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Everything posted by Pudel

  1. In the little towns around where I live, people sit in their cars with the windows up reading the paper, on Sunny mornings in winter. They generally have a cup of tea or coffee with them, and sometimes even a dog in the car. You will find them there every sunnyish morning during the colder months. These towns have no natural gas, and at $130 for a bottle of gas, that if you are frugal may last 3-4 weeks, they literally cannot afford to run the gas heating unless they have to. A car can be a lovely warm spot to sit, using the passive heat of the sun, on cool days. On hot days they can be deadly.
  2. We had an entire curly coat. He was trained (to a degree) he sat, came when called, dropped, went out when told. He was allowed inside during the day, but most nights slept in a run with a kennel and good size outdoor yard. It was fenced to 9 feet high, with concrete reinforcing. This was a good setup or so we though until a person we knew down the road rang late one night to say our dog had gotten over his back fence and was after his bitch who was in heat. The bitch in question was a Jack Russell, not a good option for a large dog to go over a dog that size. The other thing was in his intent to get to the bitch he climbed over 9 feet of reo, and scratched himself to bits. His wounds healed ok (did not need stitches, but needed to be washed and dressed and he was on antibiotics. We had him desexed and he never went after another bitch on heat. I must admit when he died he was a touch heavy. Not hugely overweight, but with arthritis slowing him down his waist expanded a little. As I have no desire to breed dogs, I would desex any dog we have, when they are fully grown.
  3. OMG that is horrible! That poor horse. Maybe its owner died or something....either way the RSPCA could have helped and 5 days to get out there is ridiculous! Not only ridiculous, but I think they were in breech of the regulations. I believe (at least in Victoria) all animal welfare report,s to an inspector gazetted under the cruelty to animals act, need to be seen within 48 hours. As far as I know RSPCA inspectors (in Victoria) are gazetted under that act. Not sure where you are, but in Victoria the DPI look after farm animals, local councils small animals and the RSPCA the city. Apparently the 48 hours is a policy not a regulation, ant their is one RSPCA Inspector from Ballarat to Shepparton. Always remember you cam also ring your local council (who has a ranger) and dpi (for large animals ) who also have inspectors under the cruelty to animal act.
  4. Words seem inadequate at a time like this. I feel so sorry for your family at the moment. I feel so sorry for you children. I am glad your children were not hurt. I also hope they can soon stop blaming themselves. My thoughts are with you all.
  5. Doubt it - given you're responsible for ensuring her safety, you need to put something in place to stop it happening again I have come up with a few ideas, thinking perspex on the inside. It is of course the window at the front of the house, so am not prepared to board it over. She has access to the house and back yard as she pleases, and she really likes watching what is walking by outside. So I thought if I could rigg perspex, like you hang flyscreens it can be moved and repaired easily for cleaning (that was a joke by the way) and if we ever sell the house. It wont obstruct her view, she will be happy and my cats can still tease her through the window. My poodle is the sweetest natured, but most ditzy dog I have ever met. Her nickname at obedience class was Pogo.
  6. Posts with poor grammar, and, or spelling are harder to read. Personally my grammar is average, but usually my spelling is ok. However a keyboard tends to make a huge difference, how good, my grammar and spelling are. So for all the times my spelling or grammar is woeful I apologise. However there is nothing worse than an advertisement with poor spelling or grammar. We have a family business and, when we advertise, we have proofs to check before the paper goes to print. The first thing I do is check each word is correct and that the address and phone number are right. Then you make sure it makes sense. On another note my father in law is not born in Australia. He learnt English as a second language in Europe. When he moved, permanently, to Australia he worked for a government department. His grammar and spelling were the best in that department, and whenever they sent out press releases or policy, he proof read it all for grammatical and spelling errors.
  7. I am hoping she will learn from her mistake. I said hoping, I don't actually believe that will happen.
  8. Hello.Pudel. Our Pippa dog weighed 34 kgs.and was 20 inches at the shoulder.Small for a wolfhound x.Good luck with your next curly. Yeah we want a dog, as our std poodle is a bitch. Beware though, people will ask if its a labradoodle, poodle or why you permed your lab.
  9. My family owned a curly, he was a great dog. We are looking at getting one ourselves at the moment. Our curly loved a swim, but hated our pool. We used to take him to the local lakes for a paddle. He shed a bit (more than my standard poodle, but less than my mastiff/great dane cross). He was a leaner when he wanted attention. Very loving but happy just to be near, not necessarily on you. He had a great grin. Very gentle. They are a big dog though, our boy was 45kgs. He lived to 14. \ My mother had a curly growing up, loved him to bits and it took her about 30 years to get to the stage she could own another. Both curlies were very special dogs. I cannot wait to own another.
  10. My Standard poodle got excited by the cat in the front yard. She jumped up on the window, broke the glass and wwe had a very quick trip to the vet. Off course it was after hours. She managed to cut her leg. Did not even bother to look at it just saw lots of blood, rang the vet got the after hours number and phoned. Wrapped her leg in a towel (not that she let any one hold it on) and drove her and three kids to the vet. Turns out she had knicked and artery and cut 2 tendons. So now she is cluncking around the house. Somehow we need to keep the splint on for a fortnight. I love my stupid dog, but dont love $600 vet bills.
  11. My husband and I have owned 2 dogs, the first was an abandoned puppy. We knew the mother was a mastiff, as he grew we discovered dad was a Dane. 2 vears after our boy died we got a standard poodle (black female). We came upon her sort of by luck. We had our name down with a breeder here in Vic, but the litter all died. It was going to be a long wait to go with her for her next litter. We had been sans dog for 2 years and were ready for one. So I made some futher inquiries, somehow the secretary of the NSW poodle club rang me to let me know he knew of a breeder in NSW with a female black puppy. We took her she was only $800.00 with papers and all the relevant health checks. She is a great girl. We are currently looking at our next dog. I want a male curly coat. My family had one when I was growing up. I have spoken to a couple of breeders. Strangely though have not mentioned money. I keep forgetting to ask how much they are.
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