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Everything posted by Missymoo

  1. Questain, do they have camping at the venue?
  2. Well I am entered for all three days, but now hubby has been rostered on, so I may give it a miss as I have the three kids and I think it will be too cold and wet...plus it was supposed to be a nice weekend away for me! Lol! Good luck to all!
  3. Except that liver shunts don't often show up on blood results - the liver enzymes can be normal in dogs with liver shunts so often they don't show up until they become more sick with other problems. And it is possible that the dog wasn't showing as obvious signs of spinal pain at the time of the first visit when the OP thought it was the mouth. Snap Stormie!
  4. Ok about the shunt..shunt (of any type) is really tricky to diagnose, and I think your vet was on the ball to transfer your dog and stabilise, otherwise you wouldn't have had a dog to come home too. Vets aren't magicians and they were going on what signs she was presenting with. Being on the specialised diet had kept her ls hunt in check but going off that food her body basically couldn't process all the extra toxins and so she presented with all these aweful signs, also looking like stroke etc... There was no negligence here. You chose to come home, you chose to pay for the operation. You chose to incour those costs so I'm unsure of what you are complaining about with this case? We test pups for shunt with our breed so I am quite aware of symptoms, testing etc.. Again both the tests for shunt are quite specialized (post pradial testing and in high result cases a Dye is ingested and scan taken). It's not a simple run of the mill test. What sort of illnesses did she present with? Aussie terriers are not known to usually have shunts so it may not have even occurred to the vet about this.
  5. Thanks PC!! Anyone have group 2results now;)
  6. Can anyone please scan me a copy of the terrier page pleaasssse? (any day doesn't matter)
  7. Gorgeous, stunning dogs!! Glad she found the right home!
  8. I personally pay the extra $30 or whatever to get them den within 24 hours..for me it's not worth the hastle waiting for weeks and weeks, and in some cases months... Edit for iPad...agh
  9. My Brittany bitch used to com in and check out family...then one day she she decided to kill...one died before I could get her out...now we play it safe and a crate covers my whelping area. See, but no touch.
  10. Cairn Terrier: Unless it has food attatched to it, get the cat to do it...
  11. Omg!! Congrats Caroline and Vali!!! squeeeeee!!!
  12. Oh AWESOME< thanks guys, knew youd come up with some!! LOL! at all of them! GREAT STUFF!
  13. I need a word play on "beagle" or "hound" So far all I have is Don't hound me Legal beagle Yep I suck, calling all dolers for helllpppp!! Please :)
  14. It was just a taster, i havnt given anymore, but I like to see how keen they are, especially when mum is getting out faster and feeds are getting shorter! Lol
  15. I use black hawk, soak it overnight then puree it with some warm water to make a slush :). For the next week or so it's really just tasting of the food, mabe once a day to give them the idea, they are three weeks on Sunday :)
  16. So pups got first taste of food today...lol don't you just love food covered pups!! I think they liked it though...
  17. I think you and your whole family will enjoy and see more without your dog :)
  18. Yup indoors at KCC can get very crowded and agree if you want to chat to breeders etc or get closer to pat etc a pet dog (who I'm sure is gorgeous and fantastic!!) will not be used to the noise and lack of space and other dogs in numerous numbers, may be incomfortable and anxious. But again if he is a pretty chilled out kinda guy/gal they may be fine.
  19. Just swayed a school mother of my sons friend off the labrawhatsit breed, I told her I'd do her up an I for sheet about suitable dogs for her and a questainair to fill out to help match her with one :). Again they were after a hypoallergenic breed....could have been in for a rude shock..
  20. Im impressed she stuffed them all in there! lol!! Nothing from me but to wish you and mumma dog well :)
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