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Everything posted by Missymoo

  1. How did anyone g?! I can't stream on my iPad . Love to watch any clips though :)
  2. Finished at about 2.30 with 6 large pups, 5 boys and a girl..typical when I was desperate for a nice bitch! Lol, I hope she's lovely and gives her own to her brothers!! Lol Mumma dog was wonderful and she is such a fantastic mummy , all I did was watch her then take pup finish drying, weigh, collar and give back to her :). Love it :). All pups are now happily feeding well. Sooo whose next ?;)
  3. Thank you Leanne! Do you know any of the classes or is that pushing the friendship..lol
  4. Terriers: Kerry Blue! Staffy, border terrier and Dandie Dammit, snap Nick, lol
  5. Congrats!! Anyone have group 2 pleassseee?
  6. Go the chi!!! That would be so cool, hasn't happened in a long time??
  7. Yeah - I tried to explain that it takes months of planning to find a nice puppy - but he was just annoyed that no one is answering their phones today.. people like that are just too hard. I would have been tempted to say not everyone opens for Sunday Trading and your pug puppy stock is still in shipment from china. Omg, that's gold!!!
  8. Naw Becks too cute!! We have been stop start since midnight (only first stage). She is sleeping again now...I'm so tired..lol would love a snooze too..lol Nope panting again...hopefully not too much longer :)
  9. I dont understand why you'd keep one with a DQ fualt let alone SHOW it!! Wow, they must have money to burn..
  10. Actually same as yours, she seems bigger and more uncomfortable this time and I don't want to add to it...I will just have to be patient as the X-ray was really only for me I think!! Lol
  11. Fingers crossed Becks...more April puppies YAY!! Friday is the soonest she can begin here...shes a cute little womnbat and her tail never stops wagging. Love it! She sleeps in her whelping area in our room now which she thinks is pretty cool and I can hear her snoring..she sleeps on her back with her fat tum exposed to all!! I cant wait to see what she has...not getting xray now, will just be patiant!
  12. What really makes me mad, is we as breeders always strive to do the right thing by our puppies/breed...but its NEVER the puppy farmers/pet shops that are taken to court and are used and abused by puppy owners..
  13. Group 2: BIG Kerry Blue RUIG: Parsen Russel Terrier
  14. Omg, that's just how my poor import, Skip died..snake took a short cut through his backyard.... They both killed eachother sadly.
  15. Im just curious as to the different costs of pre-whelp xrays... I go to my local with these and I get charges $95 (from memory)
  16. LOL!! Always the foul smelling, icky looking stuff they love..lol I like it cause they cant pick it out and NOT eat the good stuff. My bitch is now BURYing the food she cant fit..or she will vomit it up and bury it..never had this before...shes rather big...Hope to get an xray late next week..
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