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Everything posted by Atanquin

  1. I don't hate them, but I don't really want any myself just don't have that maternal instinct. I find baby's smelly and loud but I would never be rude about sitting next to one :) that's what baby's are and we where ALL like that once. On a long flight I wouldn't mind I have head phones with movies and music plus I never sleep on them as they too uncomfortable. I I did find it to much I would ask nicely to be moved and not make a scene.
  2. wow only dug A hole what a wonderful dog I wish mine had only dug a hole or 2, and no way would I trust him with chooks ( he is a cocker and you can tell he was ment to get birds). Yer you can't help stupid people I hope this dog finds a lovely home.
  3. I know which breeder that is. Yer chocolate cockers are rare
  4. I use natural products for my horses altho I do worm him every season change. I find ACV and garlic keeps the flys and bittig insects away and if I don't give t to him they will annoy the c€#p out of him. I'm looking into natural alternatives for zorro's flea and tick treatment instead of using chemicals. I think I will stick to the worming every 3 months tho as worms are nasty.
  5. I have no problem with well behaved dogs off lead, there is a lovely GR in our street that sits out the front and gently walks over for a pat and if her owner calls she will go to him. But the sad thing is not all dogs are like that. It's the dogs that are allowed to run around the street with no control and get aggressive towards people and other dog that I have a problem with and there are to many dogs in my area like that.
  6. Omg look at those BIG beautiful eyes, she is soooo cute I could just give her a big cuddle!!!
  7. Kirty what a lovely girl you have!!! She looks so happy paddling around :D
  8. By everyone I just thought I should let you know I sent the editor an email (my OH fixes his computers so he knows us wel). I told him about what happened and ask him to put somthing in the next issue about responsible dog ownership and to include the local councils laws regarding off lead/roaming dogs as I felt it was a big concern in our small community and if we are not careful somthing bad could happen like someone getting bitten or a dog being run over by a car.
  9. Oh I big hugs for you!!! I just put down my horse so I know how you feel I just tried my best to make his last days as comfortable as possible. You may just have to keep on doing what your doing now and try different foods. Yoghurt might work just a little bit mix in with maybe some chicken mince? And maybe just give her lots of little bits of food during the day not all at once?
  10. Thanks for a the tips guys I did stomp and tell at the little dogs but it did nothing . Oh well zorro is fine and it hasn't damaged him in anyway he still loves other dogs just not nasty ones lol. Im writing a letter to the editor today about it so hopefully they will put somthing in there.
  11. okay im sick of it me and Zorro have been rushed at barked and growled at by 2 little JRT crosses, i yelled at the lady from the other side of the street to get her dogs away from me she finally did, mean while Zorro has his tail tucked and is shaking, once the dogs where away i had to pick him up and he wouldn't move poor thing, it annoys me so much!!! i could ring the council every day with a new report of this happening from different dogs. so i thought to my self i should write an article and put it in the local news paper, its free and everyone reads it so maybe some people might read it and get the idea. but i have no idea where to begin does anyone have some suggestions or other articles i could base it off i have the councils website with the local dog laws on it which i would need to include. or maybe i should just write to the editor and ask him to do an article about it.
  12. I put a bit of water in the bath just enought to wet his paw and I played with him he has his rubber ducky which he chewed and chased in the tub. And all I did was pour water on him as he played so hey thought it was a game and now he is a ANGEL to bath boy noise nothing. And as he got older less play and more rewards for good behaviour :)
  13. I was always told she was a English cocker spaniel Hummmm
  14. Do not get a cocker spaniel if you want a dog to leave outside as a garden ornament, don't get a cocker if you are lazy they need brushing and plenty of exercise.
  15. Nope no dogs allowed on the cream leather sofa.......... It's not what you think I swear.,...
  16. Love it!!! I would also like to add sorry to the pit bulls for all the idiot owners you attract, that give you the bad rep. Like the one down our street.
  17. I'm sorry about your Dog getting hurt but I'm sorry to say I don't think the other dog was to blame in this situation. Your dog was off lead an NOT under affective control, your dog also ran up and barked at the on lead dog aggravating him. As to the lead breaking that is unfortunate but it can happen from the lead being worn out to it having a fault, we had a strong leather lead for our GSD and it snapped due to a fault. Hope your dog has a speedy recovery.
  18. Well haven't brought one just yet OH says we need a large and I say a medium ( for a cocker spaniel) men!!! everything has to be big because it's better
  19. This is great my OH is ordering right now LOL it's great because when we get our own place we can take it with us and we won't have to cut a hole in the door for the dogs door. Glad to hear it works well for you puddle duck!!
  20. http://www.patiolink.com.au/ im so getting one for zorro i would love to kiss the person who thought of this
  21. Omg GSD puppies ahhhhhh too cute I'm going to pop!!
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