  1. omg! look at those wee zois!! So cute! Theyre like big ones, but mini!
  2. @ Yarrowfell, OH NO How ouchie Feel better soon! How are all the other litters going? Some great photos too!!! Sorry for all losses
  3. Mine pant for a couple of days after too, don't stress yourself over it too much , so pleased you got some speedo!!
  4. Lol I finished at 1am! Lol tag team SBT!
  5. yep, but its a july litter..lol She whelped last night! lol 5 BIG bubbas!!
  6. Aww Heidly, Im so sorry SBT: Congrats!!
  7. yep, final cound 8, shes content and settled with her babies, I had to bidily take her out this morning for a wee, and bloackade the door so she wouldnt run back in before she wee'd! lol 2 dark girls, 3 red brindle boys Cynda any news????? Why are you teasing your mummy??! Allerziet, Vacc I usually do 9/10 weeks and 16 weeks...and micro at the same time.
  8. Omg Allerzeit! Well we just popped out number 5 here.. Come ON Cynda!!! My girl wasn't due till august! Lol all pups have been HUGE.. She yelped with the last one even can I say again... Maybe one more?
  9. Comeon SBT !! My gal has had 4 now, maybe one more..?I'm pooped been awake 24 hours now... Nothing compared too some in this thread tho ;) at least oh is home tomorrow
  10. Just had a boy pup good weight 215g
  11. Her temp is 36.7...dunno, maybe tonight? I was hoping shed go late and have them on my birthday ;) lol A day after her duedate!
  12. So, I may possibly have the last litter of July...shes been fluffing around for 15 hours now, panting, digging, tearing...then sleeping...I have been up since midnight reading with my eyes occasionaly diffting over to her...looks like another long one tonight, luckily OH is home tomorrow!
  13. wow for a problem that started as a bit of a giggle turned out to be so serious, poor Chase, hes such a tollerant boy for all this to happen, wishing you both the very best xo
  14. he must have a buisness, theres no way one person can clean, feed maintain that many by themselves let alone litters...
  15. OH NO BB!! Im so sorry, did she have a clue she had started labour?? Im so sorry
  16. Ill put down my bet at 10!! lol!
  17. My lot went outside in a pen today for a couple of hours, they too had a nice warm crate as well
  18. omg, scary, glad all are ok (including your OH ;)
  19. Any news Jackofheart?? Geting closer?
  20. Whooo hoo well done Sooz and all!!! Congrats all the winners!!
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